Perfect Feast

Chapter 610: There is no silver here


When the car drove into the municipal party committee compound, an off-road police car drove out. Sitting in the car, Liu Yang didn't pay attention to who was in the car. However, when the other party saw his car coming in, he circled around the entrance of the courtyard and followed Liu Yang's car in.

When he arrived at the door of the office building, after the car stopped, Liu Yang didn't wait for Lu Zhihua to come down and open the door for him. He opened the door himself, lifted his legs, got out, and walked into the office building. Behind him, the roar of police sirens came.

Who is this unruly? How dare you sound the siren in front of the city government office building? Thinking about it again, Liu Yang couldn't help but turn his head and look behind him, only to realize that it was no one else in the car. It was Chu Qin, the leader of the traffic police detachment who had just taken office a few days ago. He was holding the steering wheel with both hands and staring at himself with burning eyes. .

Chu Qin's favorite job is to be a detective, but after all, there are many inconvenient factors for a girl to be a detective. Therefore, on the first day when she followed Cui Kai to Binhai City to report, Liu Yang gave Cui Kai a hint as if it was a joke and asked Chu Qin to go to the traffic police team.

The leader of the traffic police detachment of the municipal public security bureau is at the deputy division level. Chu Qin had only taken the postgraduate course not long ago when she was in Huling County. Logically speaking, she was not qualified to sit in this position.

However, the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee personally spoke, and Cui Kai strictly "accorded to the rules" in handling the matter. The people at the Binhai City Public Security Bureau were in panic all day long. How could anyone dare to say no

However, Chu Qin became a deputy director at this age. Others were envious and jealous, but she herself was very unhappy. But she also knew that this was what Liu Yang meant, and she couldn't refute it.

Therefore, Captain Chu, who was pretending to be angry, hardly ever sat in the office since the day he took office. Instead, he drove an off-road police car around various intersections in the city. Seeing that the subordinate was displeased, he either criticized him or announced his dismissal on the spot, which made the traffic police team feel like a execution ground when they went to work every day. However, they quickly got rid of their bad habits of laziness, procrastination, inefficiency in work, and perfunctory work.

Now, in the evaluation of various units within the city's public security system, the traffic police team actually ranks first. This situation made Cui Kai just smile and shake his head.

But this time, Chu Qin didn't come to settle accounts with Liu Yang. It's because Niu Fengqin and Huang Zeyu are here.

After receiving the transfer order, these two people hurried over without even stopping. The two people walked out of the train station gate and were about to take a taxi to report to the Municipal Party Committee Organization Department. Who would have expected that they would meet Captain Chu of the detachment by such a coincidence? .

Chu Qin, Niu Fengqin, and Huang Zeyu were also old acquaintances. When he heard that these two people were going to report to the Organization Department, he was worried that he could not find a reason to come to the municipal committee to see Liu Yang. Without saying a word, he asked the two people to get in the car and pull him in person. They rushed over.

Unexpectedly, after reporting to the Organization Department, I saw no one in Liu Yang's office. Chu Qin was feeling disappointed when she drove out. Unexpectedly, before she left the house, she saw Liu Yang's special car driving in from outside.

From disappointment to surprise, the transition was so fast that Chu Qin didn't even know how to get out of the car while sitting in the car.

As the car door opened, Niu Fengqin and Huang Zeyu got out of the car first. When they saw Liu Yang, they were very excited. It can be said that these two people were able to excel in their official careers and rise all the way up because they met Liu Yang.

Now Niu Fengqin has reached the threshold of deputy director level, and Huang Zeyu has been working in Zhengke for two years. This time Liu Yang will transfer them here. No matter what, he has to transfer them one level higher.

Therefore, whether it was Niu Fengqin or Huang Zeyu, after receiving the transfer order, they came to Binhai City with joy without any hesitation.

Both of them have normal thoughts and follow Liu Shuji. That's right!

Seeing these two people, Liu Yang was also very happy. He walked back two steps with a smile, stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "Haha, why was the magpie chirping when I got up this morning? It turns out it was the two of you. Personally? Why did you come here so quickly? Didn’t I ask you to report again after the National Day?"

Huang Zeyu said seriously: "Secretary, after hearing your call, many people in Huling County are eager to come over. If the two of us don't run faster, we will be harassed to death by those envious and jealous guys..."

Niu Fengqin also helped: "That's right, Secretary. You don't know. Not to mention Gong Lihua, Zhou Chunbo, and Nie Rui, even the two members of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, Zheng Qiuxia and Huang Decheng, are envious. They also want to come." Binhai City is working with you. Everyone said that working with you is a bit tiring, but it makes me feel comfortable and happy... "

She is an old girl who is almost thirty years old. It is easy for people to think ambiguously when she says this. These words made Lu Zhihua, who was parked behind, chuckle and quickly regain his solemn expression.

Lu Zhihua was silently pondering in his heart, what does it mean to feel comfortable and happy even though you are tired from work? This woman can't be with Liu Shu...

These are all Liu Shuji's original direct troops. Although he now works as a secretary with Liu Shuji, the relationship is not necessarily as close as others. Not only can’t I talk about this idea, I can’t even think about it. Otherwise, you will definitely be unlucky in the end.

