Perfect Feast

Chapter 567: No better than not knowing


Facing Liu Yang's awl-like eyes, Li Yibin coughed and said: "I believe that everyone here has the determination that Liu Shuji just mentioned. Otherwise, we are not worthy of sitting here. But just now, I have already said that the work in Binhai City is complicated now, and there are many places that need to spend money. The road must be walked step by step, and the food must be eaten bite by bite. For many things, haste makes waste, and we still need a little. A little solution…”

When Li Yibin said this, he was obviously trying to evade it.

He just said that he had just arrived and was not very familiar with many situations. Many things would not work if they were not solved, but solving them would require a lot of expenses. Now he said, "The road must be walked step by step, and the meal must be eaten one bite at a time." Not only did it reveal that he had no ideas for solving problems, but it also seemed to reveal that he had little courage in doing things.

On this point, compared with Liu Yang, he immediately stands out. No matter what method Liu Yang wants to use, at the very least, others dare to think and do it. You may say that they dare to brag, but they dare to say it anyway.

You don’t even dare to say anything, what else can you expect

Listening to his words, Jiang Runguo sighed in his heart again. Just now he was thinking about cooperating with Li Yibin, but now he has given up. Despite the righteousness on his face when he spoke just now, this person is actually strong on the outside but capable on the inside. Based on this alone, we can know that this person will not be able to achieve anything big in Binhai City in the future.

After Li Yibin spoke, Song Jinkun also spoke. Now his status seems to be second only to Liu Yang and Li Yibin. According to the ranking of the Standing Committee, it is his turn to speak. In addition, what Liu Yang was talking about just now was about economic construction. As the executive deputy mayor, he has more say.

"Yes, there are many difficulties before us now. A motor factory has spent six to seven billion, and it is still losing money, with no improvement in sight. The income of more than 10,000 employees of Dahua Textile Group has now been It is lower than the city's minimum security line. It is said that the current job rotation mechanism cannot be maintained. The minds of these employees are very unstable. They usually petition constantly, and a spark can cause chaos. No one is a stepmother, so why should they have it? Enterprises can have food, but these people can only starve? If these problems are not solved, big troubles will occur. Rather than wait and see and discuss, it is better to say that we are afraid of difficulties and dare not touch this problem. I I think what Liu Shuji just said makes sense. Now is the time for us to make up our mind..."

What he said seemed to be matter-of-fact. In fact, it was a clear-cut refutation of Li Yibin and a strong support for Liu Yang.

Next, Zhu Jianjun and Sun Qingyun also spoke, expressing their determination.

One of them is the head of the Organization Department and the other is the secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission. Their daily work has little to do with economic development, so they don't have any burden to speak at this time. Liu Shuji wants to see if everyone is determined and confident, then he can just follow Liu Shuji's instructions. Anyway, if the time comes, he will take advantage of it, but if not, it won't be his turn to take responsibility.

Binhai City currently has nine members of the Standing Committee: Liu Yang, Li Yibin, Song Jinkun, Zhu Jianjun, Sun Qingyun, Jiang Runguo, Yu Changxin, Zhao Gongsen, and Pei Wenjie. Except for Jiang Runguo, Yu Changxin, and Zhao Gongsen who did not speak, Li Yibin discovered that Song Jinkun, Zhu Jianjun, Sun Qingyun, and Pei Wenjie all supported Liu Yang.

Jiang Runguo knew that no matter how much he relied on Liu Yang, he could not rely on him. Speaking in support of him would only make people laugh. But he really didn't think highly of Li Yibin, so he simply didn't say anything.

As the commander of the military division, Zhao Gongsen has never participated in the discussion of local affairs. At this time, he was still just sitting there smoking, as if he had not heard what everyone said just now. His participation in the Standing Committee gave the impression that he was just showing off.

Yu Changxin felt conflicted at this time and wanted to support Liu Yang, but when Jiang Runguo didn't speak, he felt a little embarrassed.

With such hesitation, he no longer had the chance to speak. In fact, Liu Yang held this meeting today not to force everyone to take a stand. This was not his original intention. The purpose of his convening of the Standing Committee today is to unify our thinking and inspire motivation.

Therefore, seeing more than half of the Standing Committee members speaking in support of his proposal, he felt that his goal had been achieved today. Even though Zhao Gongsen didn't speak, Liu Yang knew that he would never oppose him. If I have die-hard fans on the Standing Committee now, they must be Pei Wenjie and Zhao Gongsen.

Further down the row, it may be Zhu Jianjun's turn. As for Song Jinkun, she is still in the investigation stage, and no matter how Sun Qingyun performs, it is okay to cooperate in work, but Liu Yang will never introduce her as one of his.

As for Yu Changxin, whether he can support himself or not, although he is also a member of the Standing Committee, his position is only the district party secretary of Shizhong District, so his weight is still slightly lighter.

Jiang Runguo? Haha, I took down the secretary-general of the municipal party committee. It would be strange if he didn't have any resentment in his heart.

I have already communicated with Xu Zonglin about the candidate for the director of the Public Security Bureau, and plan to transfer Cui Kai. In two days, I will send a deputy minister to Jiang Runguo's Propaganda Department, and he will stay in the position of minister honestly. Unless he has the ability to transfer himself, otherwise, he will have to sit on the bench in Binhai City.

