Perfect Feast

Chapter 600: What's happening


Since it's okay, there's no need to exercise restraint against your will.

At this time, Zhang Hui was lying happily in Liu Yang's arms, playfully drawing circles on Liu Yang's chest with green fingers, irregularly but tenaciously.

Liu Yang gently pulled the towel upwards, covering Zhang Hui's creamy white shoulders. Zhang Hui pushed her hair into Liu Yang's arms, and the happiness in her heart seemed to overflow with every movement she made. The little man next to him is becoming more and more gentle and caring.

"Well, I am getting better and better at pleasing women. Have you been taught by your wife in the past two days?" For some reason, Zhang Hui suddenly became slightly jealous because of Liu Yang's tenderness and consideration.

Liu Yang smiled and hugged her tightly, and whispered: "How can I do that? Jingjing is still very good, and she is also good to you. For her, I am only grateful in my heart!"

Zhang Hui nodded heavily and just squeezed her head into Liu Yang's arms: "Actually... Actually, I understand in my heart, but I just can't help but want to compare with her... Liu Yang, you won't hate me for this, right?"

"How could it be? One of you is a flute and the other is an erhu. They have different shapes and are different..." As he said this, Liu Yang felt helpless. It turns out that dealing with lovers and wives is also very hard. Especially Zhang Hui's character, she likes to compete with Zhao Jingjing on everything. When facing her, Liu Yang had to pay attention to whether every word he said was appropriate and appropriate.

Zhang Hui chuckled, stretched out his hand and pinched him: "How can you compare it like this? I know that in your heart, Zhao Jingjing will always be the number one... Huh, actually I'm not bad, am I? You still count the profits reached!"

Being pinched by Zhang Hui's soft little hands and itching, Liu Yang smiled evilly and leaned towards Zhang Hui. Zhang Huijiao shouted: "What are you doing? Can't you just be honest and let's talk?"

"What are you talking about? Didn't you listen to what others said, good words are worse than good actions..." Liu Yang ignored Zhang Hui's resistance and continued to fuck her.

"'s so itchy! Let' the child? What do you plan to do in the future?" Zhang Hui twisted his body while trying to distract Liu Yang with this topic.

But after Liu Yang lifted and lowered his hands, Zhang Hui's body became limp within a short time. Before Liu Yang could take action, her hot and sexy body wrapped around Liu Yang like a snake.

Zhang Hui's initiative made Liu Yang feel relieved, and he couldn't help but let out a few suppressed hums.

Hearing the sound he made from deep in his throat, Zhang Hui understood that Liu Yang actually liked her doing this to him. At this moment, Zhang Hui suddenly felt that she wanted to use every method to please him, and just wanted her to be as uncontrollable as she was just now.

She wants him to be as happy as she is, and she wants him to never forget her throughout his life...

Liu Yang turned her over and placed her on his chest, put his hands under her armpits, leaned down and took her ears in his mouth, kissing her sizzlingly, and her sensitive body suddenly moved in love again!

"Liu Yang... you are like this... so embarrassing! Don't... uh..." She kept shouting, regardless of whether Liu Yang could understand or not, and whether he did as she said, the two of them had a different body. Cooperating very well and tacitly, Zhang Hui's voice became louder and louder.

Perhaps to compete for favor, Zhang Hui was resolutely opposed to Liu Yang's last request. Now he shyly gave in half. This made Liu Yang happy.

In the dizziness of extreme happiness, both of them relaxed and completely forgot that there was another neglected tenant in this home.

Because of preparations for the company's merger, Manager Huang, who was sent by Rising Sun Group to take charge of the Binhai City Shopping Plaza project, has already returned to the Jinling headquarters in Jiangnan Province with his people. All the work in Binhai City was handed over to Hu Xiaohong.

Originally, the two companies would become one unit immediately, and there was no need for two people to mess around on such a project. But in this case, everything about the shopping mall fell on Hu Xiaohong.

In order to carry out the project smoothly, Hu Xiaohong was busy and her body was covered with sweat. But thinking that Zhao Jingjing had taken her second general Heng Ha to the island city today, she could just go back and get close to the little man in her mind. Therefore, Hu Xiaohong hurried back without even eating dinner outside.

Although, this little man has always been timid and has never made any promises to himself. However, as long as she thought of that guy pretending to be serious in front of her, Hu Xiaohong would laugh from the bottom of her heart.

And Mr. Zhao, who seemed very shrewd, actually wanted to test him with himself and deliberately let himself seduce him. Haha, it was really funny. Doesn't she know that she is simply sending the sheep into the tiger's mouth

However, it is not certain who is the tiger and who is the sheep between him and me. Even if the guy chose to forget the agreement he made, he would always keep it in mind.

