Perfect Feast

Chapter 621: Another bottle


What Liu Yuefang reported on the phone was that the TV station went to interview her brother.

Last night, Deputy Director Yang respectfully planned to toast Jiang Runguo with a glass of wine so that he could get close to this high-ranking official on the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee. However, he never dreamed that Jiang Runguo not only did not accept his respect, but instead cursed and ignored him, opened the door and walked out.

Jiang Runguo's attitude deeply hurt Deputy Director Yang's heart.

In Jiang Runguo's eyes, the deputy director of a small police station was really invisible. However, in front of ordinary people, Yang Chao is still a figure, and he is often flattered when he walks out.

Jiang Runguo's attitude toward him made him feel very uncomfortable.

Yang Chao didn't dare to do anything in front of Jiang Runguo, but after Jiang Runguo left, the more he thought about it, the more he didn't like it. He drank a lot of wine alone in a small restaurant.

Yang Chao, who was drunk, did not go home, but returned to the High-tech Zone Police Station in a daze.

It was also a coincidence that the person on duty at the station that night happened to be the police station director Li Qingtao. Seeing that Yang Chao was drinking too much, Li Qingtao said something to him.

Who knew that this would arouse Yang Chao's anger.

"Old Li, what the hell are you talking about? What's wrong if we don't drink? In the eyes of those big shots, we're still not fucking things... I've done such a big thing for them, but I still look down on it. I…”

"Yang Chao, what are you talking about? If you drink too much, go home and sleep. Don't mess around in the office." Li Qingtao saw that Yang Chao had really drunk too much, and knew that he couldn't suppress him even with his status as director, so he thought Quickly persuade him to leave.

Unexpectedly, Yang Chao yelled like crazy: "Am I talking nonsense? Why the hell am I talking nonsense? Everything I say is true... Today, I fucking..."

This guy actually told everyone about the things he had done for Jiang Runguo and the grievances he had suffered. Li Qingtao was dumbfounded when he heard this. He really wanted to sew up his foul mouth.

The matter not only involves members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, but also Secretary Liu Yuefang, the top leader of the High-tech Zone. Could this be a joke? \

If I had known that he was talking about this, even if this guy demolished the police station, I would rather pretend not to hear him and would never stand up to persuade him to go home.

However, now that Yang Chao was making such a noise in the yard, not only did he hear it, but there were also two police officers on duty and seven or eight assisting police officers standing there and listening. He couldn't even pretend not to hear it.

When he was angry and resentful, Li Qingtao simply asked people to control Yang Chao first, and then reported him step by step. It wasn't until this morning that the director of the High-tech Zone Public Security Bureau reported Liu Yuefang's situation.

Liu Yuefang couldn't help being surprised after receiving the report, but she didn't dare to report to Liu Yang rashly until the matter was clarified. So Liu Yuefang met Yang Chao first. When he reported to Liu Yuefang again, Yang Chaozhou described himself as a poor guy who was coerced by his superiors.

After listening to Yang Chao's report, Liu Yuefang was even more surprised. Judging from what Yang Chao said, he felt that Jiang Runguo was clearly here for her.

After comforting Deputy Director Yang, Liu Yuefang went to see her brother Liu Laowu again.

Although Zeng Feifei warned and threatened Liu Laowu not to tell anyone about this matter, otherwise his wife would not be able to keep it. But Liu Laowu is not stupid, he still believes in his sister the most. When Liu Yuefang asked about someone filming him, Liu Laowu told his sister exactly what happened.

This process sounds simple, but in fact it still takes a lot of effort. After Liu Yuefang figured out the situation, she quickly called Liu Yang, regardless of the fact that it was dinner time.

But after Liu Yang listened to Liu Yuefang's report, he felt that there was no way Jiang Runguo was here for Liu Yuefang. If he was just targeting Liu Yuefang, Jiang Runguo wouldn't have bothered so much.

Therefore, Liu Yang immediately called Cui Kai and asked him to take people to control Zeng Feifei now and make sure to get the videotape.

Although Liu Yang wanted to go back quickly to hear the result, he was still thinking about the two siblings in the private room, and he didn't know how their conversation went. If he just sneaked away like this, Fang Songlin must have thought that he had done something wrong and felt guilty and dared not face him. If this is the case, then it will be really difficult for the two of them to meet each other in the future.

So, Liu Yang followed the waiter who served the food back. Seeing Liu Yang come in, Fang Songlin glared at him fiercely, but did not lose his temper at him again.

"Waiter, open two bottles first..." Fang Songlin said, turning his head abruptly: "Let's have one bottle each, whoever can't drink it is a coward..."

“Pine Forest…”

Before Liu Yang could say anything, Fang Songlin glared: "Don't call me so close first. I'm still talking about your friend. One bottle for each person, let's do it first, do you dare?"

At this time, you have to do it even if you don't dare. Besides, Liu Yang consciously drinks a bottle of white and there is no problem. Fang Yuzhu opened her mouth, looking like she wanted to persuade him, but in the end she could only look at Liu Yang helplessly, spread her hands, and made an embarrassed gesture.

