Perfect Feast

Chapter 622: Liu Yang's era


Liu Yang knew that even though Fang Yuzhu was a woman, she could be regarded as his teacher in the officialdom. Therefore, Liu Yang did not hide anything and told Fang Yuzhu everything.

Fang Yuzhu listened carefully. Knowing that someone wanted to harm Liu Yang, she couldn't help but widen her eyes: "This Jiang Runguo is very courageous, so let's get rid of him..."

Her words made Liu Yang hide his smile: "Sister, pay attention to your manners!"

"What are you paying attention to? Don't you understand yet? This person is trying to get you to death." Fang Yuzhu rolled her eyes at Liu Yang and said coldly: "The matter he made an excuse for is related to national policy. Now our country is facing a crisis. Most of the people who defected from the North will be sent back. However, some Western countries have attacked our country many times because of this. If the man named Jiang does this this time, there will definitely be another uproar... "

Fang Yuzhu analyzed the possible impacts of the incident to Liu Yang bit by bit, as well as the consequences these impacts would bring to Liu Yang, which really made Liu Yang sweat.

Originally, he just thought that what Jiang Runguo did was definitely not a good thing, but he really didn't think so thoroughly. After Fang Yuzhu said this, Liu Yang realized that Jiang Runguo's intentions were not trivial. This guy really wanted to knock him to the ground and put his feet back on him.

After Liu Yang figured it out, he looked at Fang Yuzhu and asked: "Then...even if Zeng Feifei confesses that this matter was ordered by Jiang Runguo, it is impossible to do anything to him, right?"

Now that I already know about this, I will definitely not let it happen again. Since the incident did not cause any adverse consequences, I am afraid it will not be easy for me to pursue Jiang Runguo.

At most, Jiang Runguo would refuse to admit his guilt. Even if Zeng Feifei opened his mouth, at most he would only admit that he had made a small mistake, and he would definitely put most of the responsibility on Zeng Feifei. Jiang Runguo's light words made it easy for the people below to understand him wrongly, so that he could excuse himself.

"You..." Fang Yuzhu stretched out her white and tender fingers, and lightly tapped Liu Yang's forehead: "You are thinking simply. Jiang Runguo is afraid that he did not think of this serious consequence. What did you just do? Didn’t you say that your police chief suspects that the information is in Jiang Runguo’s hands? As long as these things can be found from him, even if you can let him go, your provincial leaders will not let him go... "

Liu Yang said in embarrassment: "But... he is a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee. Even if Zeng Feifei says that the things are at his place, I don't have the right to search his home?"

"We do extraordinary things in extraordinary times. What consequences will it bring to the whole province if Jiang Runguo succeeds? Isn't this a sufficient reason?" Fang Yuzhu said, smiling meaningfully at Liu Yang: "You Don't tell me that you don't have a contact number..."

Are you a pig? For this kind of thing, you just need to report it directly to Zhang Qixiong. As long as you have the authority of the Chapter Secretary, what else can't you do? With such a relationship, you can even decide first and then deal with it later... In some matters, it depends on how you use the rights and relationships in your hands.

I don't know if Liu Yang understood his hint. Looking at Liu Yang who was scratching his head in embarrassment, Fang Yuzhu directly issued an eviction order: "Okay, I will take care of him here. If you have anything to do, just go and do your work. .”

"Then... I'll pick you up when I'm done?" Liu Yang looked at Fang Yuzhu and asked.

"No, originally I bought a return ticket for tomorrow, and asked Xiaosong to send it to me then..." Fang Yuzhu looked at Liu Yang with gentle eyes, but her tone was extremely firm: "I can't leave for such a long time in Jiangnan Province. time… "

Liu Yang opened his arms and hugged Fang Yuzhu: "I understand. When I have time, I will go to Jiangnan Province to see you..."

"Well..." Fang Yuzhu hummed softly, slowly raised his head, touched Liu Yang's lips with his red lips, and quickly withdrew: "Let's go, my sister has been very happy these two days..."

Fang Yuzhu knew that if she continued to be involved with this little man at this time, he would definitely have bad intentions again. Thinking about the joy of being with her these two days, Fang Yuzhu felt sweet in her heart, but she was really a little afraid of him!

Liu Yang returned to the office, and Cui Kai was already waiting at the door of the office.

After entering the office, Cui Kai opened the folder in his hand and said: "Secretary, Zeng Feifei has been recruited, and the video materials she recorded are indeed in Jiang Runguo's hands... In addition, Zeng Feifei also confessed that she and Jiang Runguo is a lover..."

"Is Zeng Feifei's words reliable?" Liu Yang did not accept the materials handed over by Cui Kai, but stared at him and asked in a deep voice.

Cui Kai stood up and said loudly: "Secretary, I guarantee with my life and fortune that there is absolutely no problem with what Zeng Feifei said..."

Liu Yang knew that Cui Kai said this not to guarantee anything for Zeng Feifei, but to reassure himself. Only when you are reassured can you dare to make a decision.

After all, Jiang Runguo is a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and a deputy department-level cadre. Cui Kai also understood his weight very well. Liu Yang nodded and said in a deep voice: "You personally lead the team and control Jiang Runguo. You must get the things..."

"Yes, I promise to complete the mission." Cui Kai agreed loudly, turned around and walked out.

