Perfect Feast

Chapter 629: Internal reasons


The common people are simple, but this simplicity also includes ignorance.

The ignorant are fearless, especially when someone takes the lead. Many people have no idea whether their actions violate national laws.

Anyway, as long as one person shouts "beat him" at this time, the others will not distinguish between right and wrong at all, they will just blindly follow the instructions mechanically. As for who to beat, why to beat, whether it is illegal to beat someone, etc., few people consider these issues.

Seeing that the crowd was excited and crowded, they all gathered around Secretary Liu. The few policemen closest to Liu Yang ignored the door behind them and gathered around Liu Yang with shields and rubber sticks.

However, there were not as many police officers around Liu Yang as there were ordinary people around him. Seeing that Comrade Liu Yang was about to be trapped in the vast sea of people, with the sound of a "bang" gunshot, the noisy crowd was once again stunned.

Immediately, Cui Kai's voice rang out from the loudspeaker of the police car: "I am Cui Kai, director of the Binhai Municipal Public Security Bureau. Your behavior of gathering a crowd to attack the municipal government office building is illegal. SWAT team, anti-riot team, armed police officers and soldiers, listen now My order..."

Under Cui Kai's command, groups of heavily armed police officers emerged from nowhere and quickly drew an isolation zone in front of the door.

Seeing his orderly command, Liu Yang was not only relieved. Fortunately, this guy fired a gun into the air just now. I thought it was some policeman who fired his gun out of nervousness.

"Secretary...I have called you dozens of times, but you have always turned off your phone. did you show up here?" In Cui Kai's mind, Liu Yang must still be in Jihai at this time, not It was really scary to think that he was suddenly there among the crowd of petitioners.

It can be heard that Cui Kai's voice has a vibrato, which is frightened and relieved.

Originally, Liuyang City was holding back his anger and planned to criticize him severely, but after listening to his words, Liu Yang felt a little moved in his heart. No matter why this matter was handled like this, at least Cui Kai was really worried about himself.

In addition, Cui Kai's slightly complaining words just now also gave him an explanation. It was not that Cui Kai didn't call him, but that he turned off his phone because he got on the plane. After getting off the plane, I hurried over and didn't even think of turning on my phone until now.

Don't say that he called him dozens of times, even if he called hundreds, he wouldn't be able to receive it.

"I rushed back by plane, and I forgot to turn on my phone..." Liu Yang said as he took out his phone from his pocket and turned it on. Immediately, the notification tone rang.

At this time, Liu Yang didn't have time to look carefully at the phone calls Shui had made to him. Instead, he put his phone in his pocket, looked at Cui Kai and asked, "What on earth is going on?"

"Secretary, I have investigated this matter clearly. The matter was caused by Jiang Nannan, the general manager of Shunjing Washington, Lu Liping, the boss of Xiangxing Company, Wang Zengyu, the boss of Qidu International Group, and Cao Baichuan, the boss of Sihai Group... "

Although what Cui Kai said was concise, Liu Yang understood it immediately. It turned out that after Jiang Nannan got the land in Jianjiao Town, she contacted Wang Zengyu, the boss of Qidu International Group, and Cao Baichuan, the boss of Sihai Group, plus Lu Liping of Xiangxing Group, which meant that the four of them contributed money. , jointly develop that villa area.

Most villagers in Heihe Village are very happy about the demolition. After all, the city has specific standards for housing compensation. According to this standard, the villagers do not suffer.

However, what Jiang Nannan and others did not expect was that there were actually two small factories in this village that occupied private houses.

One of these two small factories is a tool factory and the other is a clothing processing company. The scale of the two factories is not large, but if they are relocated according to factory standards, the cost of site fees, lost time, etc. will be a considerable expense.

Therefore, Jiang Nannan insisted that the other party's property was a private house, while the other party insisted that it was a factory and produced all the evidence to prove that it was a factory, such as the business license and tax payment certificate.

In this case, it seems that it is a certainty that this is a factory matter. Logically speaking, Jiang Nannan can solve the problem as long as she follows the factory relocation standards and negotiates conditions with the other party.

However, Jiang Nannan was unwilling to take out the extra expenses, and his two partners, Wang Zengyu and Cao Baichuan, were not peaceful businessmen themselves.

When Liu Yang and Jiang Nannan had a conflict when they first met, the two people followed Jiang Nannan and cheered, but in the end they were caught and punished by Yang Bin. But the situation is easy to change, and nature is hard to change. Faced with this situation, these two people did not follow the right path, but made crooked ideas.

They asked their men to rush into the two factories at night, control the people who were watching the factories, and quietly "steal" all the equipment in the factories overnight.

