Perfect Feast

Chapter 580: manner


The big-bellied Captain Li was a little out of his mind at this time. He opened his mouth and stared straight at Liu Yang, looking a little silly. For such a strong person, who is so calm in front of the police, who would believe that he does not have a profound background

Not to mention that he was confused, everyone else was also stunned, and the spectators were also silent, thinking in their hearts, who is this handsome young man

On the other side, Wang Zhenpeng was talking to Hou Changshuo on the phone: "Secretary Hou, Secretary Hou? Well, I'm Wang Zhenpeng. Secretary Liu is at the farmer's market. He asked me to inform you to come over in ten minutes... This... also It's nothing. It's just that in your market, people from the joint law enforcement team used bandit law enforcement to bully small vendors in the name of law enforcement. It happened to be discovered by Secretary Liu. Not only did those people not listen to the dissuasion, but they also started to fight with Liu. The bookkeeper started to fight..."

When he received the call, Hou Changshuo was frightened and broke into a sweat.

If you are so busy, don't you want to perform well in front of Liu Yang? But now several members of the law enforcement team actually started fighting with Liu Yang. If they hurt Liu Yang even a hair, wouldn't that cost their own lives

After hanging up Wang Zhenpeng's call, Hou Changshuo asked the driver to drive toward the farmer's market and made a call on the road, asking Deng Tongsheng, director of the Haicheng City Public Security Bureau, to rush to the farmer's market immediately to get the matter under control. Then he called Mayor Qu Xiangdong and asked him to bring someone over quickly.

At this time, Liu Yang was surrounded by a crowd of people, most of whom were merchants in this market. At this moment, their eyes were all fixed on Liu Yang. It turned out that this strong young man was the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of Binhai City. Now they finally found the backbone, and they all rushed to tell Liu Yang their grievances.

There's nothing I can do about it. The urban management and industrial and commercial people are so ungrateful that they often bully the hawkers doing business. These people have a lot of resentment in their hearts, but usually they can't afford to offend these people.

Well now, these people had a conflict with the municipal party committee secretary. It seemed that the young municipal party committee secretary was relatively easy to talk to, which also gave them the courage to say things they usually didn't dare to say.

Liu Yang was filled with emotion as he listened. The plight of many people at the bottom of society is usually not known to all, but if you don't solve the problem, there will be problems. He looked at the pot-bellied Captain Li with a cold face, and said coldly: "I know, you also have your last resort. Every department established by the government has its actual role. But whether it is the urban management or the industrial and commercial tax department, they are all for The better functioning of this society was created. Ultimately, it is for the common people to live a better life. Otherwise, if this department becomes the trigger for the common people to hate the government, is it still necessary for this department to exist?"

As he spoke, Liu Yang reached out and picked up Erdan: "Such a young child doesn't go to school, but helps his mother sell things on the street. This is because we haven't done a good enough job. Otherwise, who would want their child to be so young? Just come out and suffer? This is our shortcoming. As a government department, we should think about how to get things done, instead of treating them as coldly as enemies. If you enforce the law civilly, I won't say anything, like Erdan and his family are in a situation like this. If this place is not suitable for setting up a stall, can you find a suitable place for them to set up a stall? But what have you done? Breaking, smashing and robbing, are you enforcing the law? Look at the people's treatment of you attitude, isn’t this worthy of your vigilance? The people’s will is that if these issues are not taken seriously, more serious problems will occur... "

Liu Yang's words made the fat man lower his head. However, I don’t know if he really listened to the truth behind Liu Yang’s words.

Sparse applause began to ring out from all around, and gradually merged into one. During this burst of applause, the cars of Hou Changshuo and Public Security Bureau Chief Deng Tongsheng drove over almost one after the other.

"Comrades, I am Hou Changshuo, Secretary and Secretary of the Haicheng Municipal Party Committee. It is because we have not done a good enough job and many tasks have not been implemented and have not benefited our people. I am incompetent as an official!" Hou Changshuo is really smart. , before speaking to Liu Yang when he came in, he first apologized to the ordinary people. After finishing speaking, he bent down to the crowd and bowed deeply.

"Today, the behavior of the joint law enforcement team has disappointed everyone. On behalf of the Haicheng Municipal Committee and Municipal Government, I would like to say sorry to everyone here. Our work was not done well, regardless of whether these stalls have relevant taxation industrial and commercial procedures. First of all, there are huge problems in the execution method of our law enforcement team, which completely violates the purpose of civilized law enforcement and serving the people. The municipal party committee and government will deal with this matter seriously... "

After saying that, Hou Changshuo turned around and said to Liu Yang with a red face: "I'm sorry, Secretary Liu, I didn't do my job well. I beg the municipal committee to punish me!"