So, the two of them drank one cup after another. Fang Yuzhu didn't care about the two of them, just minding her own food.

It can be seen that Fang Songlin drinks more than before. It may be that he has been tainted with the military style of the army over the years, and he drinks wine very simply. The two of them drank a bottle in one go without eating a single chopstick.

Fang Songlin glanced sideways at Liu Yang, slapped the table, and said loudly: "Good boy, as expected... Come again, open two more bottles..."

This time, Fang Yuzhu was unwilling and said unhappily: "What are you doing? Can't you just say something nice? Why do you have to drink so much?"

Fang Songlin stared at Fang Yuzhu with eyes as big as eggs and asked: "Sister, are you still my biological sister? Liu Yang and I were drinking, who do you think you were helping?"

Liu Yangxin said that we can drink one bottle each. Even if your sister wants to help me, there is nothing she can do? Isn't it embarrassing for you to ask

Sure enough, Fang Yuzhu said angrily: "I won't help anyone, you will drink me down."

Fang Songlin shouted: "Okay, then open two more bottles. Liu Yang, do you still have the guts?"

The waiter had been kicked out long ago, so Liu Yang had to open two more bottles himself: "Songlin, it's okay to drink another bottle, but if you have anything to say, just say it, don't hold it back..."

Fang Songlin reached out and grabbed a bottle and said loudly: "I don't have anything to say, I just want to drink with you. Come on, pour it..."

Fang Yuzhu kept winking at Liu Yang, but Liu Yang could only smile bitterly and thought to himself, "Do you think I am willing to drink it?" Is there nothing I can do? !

"Liu Yang... You kid is not loyal... You are not honest... How dare you... How dare you do this kind of thing with my sister... My sister... My sister has been suffering all these years... Otherwise, I, I and him Mom will shoot you..."

Halfway through the second bottle of wine, Fang Songlin finally showed his drunken state, stretched out his hand and slapped the table, but the general meaning of what he said could still be understood.

"Yes... this is my fault... but I..." Liu Yang's tongue was also a little stiff, and he still wanted to communicate with Fang Songlin while grabbing the wine glass.

Unexpectedly, Fang Songlin suddenly grabbed Liu Yang's collar and shouted loudly: "What the hell are you talking about now... What's the point of saying this? I don't care about your bullshit reasons. If you dare to mess with my sister in the future, Be happy, I will kill you with one fucking shot... I will kill you with one shot, do you believe it?"

"I believe... I believe, why don't you let go..." Before Liu Yang could finish his words, Fang Songlin put his head on Liu Yang's chest.

“Pine Forest…”


Liu Yang and Fang Yuzhu shouted at the same time, but Fang Songlin closed his eyes and muttered something in a low voice, but the two of them didn't care to listen to what he said.

"What should I do? Do I need to send him to the hospital?" Fang Yuzhu asked with concern.

"It's okay. When he was in school, sometimes he drank more than he does now. Today, it's mainly because he was worried, plus he only drank wine and didn't eat food, so he got drunk a little faster." Liu Yang comforted Fang Yuzhu.

"Then... what should we do?" Fang Yuzhu looked at Fang Songlin worriedly and asked.

"Get a room up there and let him sleep for a while and he'll be fine." As Liu Yang spoke, he loudly called the waiter to come in and asked the waiter to go to the lobby below to help open a room. Then he bent down and carried Fang Songlin on his back. got up.

Wait until Fang Songlin got the sex in the room, and Liu Yang was sweating profusely. He was also dizzy from drinking at first, but now he seems to have sobered up a lot.

"Get him a glass of water and drink it. As long as you don't lack water after drinking too much, it's usually not a big deal..." As Liu Yang was talking, the phone in his pocket rang again.

This time, it was Cui Kai who called.

After Liu Yang answered, Cui Kai reported that Zeng Feifei had been arrested, but the videotape was not found. Zeng Feifei hasn't spoken yet, but she may have been taken away by Jiang Runguo.

Cui Kai asked for instructions if measures could be taken against Jiang Runguo.

Liu Yang couldn't help but want to laugh when he heard this, but at the same time he couldn't help but be moved. Cui Kai is not a person who doesn't understand the rules, but now he dares to arrest even members of the Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee as long as he says a word.

It was obvious that he was putting his head and future together with himself. Liu Yang believed that as long as he said to arrest him, Cui Kai would not hesitate and would really dare to rush into Jiang Runguo's home and arrest him.

Liu Yang said solemnly: "No, Jiang Runguo is a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee. Don't say there is no evidence. Even if there is evidence, you, the police chief, do not have the right to arrest him. When interrogating Zeng Feifei, you must make her talk..."

"What's going on?" The call just now actually involved a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee. Fang Yuzhu was in officialdom, so he knew that this was not a small move. Seeing Liu Yang put away the phone, he couldn't help but ask with concern.