Perfect Feast

Chapter 573: Give him a slap in the face and give him a sweet date


In the secretary-general's office, Pei Wenjie was sitting upright with a solemn look on his face. On the sofa diagonally opposite her, Liu Xiaofang, the deputy section chief of the Second Secretarial Department, sat solemnly.

Lowering her head and touching the soft leather of the sofa next to her thighs, Liu Xiaofang had a look of panic in her eyes.

Pei Wenjie raised her eyes and cast a playful look at Liu Xiaofang: "Xiaofang, I couldn't say this originally, but who knew that you had also fucked me before and you were considered my old subordinate? Besides, you Being able to come to me means that you still have me as an old leader in your heart. In terms of age, you are several years older than me. You should understand this. The big tree of Liu Changyou has fallen. He has too much time to take care of himself now. We can't protect anyone from the wind and rain... When we are doing things, we must distinguish right from wrong and know the path under our feet... "

"Secretary-General, I understand what you mean, and Ji Liang also understands this. When he was at home, he also told me that he wanted to work well with you, but... he was afraid..." As he said that, Liu Xiaofang was a little bit He looked at Pei Wenjie anxiously.

Changes in the officialdom are like the weather in June. It's windy when it's blowing, and it's raining when it's raining. Liu Jiliang has worked with Liu Changyou for many years, and he has long had the word "Liu" plastered on his forehead.

Although the current secretary is also surnamed Liu, this Liu is not the other Liu. Even if he pounces on him, who knows if they will take him in

In addition, his position is very sensitive. No matter who comes to power, most people will have to replace the director of the Finance Bureau with someone of their own in order to feel at ease. If Liu Yang had already found a suitable candidate, he would only be in vain if he pounced on him.

If it were another department, Liu Jiliang would have already gone to Liu Yang's office to express his thoughts, but because the unit she worked for was the Finance Bureau, Liu Jiliang had been waiting and observing to see if Liu Yang wanted to use him You should give yourself a chance to get by.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yang was admitted to the hospital on his third day after taking office. On the third day after he was discharged from the hospital, he was caught by the style disciplinary team.

This... didn't give him a chance to observe and make a decision at all!

Pei Wenjie knew what she meant and said seriously: "You are not following me to do a good job, but you are following the municipal committee to serve the people well. As long as he acts straight and walks the right path, what is there to be afraid of? Besides, It’s always a mistake to use a public car to transport your children when you go to work, right? Even if, as you just said, the child has been sick these days and is too lazy to move, this is not the reason for him to use the public car for private use. Wrong It's a mistake. How to deal with this matter depends on Liu Jiliang's attitude. He is a grown man who dare not stand up and take responsibility. Why do you, a woman, come to me to say something? Is there any reason for him to tell Secretary Liu directly... "

"Yes... Secretary General, I understand..." A hint of surprise appeared on Liu Xiaofang's eyebrows, but she quickly suppressed it. Pei Wenjie's words just now seemed harsh, but in fact they had pointed her in the right direction.

Whether Liu Jiliang can continue to sit in the position of director of the Finance Bureau depends on how he admits his mistake to Secretary Liu. If the attitude is satisfactory, a small punishment is indispensable, but it will not lead to dismissal.

Pei Wenjie nodded and said: "Well, it's good to know. Although you are Liu Jiliang's wife, you are also a member of the municipal party committee. You still know the organizational disciplines. I will treat you as if you have never been here. You can go back to these matters After that, don’t say anything to Comrade Liu Jiliang.”

Liu Xiaofang said to her heart: If I don’t tell him, who will I tell him? Without him as the director of the Finance Bureau, what would I be, the deputy section chief of the second section

However, the Secretary-General finally called Comrade Liu Jiliang, and it seemed that his guess was correct. As long as Pei Wenjie agrees to help with this matter and Liu Jiliang performs well in front of Secretary Liu, he may not only be able to handle this matter, but he may also be able to rely on the young and powerful Secretary Liu.

The two of us are comrades-in-arms under the covers. We are truly both prosperous and devastated. I not only want to tell him this, but I also have to tell him this quickly.

"Thank you, thank you Secretary-General. I won't say any more polite words. Just look at the performance of the two of us." After saying that, Liu Xiaofang stood up and bowed deeply to Pei Wenjie before turning around. Went out.

Looking at her back, Pei Wenjie couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly, showing a proud look. Who doesn’t know how to put on airs and talk about things? This time, he should be satisfied, right

While thinking about it, Pei Wenjie also stood up and looked up and down on his body. There was nothing eye-catching. Then he slowly walked out of the office and went to Liu Yang's office to show off his achievements.

That afternoon, Liu Jiliang appeared in Liu Yang's office. This is a middle-aged man who is almost forty years old, with a thin figure, and he pays attention to appearance in his clothes.