At this time, Qu Xiangdong and others also squeezed in. They all lowered their heads and blushed, not knowing what to say. Some of them wanted to go over to Liu Yang and admit their mistakes like Hou Changshuo. However, in this case, admitting mistakes also requires qualifications.

"In the past few years, Haicheng City has ushered in new development opportunities. As the municipal party committee and municipal government, we can base ourselves on the long-term development of Haicheng, correctly position ourselves, and find a path suitable for the development of Haicheng City. This shows that your Haicheng Municipal Committee and Municipal Government have A group of people still used their brains..." In the conference room of Haicheng City Guest House, after listening to the reports of Hou Changshuo and Qu Xiangdong, Liu Yang began to speak. He did not mention what happened at the farmer's market just now, but expressed his thoughts on the recent events in Haicheng City. The development was fully affirmed.

Listening to the young secretary's passionate words, the hearts that some people were carrying were finally put back into their stomachs.

However, Hou Changshuo and Qu Xiangdong had wry smiles on their faces. Only the two of them knew that just after the noon banquet, in the hotel room where Liu Shuji stayed, the young man with a smile on his face found out What kind of temper.

Now that I think about it, it still makes my face feel hot and my heart is trembling wildly. Behind closed doors, the young leader did not save any face.

When the two people were about to leave the room, the young leader said another frightening words: "Go down there tomorrow and listen to what the people are saying... Remember, what I want to hear is the people. The true inner voice!”

The real inner voice of the masses? How many people are satisfied with the government's work now? If he listens to this voice, will the two of them still sit in the positions of municipal party committee secretary and mayor

However, since Secretary Liu specifically pointed it out, he didn’t want Haicheng City to do anything. Of course, you can listen to Liu Yang's words, or you can continue to do so, but the prerequisite is that you don't get caught by him in any small tricks you do.

This matter is quite difficult to operate.

In the afternoon, Liu Yang "honestly" followed the route selected by Haicheng City and inspected the industrial and commercial enterprises in Haicheng City. After returning, he also listened to the work report of the Haicheng Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government in accordance with the scheduled procedures. The results that I should have had not been wiped out because of what I went to do in the morning.

Everything is moving forward according to the established procedures. Others think that Secretary Liu is quite good and should be regarded as a generous person. But only Hou Changshuo and Qu Xiangdong were uneasy. They didn't know what Secretary Liu would hear tomorrow and how he would view these things.

After the symposium ended, the people in Haicheng City applauded enthusiastically and stood up to send Secretary Liu back to his room to rest. Of course, this "send off" just means to see him off. The only people who are really qualified to send Liu Yang back to his room in person are Hou Changshuo and Qu Xiangdong.

Hou Changshuo and Qu Xiangdong were still looking forward to Liu Yang saying something to them. Even severe criticism might not necessarily be a bad thing at this time.

However, after entering the room, Liu Yang stopped talking about work matters. He just chatted with the two people and showed a tired look. Hou Changshuo and Qu Xiangdong quickly said goodbye with a smile: "Then we won't disturb Secretary Liu's rest. You were busy working at noon and didn't eat well. Mayor Qu and I will have a drink with you in the evening. "

Liu Yang said with a smile: "No need, I'm not good at drinking either. You guys are busy with your business in the evening, so don't hold a banquet. I can just have something to eat at the guest house. I'll go down to see it tomorrow, too." Keep your spirits up.”

"Is that so? Okay, we won't come over to accompany you that night. You have a good rest." After saying this, Hou Changshuo was still a little disappointed.

Qu Xiangdong said with a smile: "Liu Shuji has always practiced frugality, but if you can't even have a good meal in our Haicheng City, then we are derelict in our duty. Director Jiang of the guest house is outside, you have She will arrange whatever is needed..."

When he said this, the figure of the voluptuous hostess woman once again flashed through Liu Yang's mind. From the first moment he saw her, Liu Yang felt a little strange. This woman's face really looked like Jiang Haiyan.

Unfortunately, this woman's surname was also Jiang, so Liu Yang couldn't help but remember her.

Ever since Jiang Haiyan used the excuse of serving her sick father to accompany her father who was discharged from the hospital back to her hometown after surgery, the two of them only talked on the phone, but Liu Yang never saw her again.

Every time she mentioned it, Jiang Haiyan always said that her father's body had not recovered yet and that she needed to take care of him at home, feed and clothe him. In addition, for more than a year, Liu Yang was transferred from Renzhou City to Huling County, and then from Huling County to the provincial capital. He never stopped, and he was not able to visit Jiang Haiyan's home. He didn't know. How is this girl doing now