Perfect Feast

Chapter 627: Sudden accident


After Miao Zhengrong left, everyone at the table looked at each other in disbelief and all looked at Liu Yang.

Liu Yang knew what these people were thinking and what they wanted to do. But he could only sigh and said: "I know what happened just now is difficult for everyone to accept, but there is nothing we can do about it. I didn't just tell Wen Hongbin today, I also told everyone before, some We can do things, but some things cannot be touched. Everything has a bottom line. If you exceed this bottom line, you must be prepared to bear the corresponding consequences. Let me share this with everyone!"

Huang Decheng and Lin Yufen were thinking about everything, and Li Dongdong couldn't help but nodded. She was born in Lao Ji Jian, Liu Yang's words were so direct, what else didn't she understand

When taking the taxi back, the music on Liu Yang's mobile phone rang in his pocket. Look at the number, it's Lu Zhihua calling.

Lu Zhihua did not feel that he had lost his support because of Song Jinkun's transfer. As Liu Yang's secretary, he knew that he had already had a big "Liu" on his forehead. Now when others look at him, they all know that he is Liu Yang's. He was a direct descendant, but few people would say that he was Song Jinkun's son-in-law when talking about him.

In addition, Lu Zhihua's current rank has been promoted to deputy department, and his wife Song Mei has now become a full-time official at the department level. These were all given to him by Secretary Liu. Even if Song Jinkun had great power in Binhai City, he would not be able to do this.

Everyone else knew about his relationship with Song Jinkun, but Song Jinkun was restrained and could not open his mouth when it came to dealing with his daughter and son-in-law.

After the call was connected, Lu Zhihua's anxious voice came over: "Secretary, there is something going on with Mayor Fu Haitao. It's... at Xiaoheihe. When the villagers were mobilized to relocate, several households of villagers were dissatisfied with Mr. Jiang's decision. Mayor Fu failed to suppress the conditions they gave and was beaten by several villagers... "

There is a small black river in the northeast of Jianjiao Town, which meanders through Jianjiao Town and then flows northward into the sea. There are two villages on both sides of the river, which are within the scope of this relocation. One is called East Heihe Village and the other is called South Heihe Village. They are both in the area Jiang Nannan plans to develop.

The agreement between Jiang Nannan and the city government had been signed long ago, but because Binhai City was during the model competition period some time ago, in order to ensure stability, Liu Yang asked Jiang Nannan to start construction a few days later.

Therefore, Jiang Nannan did not start taking action until the end of the "Two Sessions" in Binhai City. Unexpectedly, something happened to Fu Haitao during the few days he was in Jihai for a meeting.

Ordinarily, demolition is now the job of developers, and the city government only plays a supervisory role. I really don’t know how Fu Haitao, the deputy mayor in charge, became a vanguard and was even beaten up by the villagers and sent to the hospital. Already

However, what Lu Zhihua said next surprised Liu Yang even more: "Secretary, now more than a thousand villagers from two Heihe villages have gathered and are besieging the city government..."

Listening, Liu Yang asked with some confusion: "What's going on? They beat the deputy mayor, why is this happening?"

Lu Zhihua said: "They... I heard that it seemed that the people under General Chiang Kai-shek were violently threatening. Mayor Fu not only failed to stop it, but expressed his support, which caused the riot. During the conflict, five or six villagers in Heihe Village were killed. He was injured, and Mayor Haitao received half a flying brick. Afterwards, people from the Jianjiao Town Police Station arrested many villagers from Heihe Village. They surrounded the city hall and demanded their release... "

Liu Yang frowned slightly and asked, "What does Cui Kai do for food? How did he deal with it?"

Lu Zhihua said: "Director Cui has already brought his people over and is organizing manpower to stop the villagers from attacking. However, it seems that Mayor Yu Liqing intends to take tough measures, but Director Cui has not agreed. We don't know what the outcome of the whole thing will be. .”

Liu Yang hummed and asked again, "What did Yu Liqing say?"

Among the standing committee members, Liu Yang, Li Yibin, Zhu Jianjun, Sun Qingmei, Sun Qingyun, Miao Haikuo, and Pei Wenjie are all meeting in the provincial capital. In Binhai City, only Yu Changxin, Zhao Gongsen, Hou Changshuo, and Yu Liqing are presiding over work at home. .

Yu Changxin is the secretary of Shizhong District, Zhao Gongsen is a military cadre, and Hou Changshuo is the propaganda minister, and they are cadres on the municipal party committee. Yu Liqing was the only one from the government, and he was a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, so he was the only one who came forward to deal with the accident.

Lu Zhihua said: "I just came back from the hospital. Mayor Fu's injuries are not very serious. Now I can't even enter the door, so I don't know exactly how Mayor Yu will arrange it. However, Mayor Yu just used The electric loudspeaker shouted to the villagers, saying that if they did not leave, the Public Security Bureau would take measures. Now those villagers have not left, I am afraid... Secretary, I am behind these people, and I heard that they were organized by someone. Everyone who participated in the siege of the city hall was given two hundred yuan. I don’t think those people were telling lies, there must be someone causing trouble... "

While Lu Zhihua was talking, another number came in from Liu Yang's mobile phone. Seeing that it showed Hu Jingkun, Liu Yang said to Lu Zhihua: "Let's leave it like this for now. You should pay attention to the situation over there and keep in touch with me at any time."