After waiting for him to walk out, Liu Yang slowly sat back in front of his desk, reached out and grabbed the landline phone on the desk, and called Zhang Qixiong: "Secretary Zhang, I have something very important to ask you. Report. Chang Jiang Runguo, member of the Standing Committee of the Binhai Municipal Party Committee and Propaganda Department, intends to destroy the good situation of Binhai City for his own selfish interests and plans to broadcast it on the TV station... "

On the other side of the phone, Zhang Qixiong was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Is the situation true?"

After receiving Liu Yang's affirmative reply, Zhang Qixiong said decisively: "We must control the situation. I will ask the people from the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to go down immediately..."

"Yes, I understand what to do." Liu Yangxin said that the situation will definitely be controlled. Now Cui Kai is probably at Jiang Runguo's house, right

It wasn't until dark at night that Liu Yang drove back to the villa. Still far away, I saw the bright lights inside the villa. Liu Yang felt happy, thinking that Fang Yuzhu was back again. But then she thought about it again. Even if Fang Yuzhu came back, she wouldn't have the key to the villa.

After parking the car and entering the door, I saw Xiaomei carrying her toddler Xiaoyu around in the living room. Zhao Jingjing sat on the sofa and looked at her son with a smile on her face, her eyes filled with tenderness.

"You... are you back?"

Hearing the surprise in Liu Yang's voice, Zhao Jingjing stood up and smiled at him: "Why, did we come back too soon and disturb you from being alone?"

Zhao Jingjing smiled and walked over to take Liu Yang's bag.

"You are not here... What freedom do I have? I just came back from work... Son, do you miss dad? Come to dad..." Although she wanted to know the outcome of Zhao Jingjing's meeting, Zhao Jingjing did not take the initiative to speak, Liu Yang I was too embarrassed to ask. After changing his slippers, he bent down and clapped his hands, Liu Yang went to tease his son.

Unexpectedly, the little guy just turned his head and glanced at him, and with the support of Aunt Xiaomei, he twisted his body and walked forward persistently.

With the help of the beater, he had just learned to move forward and walk. He was so energetic at the moment that he didn't take his father's call seriously.

"When will this kid call me daddy?" Seeing that his son was not giving him face, Liu Yang could only smile and walked to the sofa to sit down, then turned to look at Zhao Jingjing and asked.

"If you want to call him, you have to call him mom first..." Zhao Jingjing rolled her eyes at Liu Yang, then took two steps to the kitchen and asked: "Is the meal ready? It's time to start the meal..."

In the kitchen, Pei Wenjie's voice came: "It will be ready soon, I have another dish..."

Liu Yang couldn't help but turn his head and look at Zhao Jingjing, wondering why Pei Wenjie is here? Coincidentally, Zhao Jingjing also turned back to look at Liu Yang at this time, but there was a sense of pride in her eyes that could not be concealed.

Liu Yang naturally didn't know what Zhao Jingjing was thinking, so he had no choice but to pick up the newspaper on the coffee table and read it without taking a glance.

Zhao Jingjing walked to Liu Yang and sat down, bumped Liu Yang with her shoulder, and asked in a low voice: "Are you not worried at all?"

"Me? What am I worried about?" Liu Yang pretended not to understand.

"Hmph, just be tough. I'll settle the score with you later tonight..." Zhao Jingjing lowered her voice as she spoke, put her ear next to Liu Yang's, and asked bitterly: "Tell me, who is Hu Xiaohong?" What's going on?"

"She... this... Zhang Hui didn't tell you? This... is really... her..."

Seeing Liu Yang's anxious look, Zhao Jingjing burst out laughing: "Okay, don't say any more. That girl deserves her misfortune. This time she will be a long-term worker for our family for the rest of her life, and she still doesn't have to pay..."

"Ah?" Liu Yang exclaimed in surprise, thinking to himself, what kind of statement is this

"What are you doing? Otherwise, I really wouldn't trust her to take care of the entire company..." Zhao Jingjing stepped hard on Liu Yang's feet with her little feet in slippers, and said bitterly: " It’s also an advantage for you…”

The National Day holiday has not yet passed, and the news of Jiang Runguo being double disciplined by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection spread throughout Binhai City. At the first meeting of the Standing Committee after the holiday, the personnel appointments that implemented Liu Yang's will were also passed smoothly.

Hou Changshuo was nominated as a candidate for Binhai Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee and Propaganda Department Minister and reported to the Provincial Party Committee. Niu Fengqin was appointed as member of the Standing Committee of the Haicheng Municipal Party Committee, deputy secretary, and acting mayor. Huang Zeyu was appointed as deputy director of the Urban and Rural Development Bureau, presiding over the daily work of the Urban Construction Bureau. Li Shanshan was appointed deputy director of the Finance Bureau, and Lu Zhihua's wife Song Mei also joined the Finance Bureau and was appointed director of the Budget Department, with a full-service level.

In addition, there have been many changes in the first and second leaders of other major departments in the city.

The implementation of these personnel changes marked the official entry of Binhai City into the Liu Yang era. The time for the model competition was approaching, and Hou Changshuo took full responsibility, which saved Liu Yang a lot of worry.

Zhao Jingjing is also very busy during this time, often flying back and forth between the mainland and Hong Kong with Xiaomei. It is precisely because of this that Liu Yang has a lot of free time and can often communicate with women such as Sun Qingmei, Pei Wenjie, and Li Shanshan.

So when Liu Yang received a call from Fang Songlin asking him to go out for a drink again, Liu Yang didn't worry about anything and happily agreed.