Perfect Feast

Chapter 618: I am very happy


In the afternoon, Lu Zhihua came in to ask Liu Yang for instructions on the National Day arrangements. Judging from that, if Liu Yang had nothing to do, he would like to take a few days off and take his wife out to play.

Although National Day is a national statutory holiday, if the leader really has arrangements, his secretary will still have to work normally. This situation occurs in many units, and Lu Zhihua is not the only one special. It is obviously the holiday period, but there are many people who still need to ask for leave before they can leave.

All the women around him went to the island city, and Zhao Jingjing also announced an order not to allow Liu Yang to participate. Now he is the only commander left, so Liu Yang has no plans to travel during the National Day. Knowing that Lu Zhihua wanted to go out for a while, Liu Yang happily granted him a few days' leave.

In the evening, CCTV's prime-time news broadcast broadcast the news of the merger of Rising Sun Group and Dayang Group. In the camera, Zhao Jingjing and Zhang Hui stood together, with flashlights constantly shining on their smiling faces. Liu Yang couldn't help but be stunned.

He never expected that these people would make such a big fuss when they went to the island city.

Liu Yang was about to call and ask about the situation, but he didn't know that the phone beside him actually rang. He lowered his head and saw that the call was actually from Fang Yuzhu. Looking at the name beating on the screen, Liu Yang's heart suddenly became excited. He quickly grabbed the phone and asked with a trembling voice: "Sister, why did you remember to call me?"

"You little heartless kid, how dare you say that? Is it because if I don't call you, you don't know how to call me?" Fang Yuzhu's angry voice came from the phone. The voice was soft and seductive.

"I... wasn't I afraid that you were busy and didn't dare to call you?" Even Liu Yang himself knew that the reason he gave was extremely far-fetched.

He didn't dare to call Fang Yuzhu because of her special status. This is not because of her high social status, but because she is a beautiful woman with a husband. If rumors spread, it would have a huge impact on her.

Fang Yuzhu snorted on the phone and said calmly: "Liu Yang, let me tell you, I'm not busy at all now. I came to Binhai City to see my brother, and I just got off the plane..."

"Ah?" Liu Yang screamed and said quickly: "Just wait, I will pick you up right now!"

Fang Yuzhu came to see his brother. Instead of calling Fang Songlin, he called himself to pick him up at the airport. If he didn't understand Fang Yuzhu's obvious hint, he would have almost thrown himself into the wall.

Why did you come to see your brother? Fang Yuzhu clearly used this as an excuse to see himself. After hanging up the phone, Liu Yang ran out almost like a charge.

In the airport cafe, through the glass curtain wall, just looking at Fang Yuzhu's appearance, Liu Yang's old and new dreams suddenly jumped violently.

Fang Yuzhu was sitting on the booth, drinking coffee very elegantly. Her familiar delicate face and high bun made her look elegant, noble, pure and beautiful. The black high-necked cashmere dress has an exquisite silhouette that is very attractive. Under the hem of the skirt, the raised half of her slender legs are graceful. Through the black stockings, you can see her round skin, which is white, tender, smooth and creamy. The dark purple high-heeled leather shoes with delicate white strips have an indescribable charm.

Liu Yang knew that given Fang Yuzhu's identity, she would not dress like this if she didn't want to show her graceful side to him.

After all, she is the deputy secretary of the Jiangnan Provincial Party Committee and a senior cadre at the deputy ministerial level. In Jiangnan Province, such avant-garde and fashionable clothing is not something you can wear out. However, she may not have thought that with her dress like this, Liu Yang could not help but think of how slim, smooth and elastic the mature and plump body in her skirt must be...

When he walked up to Fang Yuzhu, Liu Yang's breathing became a little rapid. With a covert cough, Liu Yang managed to speak: "Sister... you are so beautiful dressed like this!"

When he said this, Fang Yuzhu blushed immediately, gave Liu Yang a very charming look and asked, "You clothes are beautiful, aren't they?"

As soon as she opened her mouth, Liu Yangtang's heart began to beat wildly. Liu Yang shook his head in panic and stammered: "No... my sister is more beautiful than her clothes..."

"Little rascal, you have learned to speak glibly..." Fang Yuzhu said, standing up and walking out. "Zip my suitcase..."

Liu Yang quickly pulled up the small box on the table and quickly chased after Fang Yuzhu. After walking out of the cafe, Liu Yang put the suitcase into the trunk, and the two of them got into the car. Liu Yang did not catch fire in the car, but twisted his face and stared at Fang Yuzhu with an expression.

Fang Yuzhu hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn't help but stretched out her hands and held Liu Yang's face: "You little bastard, you haven't seen your sister for so long. If I hadn't come here, would you have forgotten your sister? "

"No, how could I forget my sister?" Looking at her pure and beautiful face, Liu Yang felt his heart beat even harder. He also stretched out his hand to hold Fang Yuzhu's face, and said tremblingly: "Sister, I've been thinking about you..."

Before Fang Yuzhu could react, Liu Yang lowered his head and kissed her. Fang Yuzhu let out an exclamation, and Liu Yang took the opportunity to insert his tongue into her mouth, wrapping around her soft and fragrant little tongue and kissing her passionately.

