Perfect Feast

Chapter 594: vanish


After Liu Yang went downstairs, he did not go to Zhang Hui's room. Instead, he walked out to the flower bed in the yard and sat there alone smoking.

Liu Yang calmed down and felt a little annoyed. He had experienced a lot of women. When he saw it, he didn't think about what to do with them, but these women all chose to follow him regardless of status. Naturally, I can't eat and drink all I want without asking anything.

Now, Jiang Haiyan and Zhang Hui both have their own children, which they cannot let go even to death. Zhang Jing's identity and status have always been higher than hers, but she gave her innocent body and never made any excessive demands. Thinking about it, Liu Yang felt guilty.

Yang Qiqi, Sun Qingmei, Tian Manman, Pei Wenjie, Li Shanshan... Thinking of these people, Liu Yang couldn't help but feel frightened. I don’t want to be frightened just thinking about it. When did I become a young woman killer

These women all had a short marriage, and then divorced and then married themselves. Although they have been married and divorced, their feelings for themselves are true.

You can't just ignore these people, right

What happened to Fang Yuzhu was a bit accidental. The eldest sister was the only woman who had a husband and still maintained a close relationship with her. This... has a bit of a feeling in it that people are not as good as God. Liu Yang really didn't dare to say how far she could go.

The most irritating thing is that Meng Sisi. In total, she forced herself twice, but since then she has disappeared like a yellow crane, but she still left behind a gorgeous villa, a few nannies and housekeepers, etc. People, even if they say they are broken, their appetites are still lingering.

Overall, Zhao Jingjing's performance was already very good, and she was very proud of herself. If it were another woman who really made a big fuss, what could she do

She is the wife he is marrying, and the daughter-in-law officially recognized by the two elders in his family. What's more, within a year of marrying her, she gave birth to a lively and lovely grandson to the two elderly people. Based on this alone, if he dares to commit a crime, Comrade Liu will be the first to get around him.

Thinking about the narrow situation, Liu Yangyue felt that what he had done was a bit too much. If you think about the root cause of this excessiveness, it is not only the result of the boss not being able to control the second child, but also the inferiority factor rooted in the bones.

I was born in a rural area and have had a deep-rooted "peasant" consciousness since I was a child. This kind of consciousness makes me look down on city people, while at the same time envying and astonishing the lifestyle of city people.

At the same time, deep down in my bones, I still have a concept of "fear of officialdom" that has been deeply rooted in the bones of Chinese farmers for thousands of years. This concept has become the motivation for me to study hard since I was a child, to go to college, and to become an official.

Later, I really went to college, and after graduation I joined an institution, but I was always suppressed and couldn't stretch. That kind of life unknowingly distorted my personality.

Once released, this kind of depression and distortion becomes an excuse for oneself to be unrestrained. Although I have never thought about it this way, it is indeed silently affecting my behavior.

Just like his lack of firmness in matters between men and women, and his pursuit of integrity in politics, they form two extremes. All of this is caused by this character.

Otherwise, why are most of my women working as officials? The truth behind this would make people blush, but Liu Yang couldn't deny that having such a woman under him could make him extremely excited.

Why can't I see corrupt officials oppressing the people? This is because I am a farmer at heart.

No wonder people say that it takes three generations to cultivate aristocratic temperament. This sentence really makes sense. A nouveau riche is a nouveau riche. No matter how rich you are, you are not an aristocrat.

Aren't you the kind of upstart who has gained power? The behavior is different, but I am really no different from those nouveau riche.

If there was anything else that had an impact on him, even Liu Yang himself had to say that his smooth career since he started his official career was also a factor that made him overconfident and too willful.

"Alas..." Guilt grew in his heart and spread quickly. Liu Yang raised his hand, threw the cigarette butt far away, and sighed.

The trajectory of life seems to have deviated from what I originally imagined, but now, can I still go back? At the same time, Liu Yang also secretly made up his mind that no matter what happens in the future, he will never hurt Zhao Jingjing's heart...

"What are you doing sitting here all alone?" Behind him, a small white hand held a purple sand cup. Liu Yang took it, and Zhao Jingjing sat down next to Liu Yang with a faint smile.

In the room just now, although she said she wanted Liu Yang to go down and comfort Zhang Hui, she was still very angry in her heart. This woman is his cousin, but she is also the "enemy" who robbed her husband from her. How long have the two been together? How come she already has one

I was originally afraid of this day, but in the end, I was really afraid of everything.

If the consequences of this matter hadn't been too great, if Zhang Hui hadn't pointed at her belly and swore, Zhao Jingjing would never have been so easy to talk to and tolerated her so easily.