Next, Liu Yang continued to encourage: "The waves are sweeping the sand, and those who can sit here for the meeting now are all outstanding and tested cadres. It can be seen from everyone's speeches that everyone is still passionate and willing to contribute to the development and development of Binhai City. Take off and make certain contributions. As long as we have this enthusiasm, we will definitely be able to achieve our goals. Three cobblers can be as good as Zhuge Liang, and we people are not just doing it. I don’t believe that we can pool our wisdom and unite as one. Can’t find a solution to the problem…”

What a unit or a collective fears most is a mess. If you want everyone to work together as a team and work together, nothing will be impossible.

Therefore, Liu Yang did not talk about specific matters today, but just acted as a "people's teacher". However, the target of his education is not the primary school students sitting in the classroom, but the various standing committee members of the Binhai Municipal Party Committee.

Perhaps, today's meeting will not have any real effect, but Liu Yang firmly believes that as long as he perseveres and talks the same old words, he will eventually instill his will into it.

Only when we are truly unified ideologically can the Binhai City team as a collective be able to fight effectively.

Of course, Liu Yang was not naive enough to think that everyone would be moved by him. A great man once said, "If there is no party outside the party, there will be imperial ideas; if there is no faction within the party, there will be all kinds of strange things." This sentence is reality, and it is also the helpless voice of a great man facing reality. Liu Yang is not arrogant enough to think that he can Zhao Yue, the great man, cancel this situation and bring Binhai City to the point where only one voice exists.

However, as long as I am in Binhai City for one day, my voice must be the loudest, and that is enough.

To encourage people, you don't just shout a few slogans. You have to make people see hope. Therefore, in the following time, Liu Yang spent a lot of time, talking about the primary industry all the way to the tertiary industry, using a large number of facts and examples to illustrate that the current situation of Binhai City is not hopeless, but has great potential.

“In the first half of 2012, Binhai City achieved an added value of agriculture of 2.263 billion yuan, an increase of 1.8%; an added value of forestry of 22 million yuan, a decrease of 1.1%; an added value of animal husbandry of 1.384 billion yuan, an increase of 5.1%; and an added value of fishery of 6.312 billion yuan, An increase of 6.2%; the added value of the agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery service industry was 158 million yuan, an increase of 8.2%. The total fruit output was 440,600 tons, an increase of 8.0%. The total meat output was 85,700 tons, an increase of 2.8%, of which pork was 54,100 tons, an increase of 9.1%. %; the total output of poultry and eggs was 79,600 tons, an increase of 16.1%."

"The total output of aquatic products is 1.2434 million tons, an increase of 5%. The aquaculture area is 70,400 hectares, an increase of 8%, and the aquaculture output is 810,100 tons, an increase of 9.8%. The number of leading agricultural industrialization enterprises above designated size in the city has grown to 267. Among them, the agricultural industry There are 8 key national leading enterprises in industrialization; 8 newly recognized key leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization at the provincial level, bringing the total number to 46; 24 newly recognized key leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization at the municipal level, bringing the total number to 162. Newly registered professional farmer cooperatives 211, with a total of 1,291, 71,900 cooperative members, and 171,800 farmers. As the primary industry, agriculture, forestry, and fishery have a good foundation. Why don’t we have confidence?"

Liu Yang smiled and finally laid his eyes on Li Yibin's face.

Li Yibin could only nodded slightly, wondering how this guy's brain grew. How could he remember these boring data

Then, Liu Yang went on to talk about various aspects such as industry, retail, tourism, service industry, etc., all of which were full of convincing data.

However, when it comes to exporting and attracting foreign investment, Liu Yang's application turned serious.

"Looking at the main trade markets, our city's enterprises have trade relationships with 186 countries and regions. Among them, the trade volume with South Korea was US$5.28 billion, down 5.5%, accounting for 30.9% of the city; the EU was US$2.08 billion, down 9.5%. Accounting for 12.1% of the city; Japan was US$2.07 billion, an increase of 14.4%, accounting for 12.1% of the city; the United States was US$1.68 billion, a decrease of 1.3%, accounting for 9.8% of the city. In terms of export commodities, exports of mechanical and electrical products were US$4.82 billion, a decrease of 6.3% %, accounting for 45.2% of the city; textile and clothing exports were US$1.85 billion, down 3.7%, accounting for 17.4% of the city... "

At this moment, facing Liu Yang who was talking eloquently, Li Yibin felt quite emotional. This young man who has never been taken seriously by himself is indeed doing better than himself now.

This cannot be said to be because he came more than a week before him. During this more than a week, Liu Yang spent most of his time in the hospital. The total time he actually worked in the office did not exceed three days.

But just like that, he has the entire Binhai City in his mind, and what has he done since receiving the appointment? How much do you know about Binhai City

If Liu Yang hadn't been hospitalized, he might have stayed in Renzhou City for more than half a month before coming over. How much more could he know about the situation in Binhai City at that time

No wonder he didn't know, but after a comparison, he realized that he was actually far behind Liu Yang, a lot...