"Okay, let them be envious and jealous. Just come here. Let's go for a walk and go upstairs quickly... Have you reported? You haven't had lunch yet..." Liu Yang kept asking as he walked.

"I ate on the train, and I'm not hungry yet..." The two of them got off the train and brought wine glasses to Chu Qin. In fact, they really hadn't eaten yet. But these two people were also very good at looking at each other. Liu Yang's face clearly looked like he had had two drinks at noon. If he hadn't eaten, the leader would definitely take him out to eat.

If Liu Yang hadn't eaten either, this would be a good opportunity. But Liu Yang had already eaten. How could the two of them dare to waste the leader's time

Upon hearing this, Liu Yang immediately stopped: "So, you haven't eaten yet. I mean, you two haven't been with me for a few days, and you have become so alienated? Let's go, first Find a place to eat…”

"Bang..." came the sound of the car door being slammed shut, followed immediately by Chu Qin's dissatisfied voice: "Hey, didn't you see that I'm such a big living person? Why are you patronizing them? Are you talking and ignoring me? I brought Sister Niu and Brother Huang to you from the train station... "

"Haha..." He knew this girl wouldn't be able to bear it, and Liu Yangxin said that it was indeed the case. "Oh, you still know how to get out of the car? Are you talking about the official senior officer of your traffic police detachment leader, or the official senior official of my municipal party committee secretary? When you arrived at the door of the municipal party committee, you still sat in the car in such a grand manner and refused to get off, waiting. Do you want me to open the door for you?"

Chu Qin raised her pretty face and groaned: "Humph, what's wrong with you opening the door for me? I even gave you demerit materials..."

Back when Liu Yang fought with Zhang Qiang in Renzhou City, this girl was the office secretary of the Public Security Bureau, and she actually gave Liu Yang demerit materials. However, that was the past when Liu Yang was at his most cowardly. Liu Yang had almost forgotten about it, but this girl never opened or lifted any pot.

Liu Yang glared: "Okay Chu Qin, you actually dare to expose my shortcomings. It seems that I need to call Cui Kai and ask him to vigorously rectify the work of the traffic police team."

Chu Qin said nonchalantly: "Tsk, who is afraid of whom? As long as you let me go to the criminal police team, it's best to remove me from my post."

Liu Yang couldn't help crying and shaking his head as he listened to her whispers, Xin said, you're just a girl, why are you going to the criminal police team like that? Just keep working steadily and find a partner to get married to, right? Isn't it interesting to be in a hurry all day long? If you don't find a partner to marry, you will really be an old girl...

Opening his mouth, Liu Yang was about to say something to Chu Qin, but in the blink of an eye he saw Niu Fengqin. Sister Niu is probably much older than Chu Qin, and she has never found a partner. She talks about Chu Qin, but Niu Fengqin is afraid that she will lose face.

Forget it, everyone has their own affairs to worry about, and there are some things you shouldn’t say by yourself.

When he was in Huling, Chu Qin seemed to have a bitter feud with Liu Yang. He talked pleasantly to others, but as long as he talked to Liu Yang, he could almost choke someone to death. This situation is common for Huang Zeyu and Niu Fengqin, and they both understand Chu Qin's thoughts.

Even though Chu Qin was still a young girl, in the eyes of Niu Fengqin and Huang Zeyu, they felt that if she really followed Liu Yang, it would be a good choice.

But Liu Yang never thought about it in this regard. In addition, he was already married, so even if the two of them understood it in their hearts, they did not dare to say it verbally.

The last time Liu Yang mobilized troops from Huling County, he brought Chu Qin and Cui Kai over. They thought that Chu Qin had finally come to an end, but they didn't know what they thought today. After a year, he was still the same. Chu Qin is very excited about having her head shaved.

Poor sister Chu, how can I say hello to you? You, a beautiful girl, have so much trouble chasing after a man? How can this make my sister, who is also a woman, embarrassed

Niu Fengqin decided at this moment that she must find an opportunity to have a good chat with Chu Qin.

A few of them didn't drive, so they just walked to a dumpling shop called "Sister-in-law Qiaoshou" across from the municipal party committee, and ordered two dishes and half a catty of dumplings. Liu Yang sat and watched Huang Zeyu and Niu Fengqin eating, while they During the meal, there was a small chat.

Chu Qin just got angry while listening. She stood up and sat down. She sat down and stood up several times. She wanted to get angry and walk away, but she was a little reluctant to do so. Even though the distance between her and Liu Yang's workplace was less than 300 meters, it was still difficult to see Liu Yang.

It's not that I don't have time, it's mainly that I don't have a suitable excuse.

At this moment, behind Liu Yang's seat, a small private room door slid gently, and Chang Jiang Runguo, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Propaganda Department, walked out of it with a red face.

Behind him, there was a girl with a proud figure and a bright and beautiful figure. The girl also had a touch of pink on her face, and she didn't know whether it was because of drinking or because the temperature in the box was too high.

Seeing Liu Yang sitting in the hall outside, the expression on Jiang Runguo's face darkened, and he came over very embarrassed: "Is Secretary Liu eating here too? I talked about some work with Xiao Zeng from the market..."