Perfect Feast

Chapter 557: shut up


Is this Taotao? Pei Wenjie silently looked at the pretty girl in front of her with long hair shawl, bright eyes, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Please come back. Secretary Liu has already said that he will not accept interviews from anyone. If you need anything, you can contact the Binhai City Propaganda Department..." This is another beautiful woman, elegant and elegant, with a... A pair of large glasses with white frames.

What a good girl. Such a girl should quietly do literary work in an air-conditioned office, instead of being a hot-tempered reporter.

"Liu Shuji is currently in the hospital for treatment and is not suitable for interviews. You should go back..." Others can be on CCTV News, which is an opportunity that they can't even ask for. But Pei Wenjie knew very well in her heart that regardless of whether she was a reporter from CCTV, if she dared not listen to dissuasion and entered the door behind her, she would be the only unlucky girl.

Neither Secretary Liu nor the person next to him can be offended by this girl.

"Secretary-General Pei, as the Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee, everyone is now saying that Liu Yang, Deputy Secretary of the Binhai Municipal Party Committee, is so happy that he is a cadre who came up on a rocket. What do you think?" Taotao raised her eyebrows and went straight to the topic. .

Since you won't let me go in to interview Liu Yang, then I will interview you.

"He is my leader. Comrade reporter, you also have a leader at CCTV, right? If I ask you what you think of the director of CCTV, how do you think you can answer this question?" Pei Wenjie replied coldly.

"Oh? I understand. When you say this, do you mean that even if you agree with the question I just asked, because he is your leader, you will not say that even if you think so in your heart. Really?" Taotao suddenly smiled, her towering chest trembling, which showed her current anger.

CCTV reporters have never been stopped from entering the Great Hall of the People for interviews. Unexpectedly, in my hometown, this small coastal city, I would actually hit a wall one after another.

As she spoke, Taotao's big eyes full of meaning stared directly at Pei Wenjie through the lenses. It was as if he wanted to see through her heart and see what she was thinking.

"Reporter Taotao, I don't know if this is the habit of all of you reporters, or is this just your interview style? You can write a very gorgeous article just by relying on your own arbitrariness and guessing. Come on?" Pei Wenjie was a little angry at this time.

Pei Wenjie said in her heart that she wouldn't let you interview Liu Yang. It was me who was taking the bullet for you. I didn't expect your intentions to be so sinister

No matter how I answer your question, you can make up a piece of text that suits your needs based on your own imagination. This is more appropriately called writing a novel than an interview.

"I'm sorry, Secretary-General Pei, I don't mean to make things difficult for you. I just want to ask your leader a few simple questions. Can you accept my interview? It should be the young man inside who makes the decision. If you don't go in, Rejecting the request directly does not seem to be consistent with the status of a subordinate...

Hearing what she said, Pei Wenjie also smiled: "You have been hinting at me since you stood here. Don't you just hope that I can let you in? The reason why I don't let you in is because the leader ordered me to do this. You'd better take back those thoughts. Besides, even if I make a mistake, I don't need you to remind me."

"Is your leader really afraid to accept my interview? Secretary-General Pei, by doing this, are you implying to me that the rumors on the street are true?" As she spoke, Taotao's towering chest once again She was shaking violently, indicating that her emotions were now in a state of ups and downs.

"I'm sorry, comrade reporter. First, I didn't hint you anything. Second, I have told you that if you want to interview in Binhai City, please go through the Binhai City Propaganda Department. Third, as a person, I , I have not agreed to be interviewed by you, so please turn off the recorder in your pocket!"

Having said this, Pei Wenjie exhaled, and then said to Taotao seriously: "I hope you understand that as a government official, I am organized and disciplined. If you want to interview me, you must go through the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee With the approval of , safeguard my own interests..."

"You..." At this time, Taotao was really angry. Since joining CCTV, she has encountered farmers who were very disrespectful to her. She has never seen a cadre who dared to talk to her like this.

At this moment, the door of the ward was opened from the inside, and Xiaomei's charming face leaked out: "Secretary-General Pei, the chief asked this reporter to come in..."

"Oh... Okay, I understand..." Pei Wenjie couldn't help being stunned, thinking to herself, didn't Liu Yang say he wouldn't accept interviews from reporters? Why have you changed your mind now? Then what was the reason why I was quarreling with her for so long just now

"Secretary-General Pei, can I go in now?" Taotao looked at Pei Wenjie as if demonstrating, her eyes full of pride.