But even so, Zhao Jingjing was still very unhappy. Zhang Hui is different from other women. Other women cannot threaten him at all, but Zhang Hui is very likely.

But then again, after all, she is his cousin!

Seeing her kneeling in front of him and saying that she really loved Liu Yang, seeing her crying and pointing at her belly and swearing that after giving birth to a child, she would not let the child's last name be Liu, she still had to forgive herself. Forgive her.

At this time, Zhao Jingjing realized that she couldn't be cruel at all.

She was angry and asked Liu Yang to go down and comfort her, but after Liu Yang walked out the door obediently, Zhao Jingjing felt as uncomfortable as if she had knocked over the five-flavor bottle.

She also followed downstairs and saw that Liu Yang did not go to Zhang Hui's room, but went to sit outside the villa and smoke, which made her feel a little better.

Hum, you know what’s going on, otherwise...what would happen otherwise? Zhao Jingjing really didn't think about it.

Sitting in the living room, watching Liu Yang sitting motionless on the flower bed through the glass window, smoking three cigarettes one after another, Zhao Jingjing felt like she wanted to cry.

Now that this dead man knows that he is in trouble, what has he been doing

"Mr. Zhao, Secretary Liu didn't have breakfast. Would you like to have lunch earlier..." At this time, Xiaomei said softly to the side, and Zhao Jingjing was so startled that she stood up like a little rabbit and poured a cup of tea. Walk out with it.

She didn't know that Xiaomei felt distressed when Liu Yang looked like that. However, Xiaomei knew what Liu Yang and Zhao Jingjing were angry about these days, so she could only suppress her concern and concern in her heart and dare not show it.

Liu Yang gently stretched out his hand, touched Zhao Jingjing's back, and said with difficulty: "I'm sorry..."

Zhao Jingjing turned her head and rolled her eyes at Liu Yang, twisted her body, and whispered: "Don't make trouble... This is outside..."

Liu Yang had no choice but to mutter to himself: "Jingjing, I can understand why you are angry. In fact, I have thought about it very clearly just now. It is indeed my fault for this matter. I apologize to you. However, some people and some Things, whether they are right or wrong, have happened after all. There is no doubt about this, and there is no way to erase it from life... If you have any ideas or requests, please put them forward. As long as I can do it, I accept them all."

What else can I ask for? You have said all the good and bad things anyway, and I can’t ask you to leave those women, so what else can I say

Zhao Jingjing stared at Liu Yang for a while, and then said faintly: "Actually, you are pretty good. For a young department-level cadre, except for me, you have basically done a good job. I also I know that in your position, it is inevitable that there will be times in the future where you will have fun. I won’t ask too much about this, just don’t let me know about it... "

This is not the first time Zhao Jingjing said this, but Liu Yang was still confused when he heard it, thinking to himself, I have honestly admitted my mistake, why do you still say that

"This... I can guarantee that I will never get involved with those shady women."

Zhao Jingjing was stunned for a moment, then punched her with a smile and whispered: "You only harm women from good families!"

This smile is like the peach blossoms in full bloom in March, and like the spring breeze blowing against your face. The brightness and brilliance on Zhao Jingjing's face made Liu Yang afraid to look directly at her.

Seeing her like this, Liu Yang knew that the gloom in her heart had dissipated, and he was really relieved.

Sighing, the hand holding her shoulder tightened. Zhao Jingjing also raised her hand and grabbed Liu Yang's hand hanging from her shoulder: "Are you hungry? I will cook two dishes for you myself. Let's have some wine at noon..."

On Saturday and Sunday, Liu Yang really didn't go anywhere, he didn't even leave his house, he just stayed at home. As for what happened between him, Zhao Jingjing, and Zhang Hui, this matter is really not open to outsiders.

Anyway, when he went to work on Monday, even Lu Zhihua felt that Liu Shuji was much energetic today when he saw him.

Not long after Liu Yang sat down in the office, Pei Wenjie walked in with an unnatural look on his face. After entering the separation room, he closed the door while closing it, and then walked to Liu Yang's side. He lowered his voice and asked, "What's going on? Your wife...why would Mr. Zhao call me and invite me to visit the island city tomorrow?"

Are you going to Daocheng, not Binhai City? Liu Yang couldn't help but smile as he listened. Zhao Jingjing was still very protective of herself. At first, she thought she would call everyone together for a public "husband trial", but it turned out that she had thought of everything for herself.

Daocheng is a sub-provincial city, more than 200 kilometers away from the coast, and it takes only three hours to drive on the highway. In addition, the island city has beautiful scenery and charming scenery, and it is really a Feng Shui treasure place where heroes gather.

Unfortunately, Zhao Jingjing has already said that she will not be allowed to attend this gathering...