Hu Jingkun is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee. If he called at this time, could it be that Zhang Qixiong already knows what happened in Binhai City

Liu Yang really guessed it right. As soon as he answered the phone, Hu Jingkun said: "Comrade Liu Yang, has someone reported to you in Binhai City? Secretary Zhang means that you don't need to attend the following meetings. Yes, now you rush back immediately and make sure to handle the matter well. In addition, Governor Qi will also go to Binhai City to take charge. He is entrusted by Governor Han to represent the provincial government. Secretary Zhang asked me to ask Are you sure you can control the overall situation of Binhai City?"

Zhang Qixiong actually asked Hu Jingkun to call him and asked him whether he was sure he could control the overall situation of Binhai City? This shows that Zhang Qixiong is very angry. Asking Hu Jingkun to call him is telling him that he is very angry.

In fact, when Liu Yang thought about it, this matter was really annoying.

He had only been out for a few days when mass violence broke out in Binhai City, where people besieged the city government. No wonder Zhang Qixiong was angry.

In addition, Han Zonglin actually appointed Qi Daoyuan to "help" him deal with the matter in Binhai City, which was equivalent to a slap in the face. It was clear that Han Zonglin did not trust his ability and was afraid that he could not handle it, so he let him Qi Daoyuan went to Binhai.

At the same time, both Han Zonglin and Zhang Qixiong received the news earlier than themselves, the Binhai City Party Committee Secretary, and he only received the information from Lu Zhihua. Not only did Fu Haitao fail to report something to him, but Yu Liqing also didn't call him to explain the situation and asked Cui Kai to take tough measures.

What made Liu Yang even more angry was that it was okay if Hou Changshuo didn't call him, but Cui Kai was so brainless

Such a big thing happened in Binhai City, and he, the secretary of the municipal party committee, was not the first person to get the news. It was no wonder that Zhang Qixiong was angry and asked himself whether he had the ability to control the situation in Binhai City.

Liu Yang felt that although Fu Haitao was a little aggressive in doing things, he was not confused about this kind of thing. Now, he also felt that what Lu Zhihua said was reasonable. There must be someone behind this incident.

However, he still can't figure out who is causing trouble and making people think that something will happen to him after he leaves Binhai City. It gives the impression that he adopts high-pressure policies in Binhai City. When he was there, no one dared to "make trouble". Once he left, the order of Binhai City would immediately fall into chaos.

In the final analysis, it still gives people the appearance that they are unable to control the overall situation, making the provincial party committee leaders have to doubt their own abilities.

Liu Yang could still hear the hint in Hu Jingkun's voice. Qi Daoyuan went to Binhai City, probably not to support himself.

I'm just afraid that after he goes, he might cause some trouble for himself. I'm afraid that this is the real reason why Zhang Qixiong is worried.

Thinking of this, Liu Yang said categorically: "Secretary-General Hu, I will return to Binhai City immediately. Please tell the leader that I am also surprised by what happened in Binhai City, but I am confident that I can handle this matter. Please The leader is relieved.

Hu Jingkun hummed and said slowly: "I understand, I will report to the leader right now. In addition, the leader also asked me to give you a message. 'Don't do wrong things. Don't be afraid of little devils.' The leader reassures you." Boldly call for work to begin.”

Regarding Zhang Qixiong's words, Liu Yang still felt very warm in his heart.

At the same time, Liu Yang also heard keenly that the situation in the province seemed to be relatively complicated. Otherwise, Zhang Qixiong would not have hinted that he should not be soft-hearted when tough measures should be taken.

"Secretary-General, I know what to do, and I will handle it well." Liu Yang promised again.

Hu Jingkun hummed softly: "Well, I understand, it's now 1:20, and there will be a non-Binhai flight in another 20 minutes. I suggest you take the plane back, and move quickly. Can you get there within twenty minutes? If possible, I'll call the airport right now?"

Liu Yang looked at his watch and said, "Thank you, Secretary General. I'm going to the airport now..."

"Okay, that's it." After Hu Jingkun said that, he hung up the phone. He thought he wanted to contact the airport. He is so decisive in doing things, I'm afraid Zhang Qixiong is by his side at this time, right

Liu Yang also quickly put away the phone and said to the taxi driver: "Master, please turn around and let's go to the airport. I'm in a hurry. We have to get there within twenty minutes..."

"Isn't it... I'm afraid I don't have enough time? From here to the airport..." Before the driver could finish his words, Liu Yang had already handed over a wad of banknotes from behind: "Master, please, I'm really in a hurry."

"Here... hold it up, I promise to send you there within twenty minutes..." This stack of banknotes may only be two or three thousand. Seeing Liu Yang's generous move, the driver suddenly turned the direction and turned the car around. The front of the car drove forward like lightning.

This novel comes from