Perfect Feast

Chapter 598: What's happening


In Liu Yang's office, as soon as Shi Dongshan left, Liu Yang called Wang Zhenpeng. Before he could gain a foothold, Liu Yang asked directly: "Secretary-General Wang, what's going on with the international model competition?"

During his tour, this guy was by his side and he did a good job. Although he knew that he and Jiang Runguo were close, now that Jiang Runguo had been kicked out of the municipal party committee office, Liu Yang had no intention of ousting Wang Zhenpeng from the position of deputy secretary-general and office director.

However, I don’t believe you, Wang Zhenpeng, don’t know about what Shi Dongshan reported just now? Where did he get the document just now? Although it was sent by the competition organizing committee, it was also stamped with the seals of the Provincial Propaganda Department, the Department of Culture, and the Provincial Tourism Bureau.

Besides, this document was not sent to the Municipal Tourism Bureau, but to the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. Does your office director know about this

"International Professional Model Contest? Why did Mr. Liu remember to ask about this?" Wang Zhenpeng's face tightened, and he thought to himself that there is nothing wrong with me? What did Liu Yang ask me for

However, he still told Liu Yang exactly what happened: "Some time ago, the province issued a document. After receiving it, I handed it over to Secretary-General Jiang... Well, at that time, Minister Jiang also served as Secretary-General. Besides, this matter was decided at a party committee meeting at the beginning of the year. Minister Jiang is a member and liaison of the finals organizing committee, and the deputy leader of the Binhai City Competition Preparation Committee... "

Jiang Runguo was the deputy director of the competition preparation committee, and the director was naturally Liu Changyou, secretary of the municipal party committee at the time. But everyone understands that Liu Changyou is just in name, and Jiang Runguo is responsible for everything.

After receiving this document, Wang Zhenpeng would naturally take it and hand it to Jiang Runguo. As for who Jiang Runguo wants to report to, that's not something he should worry about.

"Is that so?" After Liu Yang listened, he asked again.

"Yes, I have a record of sending and receiving documents. I remember clearly what documents were received and when, and when they were handed over to which leader for circulation..."

There are certain rules and regulations for sending and receiving documents in the office. Wang Zhenpeng didn't say anything, but Liu Yang didn't pay attention yet. Now that he thought about it, the document Shi Dongshan brought over just now seemed to have Jiang Runguo's signature on it.

Liu Yang nodded and said: "Well, I understand, then it's nothing. Please run away."

Liu Yang said this politely, but Wang Zhenpeng felt as if a pot was boiling in his heart. He said to you, "You are a high official. Even if you ask me to beat a dog, I don't dare to chase a chicken. What do you mean by being so polite?" Could it be that you have already made up your mind to drive me out of the position of office director

Seeing Wang Zhenpeng's pale face, Liu Yang thought about it and immediately understood what Wang Zhenpeng was worried about. She couldn't help but smile in her heart and said in her heart that as long as you still want to work in this position, I am not afraid that you will not listen to me.

"Oh, by the way, Secretary-General Wang, there is one more thing. I think you need to catch it as soon as possible. As I said last time, there are some people in our municipal party committee building, or some departments are overstaffed. Originally, I She planned to let Secretary-General Pei catch it personally, but now she has too many things on her hands. You should do some research first to see which departments and people need to be streamlined or merged, and come up with an opinion... "

Naturally, Liu Yang couldn't explain to him, saying that I didn't mean to replace you when I spoke politely to you. It was really because I was careless and didn't expect that the document had the leader's signature on it. It was my mistake to let you go in vain. .

However, giving you a task at this time is the best explanation. If you still don't understand, then I have nothing to say.

"Ah? Oh, okay, Secretary Liu, I will come up with a plan as soon as possible and give it to you for review." At this time, Wang Zhenpeng was simply overjoyed. My heart says to you, Mr. Liu Shu. You can make someone fall into an ice cellar with just one sentence, or feel like a spring breeze. Most people can't stand this kind of excitement. You'd better stop beating around the bush and make your point clear. good.

He thought so in his heart, but he couldn't suppress the surprise on his face.

Liu Yang looked at him again and asked, "Well, three days? Is three days enough? You are an old man in the office, so you know the situation very well."

"That's enough, Secretary Liu, don't worry, even if I don't eat or drink during these three days, I will definitely come up with a plan." Wang Zhenpeng is not afraid of the difficult task Liu Yang has given him now, but he is afraid that Liu Yang will not let him work. Although it was urgent to come up with a plan within three days, Wang Zhenpeng still expressed his determination firmly.

Liu Yang smiled and said: "Well, then, you go and do your work. However, although work is important, your body is the capital of work, and you must pay attention to the balance between work and rest. You still have to take a good rest when it is time to rest. I don't want to People say that I forced the office director to be admitted to the hospital in three days... "

This last sentence was a bit of a joke, but Wang Zhenpeng felt extremely comfortable listening to it. If your boss has a problem with you, he will scold you when you meet him, and you won't have a temper even if he doesn't say something mean. Now Liu Shuji is actually joking with me. Does this mean that he has regarded me as his

Seeing Wang Zhenpeng respectfully exit the room, Liu Yang couldn't help but smile and thought to himself, as long as you are willing to work hard, what if I keep you as the office director

Besides, this work will offend a large number of people. I feel relieved to let Pei Wenjie do it, but I am not willing to let her suffer so much pressure and infamy.

