Perfect Feast

Chapter 552: Very inconvenient


Zhao Guodong said angrily: "Then listen to the doctor and let's talk outside!"

Liu Yang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the two of them going out. At first he pretended to be asleep, but then he fell asleep in a daze. When she opened her eyes, she saw that only Zhang Hui was beside her. She looked at her watch and found that it was already 12 o'clock at night.

Seeing Liu Yang waking up, Zhang Hui couldn't help but smile and asked: "Are you awake? Are you hungry? I made soup for you in the hotel. I'll let you cook it and drink some..."

"Where's eldest brother? You didn't start a fight, did you?" Liu Yang still remembered this matter in his mind. He didn't see Zhao Guodong and thought it was Zhang Hui who pissed him off.

"He went to the hotel to sleep. A grown man wouldn't know how to take care of people if he stayed here." Zhang Hui said, carefully helping Liu Yang sit up, ordering a pillow for him in the back, and helping him to lean back. Then he went to the table and brought a thermos bucket over, opened the lid, scooped out the soup with a small spoon and fed it to Liu Yang.

While feeding the soup, Zhang Hui said: "When you fell asleep just now, your secretary-general came over. He is a very good person, and everything he was told was done properly..."

These words almost made Liu Yang sweat break out on his forehead again. The main reason is that Pei Wenjie is too young and too beautiful. Zhang Hui is not complimenting her, she is clearly jealous.

Liu Yang clearly heard the sourness in Zhang Hui's words, but pretended not to hear anything and asked softly: "Did she say something?"

"As I said, those cadres who went to toast with the man who shot the gun are all squatting in the procuratorate now. You were injured, and there was no person in charge at the Public Security Bureau who could pick you up, so Pei Wenjie took them all Sent to the procuratorate..."

"Sent to the procuratorate? Why?" Liu Yang asked, and in a flash, he understood the reason. He couldn't help but said angrily: "How is this Pei Wenjie doing things? Isn't this nonsense? Those people are nothing like that. I just happened to go over and have a toast, how could he be Cong Wanqing’s accomplice? Take my cell phone, I’ll make a call right away and ask her to let everyone go... "

Zhang Hui said reluctantly: "Let them go? Why? Even if they are not accomplices, they can be regarded as accomplices. How can they be let go? At the beginning, they were caught in the military camp, but now they have been transferred to the procuratorate. It’s already an advantage for them.”

Liu Yang shook his head slightly and said, "Is it your idea?"

Thinking about it, Zhang Hui must have given the "order" to Pei Wenjie after she fell into a coma. Pei Wenjie also felt that Zhang Hui was Zhang Hui's daughter and his relative, so he did what she said. .

Zhang Huihun said nonchalantly: "Well, it was my idea. What's the matter? Those people all look like they are not good people. They should be arrested and interrogated first. If there are no problems, then let them go."

"No... you don't understand. Doing this will put everyone in Binhai City's official circles in danger, saying that I am indiscriminately incriminating... Forget it, you should give me your mobile phone and I will call Pei Wenjie..." Liu Yang said Reaching out, Zhang Hui reluctantly put down the thermos bucket and walked to the sofa on the side to get Liu Yang's handbag.

After entering the hospital, Liu Yang's shirt was cut off by the doctor with scissors, but his pants were taken off, but there were blood stains on them, so Zhang Hui threw them away. She took out the contents of her pocket and put them in Liu Yang's handbag.

Liu Yang is now wearing a hospital gown. He will just wait until he is discharged from the hospital to buy some clothes and come back.

Zhang Hui took the phone out of his handbag and muttered: "I don't even know what time it is. Is it appropriate to call someone? If you torment yourself like this, the wound won't hurt anymore?"

Listening to her words, Liu Yang couldn't help but curled his lips and thought to himself, you are not afraid of my wounds hurting me when I talk to you. Why do you remind me when I call someone

It would be false to say that the wound does not hurt, but it may be that the sling bottle Liu Yang was given contains analgesic medicine, or it may be that the doctor took other measures at the wound. Anyway, the pain is always there, but it can make people feel painless. Can't bear it.

Liu Yang took the phone and said, "Don't worry, I'll just say a few words to her and explain the matter clearly..."

Zhang Hui's face turned red, and then she darkened her face and whispered: "Why should I be worried? Some people should be worried... By the way, I forgot to tell you, we are afraid that Zhao Jingjing will be worried , no one told her about you..."

Liu Yang nodded after hearing this, thinking that this was not a bad idea. Seeing that it was impossible for Zhang Hui to return to the provincial capital, it would be fine if Zhao Jingjing didn't come. Out of sight, out of mind!