Okay, let’s talk this time. Don’t you say you are a factory? Where are your machines located? Where is the device? What’s the use of just having a business license? Without machinery and equipment, it can only be a private house.

As a result, the bosses of these two factories naturally quit their jobs. They also called the police, saying that their equipment had been stolen. However, after people from the Jianjiao Town Police Station dispatched the police, they could not find the stolen equipment, let alone the evidence that the small bosses of the two factories said that the equipment had been stolen.

This case turned out to be whether the equipment was stolen or whether the two young bosses made a false police report. That's not all yet. Jiang Nannan found Fu Haitao again, saying that the villagers in Heihe Village described the houses as factories in an attempt to hinder the demolition and extort money from her.

Regarding the demolition of Jianjiao Town, both the municipal party committee secretary and the mayor were keeping a close eye on it. Fu Haitao naturally did not dare to be careless. He asked someone from the police station to find out about the situation. The reply from the police station said that it was still difficult to judge the other party. Did they take away the equipment in the factory themselves or was it stolen? As for the two small bosses who called the police and said that the equipment was stolen by Jiang Nannan's people, they had no way of confirming whether this was the case until they found the equipment.

Since the police station couldn't confirm it, Fu Haitao also asked Jiang Nannan to say that the two villagers wanted to use this reason to ask for two more relocation fees. To be on the safe side, he followed Jiang Nannan and Wang Zengyu over to take a look.

Unexpectedly, after arriving there, the conflict between the two words was intensified. Half a flying brick flew over and brought Mayor Fu to the hospital in one fell swoop.

At this time, Jiang Nannan and Wang Zengyu finally found an excuse to protect the safety of Mayor Fu. We can't do it if we don't do it, right? So, the full-time thugs raised by Wang Zengyu started fighting together. Even if there were many villagers, they were no match for them, and they beat several of them.

Being injured by outsiders in your own village is a shameful thing in itself, but people from the Jianjiao Town Police Station heard that Mayor Fu was injured in Heihe Village. Who dares to bear this responsibility

So the police car rushed into the village and arrested several villagers who were present. Among them was the husband of the girl wearing a bright red dress and bridal makeup.

The young man and the bride were both locals, but they met while working in a processing factory. Today he married a wife, which was supposed to be a great event, but he was so unlucky. Hearing that someone from above was dealing with the matter at the factory where he worked, the young man came over to say a few words despite his busy schedule, and by chance he was arrested by the police station.

It can be said that this behavior of the police station finally stimulated the villagers of Heihe Village to become excited. They helped the old and young, and thousands of people surrounded the city hall.

If Yu Liqing had dared to stand up to understand the situation and deal with the problem at that time, it would not have been possible for the crowd to disperse before Liu Yang returned from Jihai. But Yu Liqing is a member of the Standing Committee who was just elected this year, and is very unfamiliar with handling such matters. In addition, he and Fu Haitao have always been in a state of competition, and now his victory has temporarily come to an end.

But the matter involved Fu Haitao, and he couldn't say anything easily. Except for the initial instructions he gave to Cui Kai to persuade people to leave, and to forcibly drive away villagers if they didn't listen, he actually had no other instructions.

But Cui Kai knew the consequences of doing so. If he were to forcefully evict them now, it would be nothing less than adding fuel to the fire. So he just asked the armed police and police to set up a human wall to prevent the villagers from rushing into the city hall.

Cui Kai did not follow Yu Liqing's request. Instead, he drove to Jianjiao Town to learn about the situation.

After learning the origin and process of the entire incident from the police station, Cui Kai asked Chu Qin to activate the surveillance system and retrieve image data from the night when equipment from two factories in Heihe Village was stolen.

The city-wide traffic monitoring system that Chu Qin spent a lot of money to build a while ago is finally performing well. There happens to be a camera on the route outside Jianjiao Town. It was through this that we found the shadows of the vehicles that were stealing equipment.

Following this clue, Cui Kai found the vehicles and the machinery and equipment on the vehicles that had not yet been disposed of in a breeding farm by the sea.

Speaking of which, this was a coincidence. According to a guy caught at the scene, his boss originally asked them to "throw" the car and equipment directly into the sea. It was because he and a few drivers thought that this thing could still be sold for a few dollars, so they were not willing to throw it away. They wanted to stay here and wait for the limelight to pass, secretly look for buyers, and get a few small bucks to spend, but they didn't want the goods to go unsold, so He was quickly found by the police.

Hearing this, Liu Yang interrupted Cui Kai and asked, "Has that person told him who his boss is?"

Looking at Liu Yang, Cui Kai shook his head: "That person said that the person who asked them to do this was named Zhang Ermao. As for who this Zhang Ermao is, we haven't found out yet... "