After Fang Yuzhu was surprised and shy at first, her clear eyes immediately shone with joy. She slowly closed her eyes and allowed Liu Yang to ask for it in her mouth.

Liu Yang was so confused that he wanted to run his hand along the neckline of Fang Yuzhu's skirt. Fang Yuzhu exclaimed again, pushed Liu Yang away suddenly, gave him a squinting look, and said in a low voice: "You are still a child, so impatient? Why don't you hurry up and drive off..."

Taking Fang Yuzhu's hint, Liu Yang chuckled, the cart caught fire, and the car floated towards "home" like lightning.

Half an hour later, in the room on the first floor of the villa, Liu Yang successfully disarmed Fang Yuzhu without any effort at all.

It wasn't until Fang Yuzhu was left gasping for breath, almost breathless, and couldn't even scream anymore, that Liu Yang stopped.

When she woke up, it was already bright. Fang Yuzhu's delicate body was pressed tightly against Liu Yang, and her gentle breath was fascinating.

"Don't make trouble... I'm still... exhausted..." Feeling Liu Yang's movement under the quilt, Fang Yuzhu twisted her body slightly, but she couldn't escape the attack of Liu Yang's big hand.

"Oh... Yang, please stop making trouble... Oh... What time is it... Why don't you have enough..."

Being invaded by Liu Yang from behind, Fang Yuzhu's full head of black hair was flying behind her head, flowing like a dark brown waterfall.

For a whole day, the two of them only had to eat and sleep. This made Fang Yuzhu really afraid of Liu Yang while eliminating her long-lasting resentment.

"That's enough for me, Liu Yang... Really, having you in my life is worth everything... I know that I'm not a good woman, and I shouldn't be with you... But every time I think of you, I can't help it... Sister also I want to take care of my husband and raise my children, and be an ordinary young woman, but I will never have this opportunity in this life... "

Seeing the "desire" in Fang Yuzhu's eyes, Liu Yang suddenly felt an impulse. He got out of bed and said, "Come on, let's go out for a walk. It's hard for you to come to Binhai all day long. You stay at home... let's go to the movies, go to the park, or simply walk on the street... "

After listening to Liu Yang's suggestion, Fang Yuzhu's eyes lit up. As a woman, who wouldn’t want to hang out hand in hand with the man she loves? However, it seems that Fang Yuzhu has never enjoyed such a small request.

Liu Yang's proposal made her excited, but Fang Yuzhu immediately shook her head and said, "No, it's not good to be seen!"

Liu Yang said firmly: "It's settled, whoever wants to see it will see it. At worst, this official will no longer be qualified. Anyway, no one in Binhai City doesn't know you..."

Fang Yuzhu said helplessly: "I know it's nonsense. If you... because of me... then I, then I will still owe you for the rest of my life?" Liu Yang smiled brightly, stretched out his hand to pull her up and said: "No, this is all what I owe you... Whatever I can do, I must let you taste it..."

Fang Yuzhu's eyes turned red and he whispered: "You little gangster, your mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter!"

Liu Yang chuckled and said, "Even if it's sweet, it's just the honey on your lips..."

Although there is nothing wrong with being seen by others, when two people go out on the street, it is best not to be seen. When going out, Liu Yang specially helped Fang Yuzhu dress up. Not only did he wear a casual suit with a hood, but even Fang Yuzhu also wore a Zhao Jingjing gauze scarf.

During the National Day Golden Week, merchants' promotional activities were overwhelming. The two of them walked hand in hand on the streets of Binhai City in late autumn, wandering from one mall to another. Sometimes they would stop to watch the singing and dancing performances held in front of the shops for promotional purposes.

At this time, no one will stare at who is next to them. Even on the street, Liu Yang often took Fang Yuzhu's hand without hesitation, and the two looked like a couple in love.

Liu Yang and Fang Yuzhu left their footprints in food stalls, street stalls, parks, and on the seaside.

The night breeze is blowing, and the late autumn on the coast is not too cold. Facing the hazy sea in the deep night, Fang Yuzhu, who was nestled next to Liu Yang, suddenly shuddered.

Liu Yang turned his head silently, looked at her and smiled.

Fang Yuzhu was dressed beautifully in a knitted black long-sleeved cashmere dress that showed off her slim figure. The thin black cotton socks and black high-heeled lambskin shoes made her legs extremely attractive. The beautiful white knitted hat on Fang Yuzhu's head and the light purple gauze scarf tied around his neck are the highlights of this outfit, making her whole person lively and looking fashionable and sexy. .

Seeing Liu Yang smiling at her, Fang Yuzhu stretched out her hand in a funny way and lightly punched Liu Yang on the shoulder: "Don't laugh at me, go shopping with you, I will dress up even if I freeze to death."

Liu Yang fell silent, and Fang Yuzhu immediately took his arm and smiled: "What's wrong? Are you feeling a lot of pressure standing with me?"

Liu Yang shook his head, looked at her and said, "I know, that's not what you were thinking about just now..."

Fang Yuzhu chuckled and said, "Are you the roundworm in my belly? You know what I'm thinking again? Don't talk about this... I'm very happy today..." After saying that, he reached out and touched Liu Yang's face gently. , showing a smile on his face.