Liu Yang operated the phone with one hand, and then he discovered the disadvantages of smartphones. With the original phone, whether it was Motorola or Nokia, he could call up the phone number by just pressing the menu, but this was not the case with smartphones. He couldn't use his right hand, so he had to swipe several times just to unlock it with his left hand. The lock screen opened, and then he had to press it several times, flipping pages and searching for names. After a long time of work, he finally found Pei Wenjie's number, pressed the transmit button and made the call. The sweat on Liu Yang's forehead All came down.

"Look at you like this, you still want to drive me away. Can you do it without no one to take care of you?" Zhang Hui said while taking another towel to wipe Liu Yang's sweat. In fact, she got close to Liu Yang and pressed it The cell phone on my ear listened to Pei Wenjie's voice.

Fortunately, the other person called Liu Shuji. It seemed that the two people did not have any special relationship.

Liu Yang didn't know that Zhang Hui still had this idea. After hearing Pei Wenjie's voice, he said: "Secretary-General Pei, are those people who went to toast with Cong Wanqing still in the procuratorate? I don't think there is any need for review, right?" Just say hello to the procuratorate and let them go if there are no problems..."

He said it politely, but in fact, making this call to Pei Wenjie at this time was to ask her to tell the prosecutor's office to release her immediately.

He just got together with Cong Wanqing to toast him a glass of wine. Just because of this, what's the deal with having someone squat in the procuratorate all night

Those who understood the situation knew that they had been shot and were unconscious at that time, so it was impossible to do this. Those who didn’t know, thought it was arranged by themselves.

If the news spreads out, how will others see me as the deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee

Just because he was shot, will he expand indefinitely and be killed? Even if Lian is killed, he can only kill Lian Cong Wanqing's family. What does it have to do with those people? Besides, Fairy's era is no longer the era of the Nine Clan Zhulian. Even Cong Wanqing's family members cannot take out their grievances on others.

"I know Secretary Liu... But..." As he said that, Pei Wenjie still thought about how to use the right words. There was a hint of laughter in his tone. He paused for a moment before continuing: "But, Not long after he was sent to the procuratorate, Feng Jinrong explained some issues... "

"What? What did you say?" After hearing Pei Wenjie's words, Liu Yang couldn't help but be stunned.

How could it be like this? Isn't this a bit of a trick? Feng Jinrong actually took the initiative to confess his corruption and bribery and made a mockery of the criminal law. After some people give money, they can get a lighter sentence, and those who should be sentenced to jail can be given a suspended sentence...

No wonder people now say that as long as they are officials, they can be pulled over and shot directly without asking any questions. No one is unjustly accused.

Is the current officialdom really so corrupt

Is this Feng Jinrong mentally ill? He was at the scene at the time. He should know very well why he was arrested? Why did he take the initiative to confess his corruption and bribery after entering the procuratorate

The procuratorate at the same level tries the president of the court at the same level? A corrupt criminal emerged from Sea Cucumber. Is this a miracle

Thinking about it, Liu Yang didn't know what to say. After being stunned for a long time, he asked: "Does anyone else have any questions?" It couldn't be possible. Everyone would be so honest after entering, right

If that were the case, it would really be big news. In this way, it would be difficult to even think about becoming famous.

Pei Wenjie clearly knew what he was worried about, and immediately replied: "No, everyone else is going to die. He said that he drank Cong Wanqing because he happened to have a few drinks together after a meeting. No one knows how dare he Shooting at the municipal party committee secretary..."

Liu Yang said: "Well, if that's the case, except for Feng Jinrong, everyone else should be released. Don't let your family worry too..."

Damn it, the more I want stability now, who knew something like this would happen in my life. If the president of the court, the deputy secretary of the political and legal committee and others are put in charge, Binhai City will really have no good people in Hongdong County.

Seeing him put down the phone, Zhang Hui brought the thermos bucket over again. Liu Yang quickly shook his head and said: "No more drinking... Sister, you should go back to the hotel to rest. Just come back tomorrow. You can't rest well in a place like this. Besides, I don't need anyone here at night... "

Zhang Hui shook his head without thinking and said: "This can't be done. I just told the nurse that I will take care of her here. I sent the nurse away. What will happen if I leave now?" What's going on? It's okay. Don't worry. There is a sofa for three people outside. It is wide enough to be used as a bed. I can just lie down on the sofa and sleep in a while... "

"'d better go back..." Liu Yang looked at Zhang Hui with a bitter and embarrassed face, and his face turned red.

"What's the matter with you? Didn't I tell you that I won't leave? What's the matter with you? You're even blushing. Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere? Do you want me to take the doctor in your arms?" He looked at him a little confused. Looking uneasy, Zhang Hui suddenly felt excited.

Liu Yang shook his head and said: "No... really no need. Don't look at me like that... Actually... I just want to go to the toilet. It's inconvenient for you to be here..."

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