Humph, as a little secretary-general, what qualifications do you have to make decisions for the leader? You have long hair but short knowledge. You don’t know the energy of CCTV reporters. Secretary Liu in the room must know it. There may be many farmers and migrant workers who dare to offend CCTV reporters, but I have never seen any officials who dare to offend CCTV reporters...

Seeing her provocative eyes, Pei Wenjie remained unmoved and just made a gesture of invitation.

I serve the leader. If the leader asks me to block you, then I must block you. If your boss wants to see you, it doesn't matter if you don't want to go there.

I am always following the instructions of my leader. What do you have to be proud of

Taotao walked into the room, and Xiaomei, who was standing by the door, kept looking at her coldly. Just when half of Taotao's body had just crossed the door frame, Xiaomei suddenly stretched out her hand, caught her neck with one hand, and touched her pocket with the other.

This scene shocked not only Taotao, but also Pei Wenjie, who was standing in the corridor outside the door.

"Ahem... what are you doing?" The force from Xiaomei's hand made Taotao pale in shock. She was surprised to find that the five slender fingers stuck around her neck actually contained steel-like power.

She had no doubt that as long as this beautiful girl wanted to, she could squeeze her throat out in any minute.

After finding the voice recorder from Taotao's pocket, Xiaomei stuck her throat, thrust her into the house, and threw her to the ground. "Mr. Zhao, the people were brought in and the things were found..."

Zhao Jingjing snorted angrily and said: "Ask which group she is from. How courageous is she to come here to cause trouble? Call Ye Xianxian and ask her how she manages it? Otherwise, just give her a call Zhao Guoqiang said, I think CCTV should rectify it..."

Ye Xianxian is the deputy director of the News Program Center of CCTV. She is in charge of the news reporters and is considered Taotao's ultimate boss.

Of course, Ye Xianxian's level is only a senior level. There are many people with higher levels than her in CCTV, but those big leaders, Taotao, can't talk to them.

Even Ye Xianxian was a supreme being in her eyes, and she couldn't see her just by meeting her. But at least Taotao knew who Ye Xianxian was.

As for the Zhao Guoqiang that Zhao Jingjing was talking about, Taotao really didn't know who he was. But it can be heard from the mouth of the person who just spoke. If Ye Xianxian can't control it, this Zhao Guoqiang may intervene.

If you put it this way, it is obvious that this Zhao Guoqiang is a more powerful existence than Ye Xianxian. Then... what level of cadre should it be

In fact, how did she know that Zhao Guoqiang's level was not high, he was just a deputy director, but the deputy director's gold content was relatively high.

Zhao Guoqiang works in the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and his work is in charge of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television. CCTV is just a department under the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television. Taotao and Zhao Guoqiang are like one standing on the top of the pyramid, and the other standing in the grass at the bottom.

Liu Yang was recuperating in the hospital, and a reporter from CCTV actually appeared at the door. He was aggressive, chattering, and refused to let in for interviews, as if he had made a big mistake.

Zhao Jingjing was also furious, so she called Ye Xianxian and Zhao Guoqiang to discuss the matter. Now she didn't think that she was using Ye Xianxian and Zhao Guoqiang to deal with a young reporter. This was simply killing a chicken with a knife.

Your CCTV reporters are so awesome, right? I want to see if there is anyone in this world who can control you. If Ye Xianxian and Zhao Guoqiang can't control you, then I will search higher up, even if I find Prime Minister Meng Xianghua and Chairman Long Bangjie.

How dare you disturb my husband's medical treatment. If I don't kill you, I'm not done yet...

"Who are you? You can't do this to me. I'm a CCTV reporter, I have the right to interview... You are breaking the law, you are committing a crime..." Taotao sat on the ground, coughing violently for a while, and then gasped. He took a deep breath and said loudly to Zhao Jingjing.

Zhao Jingjing stared at Taotao coldly and said coldly: "You still dare to scream again. Even if I violate the law, I will make you shut up forever. Do you believe it?"

While she was talking, Xiaomei had already taken out a pistol. With a click, the bullet was loaded, and the black muzzle of the gun was pressed against Taotao's forehead.

"Ah... uh..." Taotao didn't expect that this girl actually had a gun. She screamed in fright. Thinking of what Zhao Jingjing said just now, she quickly reached out and covered her red lips.

"Very good, now we can talk..." Seeing Taotao like this, Zhao Jingjing smiled rarely and gently sat on the sofa: "Tell me, which group are you in? Your superior leader who is it?"