Looking at the majestic Liu Yang sitting behind the desk, Liu Jiliang, who was already a little timid, was in a panic and didn't know what to do. He opened his mouth, but without even a polite word, he directly admitted his mistake: "Liu Secretary, I...I was wrong, I ask you and the municipal party committee to punish me..."

No matter how sincere his attitude seems, if Liu Jiliang comes to his office today to discuss the matter and only talks about the private use of his official car, then he should not take up the position of director of the Finance Bureau.

Liu Yang snorted heavily, picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea, and then asked slowly: "Why should I criticize you? And why should I punish you?"

Only then did Liu Jiliang remember that when his wife told him about the matter, she said that Secretary-General Pei was still holding her back and did not report to Secretary Liu about using his official car for personal use to pick up and drop off the children.

As for whether Pei Wenjie's words were true, Liu Jiliang didn't think about it in detail, and he didn't need to think about it. How is it true? So what if it's fake? This is just a rule of the game. Just like what Pei Wenjie said to Liu Xiaofang in the end, whether he can continue to sit in the position of director of the Finance Bureau depends on what Secretary Liu thinks.

As for what Secretary Liu is thinking, it depends on whether he can pass the test in front of Secretary Liu today. If I don't come up with something tangible, I'm afraid I won't be able to explain myself.

Over the years, outsiders have always felt that Liu Changyou was very kind to me, but in fact, only I knew in my heart why Liu Changyou was so kind to me.

Otherwise, Liu Xiaofang would not have remained in the position of deputy section chief of the Second Secretary Section, and would still be a deputy section cadre to this day.

Liu Jiliang really didn't want to delve into some of the reasons, let alone think of them.

Now, facing Liu Yang's cold eyes, Liu Jiliang gradually calmed down and said in a low voice: "Secretary Liu, I made a mistake, and I will reflect on it..."

Immediately afterwards, what he wanted to review was not the mistake of using public buses for private use, but the recent "mistakes" of the Finance Bureau.

Liu Yang lit a cigarette and observed the person in front of him. Undoubtedly, it can be seen from Liu Jiliang's words that this person has understood his inner intention. Now that he is openly talking to himself about the internal affairs of the Finance Bureau, he is showing that he has made up his mind and plans to completely rely on his own. Come on side.

Otherwise, would he dare to expose his own ugliness like this

With just one word from him, he can be taken down immediately as the director of the Finance Bureau. Of course, there would be things that could really send him to prison, but Liu Jiliang would not be stupid enough to actually vomit everything out.

Just talk about some small mistakes that seem to be shortcomings to show your loyalty, but you can't really say that you are full of holes.

In that case, even if Liu Shuji really wanted to use him, he would not dare to let him get too close.

"Financial work is related to the national economy and people's livelihood of Binhai City. How can... Sit down and talk, am I, the secretary, so overbearing that I am not even willing to give a seat to my subordinates who have made mistakes? Sit down and talk, okay Let’s analyze it ideologically and find out the specific reasons why these problems exist…”

Sure enough, as Liu Jiliang expected, although Liu Yang's tone was stern, he had already relaxed a lot. This made him feel a little relieved.

Pei Wenjie had good timing. Just when Liu Jiliang finished speaking and was about to leave, she came in with a pile of materials. Seeing that Liu Jiliang was also in Liu Yang's room, Pei Wenjie had a look of surprise on her face. She said hello to Liu Jiliang first: "Director Liu is here too?"

Then he walked to Liu Yang's table and whispered: "Secretary Liu, since you are discussing things with Director Liu, I will come back later..."

"Just tell me if you have anything... What is this?" Liu Yang reached out and grabbed a document, took a look at it, raised his head and asked Pei Wenjie.

Pei Wenjie's voice was very low, but it was just enough for Liu Jiliang, who was sitting on the sofa on the side, to hear: "This is the record of violations of regulations and disciplines of cadres in some departments discovered by the style and discipline rectification team. You are the team leader, and I have already dealt with it." We have come up with preliminary handling opinions... Of course, this requires your final signature for confirmation... "

Following Pei Wenjie's words, Liu Jiliang's heart suddenly lifted. But at this moment, Liu Yang happened to look over, and Liu Jiliang quickly lowered his head.

Liu Yang smiled and said, "Okay, why did Director Liu come to my place today? It turns out there is something like this... Well, I understand. You can leave it here first."

Pei Wenjie agreed, turned around and walked out.

The next moment, Liu Yang's eyes became stern again: "Comrade Liu Jiliang, what you just said about the Finance Bureau is more pertinent, and I am willing to believe you. However, you should also pay attention to the following section. How could you make such a mistake? A low-level mistake? If you don’t change these shortcomings, I will kill Ma Su with tears in my eyes from now on... "

This book was first published on