Outside the villa, Hu Xiaohong felt happy when she saw Liu Yang's car parked in the yard. However, after entering the living room, he did not see Liu Yang's shadow and thought Liu Yang was upstairs.

Hu Xiaohong originally planned to get a change of clothes and then go upstairs to take a shower. Little did she know that when she walked to the door of the guest room where she was staying, she vaguely heard that in another guest room opposite, There came one after another, making people feel hot and panicked.

Ever since she met Liu Yang, Hu Xiaohong knew her situation very well. When she decided in her heart that she must win over this man, she sealed off her emotions. Except for Liu Yang, he would never open up to any other man.

However, Hu Xiaohong's unwillingness to indulge that feeling to outsiders does not mean that she does not have that kind of thought in her heart. She is also a woman, a woman with good health and normal thinking.

She usually tries to avoid contact with other men and spends more of her mind on work, thus deeply hiding the desire in her heart.

However, when she heard this voice now, the deep-hidden desire in Hu Xiaohong's heart suddenly awakened, and her heart suddenly became chaotic.

Who is this and who is in there doing that irritating thing? If the man is Liu Yang, then who is the woman? Could it be that he knew that there was no one at home today, so he brought back a shady woman from somewhere

Hu Xiaohong is in her thirties this year. It can be known that she has not really enjoyed the tenderness of a man today. However, Hu Xiaohong has never eaten pork, but she has seen pigs running away. It turned out that she had seen this kind of thing before when she opened the Taoyuan Club in Sihe County.

However, at that time, she was afraid that she would fall into a pit, so she transferred all her energy to Sun Qingmei. But the fake phoenix between the two women could not be regarded as a real harmony, let alone the sound coming from the room, which stimulated her brain so much.

Just listening to this sound, Hu Xiaohong felt that her body was shaking, her legs were weak, her heart was beating fiercely, and her face was getting hot. But when she walked with difficulty to the door of the opposite room, it seemed that she could no longer hear the sound.

Hu Xiaohong held her breath, pressed her ear against the door, and listened carefully. At this moment, she was longing in her heart to be able to hear the heart-stopping, extremely unbearable sound coming from inside again.

However, at this moment, a loud voice suddenly came from the room: "Liu Yang... you are like this... so embarrassing..."

The man inside is Liu Yang, this is certain. But the screaming woman was... Zhang Hui.

Zhang Hui's voice is melodious and melodious, with a light and soft Jiangnan charm. Her voice is very unique, the kind that makes people's hearts tremble when they hear it.

Zhang Hui? How could it be Zhang Hui? This woman, in Hu Xiaohong's heart, was simply a god-like existence. This is not because of her noble birth, but because of her astonishing talent and talent in business.

This woman entered the business world when she was about 20 years old. In more than ten years, in her hands, the Rising Sun Group grew from a little-known small company to a powerful and world-famous listed company in the country.

Hu Xiaohong still remembers how excited she was when she saw Zhang Hui for the first time. In Hu Xiaohong's mind, she has always been as noble and elegant as a pure and pure goddess. Hu Xiaohong never thought that Zhang Hui would actually...

I have never thought about this. Really, even in my dreams, Hu Xiaohong has never thought about such things as me. Hu Xiaohong even regarded Zhang Hui as a fairy who did not eat the fireworks of the world, and never thought about how she would interact with men!

The sounds Zhang Hui shouted were very high-pitched and clear. The shock that came out from the room to Hu Xiaohong was as strong as the end of the world.

The two people inside were breathing heavily, just like the breathing obstruction in a marathon final; the sounds of the two being intimate with each other were mixed with other sounds that would make people use their imagination after listening to them, making Zhang Hui and Hu Xiaohong The image of the goddess in my mind suddenly collapsed.

Is this the CEO of a big company who is like a goddess in his mind? Is he still the idol in life who never shows off his colors and gives cold looks to men when he sees them

She is so noble, like a blooming peony, noble and gorgeous. And just like the lotus in the lotus pond, even though the world is extremely dirty, she is still so self-cleaning, flawless and flawless.

But every syllable of the screams he heard struck Hu Xiaohong's heart like a sledgehammer.

However, Zhang Hui is also a woman after all! At the moment when her heart was trembling, Hu Xiaohong's mind turned around clearly.

This may be a great breakthrough after the idol is shattered.

What woman doesn’t want to have the love of a man? Zhang Hui is also a human being, and like herself, she is also a mature Taoer both physically and mentally. It's normal for a man to pursue her, but it's also normal for her to accept a man she likes. What's the fuss about

No... No, that man inside is Liu Yang! Liu Yang is Zhao Jingjing's man, Zhang Hui is Zhao Jingjing's cousin, this... what kind of situation is this