Perfect Feast

Chapter 591: torture


Although Ouyang Yunqi is a cadre of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, he still has a weak eye for the sensitivity of some matters. In other words, his position only allows him to see the problem one-sidedly and cannot understand the overall situation.

Even he thought it was a good thing for Liu Yang to concurrently serve as secretary of the Political and Legal Committee. Liu Yang knew that he could not continue talking to the deputy minister.

Anyway, I got the news I wanted to know. My appointment as secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee was proposed by Yang Decai, director of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee. Li Jigao and Han Zonglin agreed, and Zhang Qixiong did not object.

Although there are some things in the province that I haven't seen through yet, this is basically the same. So, after Liu Yangyou chatted with Minister Ouyang for a few words, he asked Minister Ouyang to take a rest early, said goodbye and walked out.

At the elevator door, Pei Wenjie was talking to a middle-aged man in his thirties. When he saw Liu Yang coming out of the room, the man called "Secretary Liu" in a reserved manner, and then walked down the stairs.

"Who is this person? Why does he look familiar to me? Why didn't he take the elevator and take the stairs? Did you say something that scared him?" Liu Yang asked with a smile.

Pei Wenjie curled her lips and whispered: "Smug man, if you really want to know something, just ask directly. Why take such a big detour?"

As long as that boundary is crossed between men and women, they will talk much more casually. Pei Wenjie was joking with Liu Yang, which meant that he was actually asking Liu Yang, are you jealous

"What do you mean?" Liu Yang asked innocently, not understanding the situation.

This sentence was so nutritious that it immediately destroyed the warm feeling in Pei Wenjie's heart. However, Pei Wenjie followed Liu Yang into the elevator with a smile on her face, and asked with a smile: "It's a bit early to go back at this time, why don't you find a place to relax?"

The word "leisure" is now the same as the word "miss". Its own meaning is getting weaker and weaker. Instead, it has been given another layer of meaning that can only be understood but cannot be expressed.

Liu Yang asked naturally: "Leisure? What do you mean?"

Pei Wenjie was stunned by the question. She didn't know whether Liu Yang really didn't understand what she said, or whether he simply misunderstood what he said.

In other words... is the so-called leisure in Liu Yang's mouth the same as the leisure he talks about

Soaking your feet, tapping your back, and getting a massage from a serious technician is leisure. Calling the two ladies over to discuss the differences in music and physiological structures between men and women is also leisure. What is Liu Yang thinking about at the moment? What

Fortunately, Pei Wenjie reacted quickly, mainly because she felt that Liu Yang was by her side now and it was impossible to think of going anywhere else.

"What else do you want to do? Just step on your back, get a foot massage, etc. I see that you have been busy these days. Your body is the capital of revolution, and you can't just focus on work. You should also relax when appropriate... "After Pei Wenjie explained this, Liu Yang laughed out loud: "You didn't mean what you said, did you? I think it's true that you have some ideas. I want to go and relax like you, but I'm afraid that if you can't relax, you will be attracted to me. Squeezed dry."

"You..." Pei Wenjie's face turned red. Not only was she not angry, but she rolled her eyes at Liu Yang charmingly and whispered, "Since you understand everything, why do you still have to let others say it?"

Pei Wenjie is also a normal woman. She had a bad relationship with her husband in the past, and the couple slept in separate beds most of the time when they were together. After the divorce, she was even more alone, but this did not mean that she did not have this need.

There is a saying that goes like thirty like a tiger and forty like a wolf, which describes women of Pei Wenjie's age. Not only was she needy, but she was also very strong. But in the past, she could only endure it even if necessary, but since she and Liu Yang broke through the bottom line, it is a bit too difficult to endure it anymore.

For people who have social activities outside all day long, it is considered early to get home before twelve o'clock in the evening. It's only around nine o'clock now, which is not too late. Just now, when she said she wanted to find a place to relax, she was hinting to Liu Yang that she is a pretty young woman, but you haven't had anything to do with her for many days. The place has grown weeds, and you don't know how to take care of it

"Forget it, I still have things to deal with when I go back today..." Liu Yang thought about it and still refused Pei Wenjie's "invitation." Pei Wenjie was very disappointed.

Today is really not possible. Not to mention that there is Zhao Jingjing at home who is still angry. In this hotel, there is also a woman waiting eagerly for him to comfort her. Not to mention, this afternoon at the Huayun Hotel, I unleashed all my ambition on Yang Qiqi.

There is no choice but to disappoint Pei Wenjie now.

After the two people walked out of the elevator, Liu Yang asked: "How are you going back? Did you leave the car?" Pei Wenjie shook her head: "No... If it's inconvenient for you, I'll ask the guest house to arrange a car to take me..."

At that time, I was thinking about making a car for home with Liu Yang. How did I know that this would be the result? When Pei Wenjie said this, she looked aggrieved like an angry little daughter-in-law.