At the door of Jiang Runguo's office, He Zhuang knocked cautiously. He knew that the person who just came to Minister Jiang's office to report was Zeng Feifei, the number one actress of the municipal TV station.

If Shi Dongshan hadn't used Song Dan as a bargaining chip to beat He Zhuang to death, he wouldn't have knocked on the door at this time to disturb the exchange of feelings between the leader and Zeng Feifei, one of the four golden flowers of the TV station.

According to He Zhuang's observation, his leader has the same "view" towards Zeng Feifei as he does towards Song Dan. It's just that the leader seems to be just like me, except that he has a hot head. Zeng Feifei doesn't know whose relationship it is because of it, but Minister Jiang has never noticed it.

This time, in order to serve as the host of the model competition, Zeng Feifei finally took the initiative to report to the leader. At this time, the leader must be talking about the difficulties of becoming the host of the competition, right

I only think about the leader when I need to use it. How can it be so easy to do things? Our leaders must make things difficult for her. We will only act like a hawk when we see a rabbit, right

At this time, you knock on the door. If the leader feels that today's conversation is almost over, he should let Zeng Feifei go back and think about it carefully first, and let her dry out.

In this case, maybe the leader will agree to meet with Shi Dongshan. In this way, he will give the leader a chance to show off Zeng Feifei, and also allow Shi Dongshan to achieve his goal. Shi Dongshan will naturally... this is simply killing three birds with one stone. It's a good thing for everyone.

He Zhuang was feeling proud, but he didn't know that Jiang Runguo's anxious voice came from the room: "Who is it? Why are you so unruly?"

I knocked on the door according to the rules, why is the leader so angry? He Zhuang trembled all over when he heard Jiang Runguo's dull and suppressed voice coming through the door. I wonder if I can succeed so quickly? Isn’t that Zeng Feifei very proud

But at this time, he couldn't just turn around and run away without saying anything, right? Wouldn't that be equivalent to telling the leader that I know everything you do inside

He Zhuang took a deep breath and calmed his beating heart. He Zhuang said respectfully: "Minister, Minister Shi from the Tourism Bureau is here and said he has something very important to see you. Look..."

"Ah... Minister Jiang, where are my shoes? Where did you do it..." Faintly, He Zhuang heard Zeng Feifei's voice coming from inside again. Although it seemed to be absent, it still got into He Zhuang's ears. inside.

Isn't it? What posture did the leader use? Why did he even take off his shoes

"Damn it, what kind of trouble is Shi Dongshan doing... Wait..." The first sentence was in a low voice, and the second sentence, Jiang Runguo was almost shouting at the top of his throat.

At this moment, He Zhuang finally knew that he had stepped on a landmine. Having disturbed the leader's Yaxing, I am afraid that my secretary will also be in trouble.

Turning back and looking at Shi Dongshan, who was standing at the door of the outer room and the reception room, stretching his neck and looking this way, He Zhuang was ready to kill him.

Damn it, I'm just a pig, how could I be so obsessed with it that I could do such a stupid thing? Even if Song Dan is an immortal, he can't lose his job because of her

That's simply too much of a loss... No, if I really am no longer Director Jiang's secretary, even if this woman is not a fairy descended from heaven, I won't be able to win over her.

Just when He Zhuang was worrying about gains and losses, Jiang Runguo's angry voice suddenly came from inside: "Come in... What are you doing? Don't you know I'm visiting a guest?"

He Zhuang pushed the door open and went in, and saw Jiang Runguo sitting behind the large desk, while Zeng Feifei was standing by the south window, as if admiring the flowers and trees in the leader's office.

But as soon as her eyes met He Zhuang's, she quickly lowered her eyes, her silver teeth biting her red lips, as if she was very nervous.

You can't help but say that He Zhuang's ability to observe words and emotions has indeed been developed after working as a secretary for the leader for several years. Although it was just a quick glance, He Zhuang could already tell that Zeng Feifei was different from when he entered.

When Zeng Feifei walked into the leader's office, she was wearing a white skirt with light blue floral flowers, and black stockings on her two white calves under the skirt.

But now, Zeng Feifei is still wearing that skirt, but the originally soft and drooping skirt has now become a little wrinkled. The most obvious thing is that there is no black stockings on her calves. She is just wearing a pair of crimson high-heeled sandals on her bare feet. The sandals seem to have been washed recently and are still wet with water. Where's Pearl

"I'm sorry, minister. Director Shi said that his matter was urgent. I was afraid that it would really delay the matter, so..." He Zhuang apologized while thinking in his mind, what kind of situation is this? Why do you need to take off your socks and wash your feet when talking about things

Jiang Runguo said impatiently: "If Shi Dongshan has something to do, ask him to come in and say..."