Liu Yang snorted, took out the key and threw it to her and said, "Forget it, you drive..."

The Toyota Tyrannosaurus was still parked on the hillside where it was last time. The dark pine forest around it was the best barrier. What's more, there were brown rocks on both sides of the car like mountains blocking the outside view.

In a place like this, Pei Wenjie behaved very boldly. Fortunately, a car like the Toyota Overbearing has a lot of space in the back seat, allowing people to use all kinds of imaginable postures.

Under the hazy moonlight, the good shock-absorbing performance of the Domineering car was brought into full play, and it kept "trembling" and "whirring" for more than an hour. In the end, Liu Yang did not pull out, and fired all the bullets directly into the enemy.

The scorching torrent bombarded Pei Wenjie's whole body with soreness. However, there was no room to escape inside the car, so he had to be pressed into the seat by the mountain-like weight behind him. Withstanding the impact of flash floods again and again, he lay limply on Liu Yang's body. He couldn't even move his little finger.

I don't know how long it took, but Liu Yang slapped Fengting hard on the buttocks, and he woke up with a cry.

The feeling Liu Yang gave her today made Pei Wenjie feel like crying. "Just beat me to death. Even if I die like this, my life will be worth living..."

"Nonsense, I'm reminding you, it's time to go back now..." Regarding all this, Liu Yang could only laugh or cry. This woman was just crazy. Even though she had promised to go home, she still drove her car to this place and robbed her.

Damn, who said having more women is a good thing? The reluctance when she broke up with Yang Qiqi, the resentment when Sun Qingmei secretly looked at her at the wine table, and the woman next to her who seemed to be asking for help regardless of shame. All of this was just because there were more wolves and less meat, and the distribution was not good. all bring disadvantages.

I don’t blame Zhao Jingjing for being angry. Even if she is not angry, I have to pay attention to it in the future, but I can’t incur romantic debts anymore. Every heart that loves myself is heavy, and I can’t afford this debt!

Pei Wenjie was dropped off outside the municipal party committee dormitory, and Liu Yang drove home by himself. However, when the car approached the two-story building of his new home, Liu Yang looked at the scene in the yard and wondered whether time and space had changed.

The lights were brightly lit in the courtyard, and a group of warblers and warblers were busy laughing and chatting happily.

In this season, although Binhai City is still extremely hot during the day, the sea breeze at night is relatively comfortable. But several women in the yard were still wearing short-sleeved dresses and were wandering around a barbecue grill.

Zhao Jingjing was actually wearing a light blue one-piece dress, and her delicate body was undulating under the bright light. What's more, she was sitting on a white plastic chair, and her pair of snow-white slender legs were perfectly displayed in front of her eyes. One glance at her would make her heart beat faster.

The most incredible thing is that Zhang Hui is sitting quietly opposite Zhao Jingjing, holding a bunch of something baked in his hand and putting it into his mouth.

That pretty face and rosy little mouth made Liu Yang stunned for a moment, and the car almost stopped.

Liu Yang hurriedly drove the car into the garage, and then walked out uneasily. He met Zhang Hui's cunning look in his eyes. He quickly turned his eyes and hurried into the room.

"Are you coming? It's so lively here, why don't you come and sit down?" Zhao Jingjing turned her head and called him with a faint smile on her lips. Liu Yang didn't dare to stay. As he walked, he said, "I just smelled of alcohol. I'm going to take a shower!"

Standing in front of the window on the second floor, I watched Hu Xiaohong and Xiaomei busy in front of the barbecue pit, constantly delivering baked goods to Zhao Jingjing and Zhang Hui.

Zhang Hui and Zhao Jingjing were eating and drinking, talking and laughing, and seemed to be having a great time. And Liu Yang could feel that Zhao Jingjing was not trying to deal with Zhang Hui, she was really happy.

Which song are the two sisters singing

The more Liu Yang looked at it, the more unsure he became, and the more unsure he became, the more confused he became. But he really didn't dare to go down and ask what was going on. In the end, he could only take a shower and return to the bedroom very depressed.

It wasn't until Liu Yang was drowsy and half asleep that Zhao Jingjing came in with her soft shoes and reached out to turn on the headlight in the room.

The light was dazzling, and Liu Yang couldn't sleep now, so he could only open his eyes and look at her. Zhao Jingjing seemed to have drunk a lot of wine, her face was red, but her eyes were clear, and she did not mean to be drunk.

Seeing Liu Yang opening his eyes and looking over, Zhao Jingjing sat down on the bed and said softly: "Tonight, my sister and I talked..."

"Uh..." Liu Yang couldn't help but tremble, wondering what did you guys talk about together? Can you tell me and listen to it? You guys are talking and laughing together like this, but it’s very charming!