Perfect Feast

Chapter 630: We want fairness


Cui Kai knew in his heart that Liu Yang asked this just because he wanted to know whether the arrested man admitted that he was under the instruction of Jiang Nannan or Wang Zengyu.

But facts are facts and there is no room for falsehood. Even though he was holding back his anger, that guy really didn't mention the names of Jiang Nannan and others.

Perhaps, his status in the camp of Jiang Nannan and others was lower than that of directly accepting instructions from Jiang Nannan and others. Zhang Ermao, who gave him the order, was the one who knew who asked them to do this.

However, it is really not easy to find this person because his name is not a name, and his nickname is not a code name. Especially in such a hurry, Cui Kai was still worried about what happened at the door of the city hall, and he didn't have much time to search slowly.

Of course, the most direct way is to interrogate Jiang Nannan and the others and ask them to hand them over.

But even if he knew that Zhang Ermao was one of theirs, Cui Kai didn't dare to easily arrest the CEO of a large company for interrogation because there was no evidence.

However, the information provided by Cui Kai was enough for Liu Yang to analyze the ins and outs of the matter. Now that the root cause of the disease has been found, it is easy to prescribe the medicine.

It was only at this time that Yu Liqing appeared in front of Liu Yang panting with a group of people from the city government. Behind him, Hou Changshuo and several deputy secretaries-general of the municipal party committee also ran over from the municipal party committee office building.

"Just now, when I came to this gate from the airport, I thought that everyone in the Binhai Municipal Committee and Municipal Government was dead..." As soon as Liu Yang spoke, the group of people who had just ran over lowered their heads. .

"Outside the gate, there are more than a thousand people who came to report problems. The huge municipal party committee and government..." Liu Yang said, stretching out his hand to point in the direction of the office building: "I'm afraid the people working in these two buildings will not..." Less than 200 people, right? No one came out. I just want to ask, are you afraid of seeing the people, or are you collectively blind and deaf? If you are afraid of seeing the people, it means that you, a cadre, have been separated from the masses and will no longer accompany you. Be a public servant of the people. Selective blindness and deafness is not a problem with your eyes and ears, but a disease in your heart. Even if you are not dead now, you are not far away from death... "

Liu Yang's voice was not loud, but in the silence, it was still clearly heard by many people. As soon as Liu Yang finished speaking, he was interrupted by a round of applause.

Most of the people applauding were the people standing outside the door.

The common people didn't care whether the young secretary was putting on a show or speaking from his inner voice, but after all, Liu Yang's words made them happy.

In the thunderous applause, Yu Liqing felt waves of fever on his face, and Hou Changshuo also felt that his face was burning.

The two of them, before Liu Yang showed up, one was the top leader among the existing municipal party committee members, and the other was the deputy mayor of the Standing Committee who temporarily presided over the work of the municipal government at home. During the few days when the Municipal Party Committee Secretary and the Mayor were not at home, they not only failed to prevent the incident, but also failed to calm down the conflict in time after the incident. Instead, they asked Liu Yang to rush back from the provincial capital to handle the matter. Needless to say, the big hat of being unable to work independently is fixed.

If things go wrong, the careers of the two people will only end at this point. Even if he is not punished this time, it will be quite difficult to take a step forward.

You don't have the ability to work independently. Who dares to promote you to be mayor or secretary to take charge of your own affairs

However, the two of them understood this truth a little late. One of them felt that as the newly elected Minister of Propaganda, he interfered in government affairs and seemed to have too much control. Another loser who feels that this matter involves a competition with him. If he steps in to deal with it, it will definitely make people feel that he has no tolerance for others. Fu Haitao was beaten to the hospital, and you still comforted the people who beat him. , what do you mean? Do you think they have merit in beating Fu Haitao

Therefore, the two people were full of their own little thoughts, but they forgot that when these people started to cause trouble, it would affect the overall situation of Binhai City.

Just now, neither of them had thought that no matter what they do, they must put the overall situation first. Liu Yang's angry curses, which won the applause of the people, were like a wake-up call, and the curses made the two people wake up.

Again, by this time I knew it was too late that I had done something wrong. Their ability to deal with emergencies has left a deep impression on Liu Yang.

Of course, this impression is negative.

In fact, not only Liu Yang was dissatisfied with them, there were also several people in the provincial capital who were dissatisfied with them. And it is precisely those few people in the provincial capital who truly control the political fate of Yu Liqing and Hou Changshuo.

Now that his anger was interrupted by applause, Liu Yang could no longer continue scolding. So, standing at the gate, Liu Yang issued several orders majestically: "Mayor Yu, now let them open the gate and ask the people to elect their trusted representatives to the conference room for discussion. After understanding the situation clearly, The issues they reported will be dealt with immediately.”

Then, Liu Yang's eyes focused on Wang Zhenpeng again: "Secretary-General Wang, please now invite Jiang Nannan, Lu Liping and other bosses to come to the city government in my name. You can tell them clearly that it was me who said that. If they don’t come, there will be consequences.”

"Secretary Liu, we won't elect representatives, and we won't go in. You just need to ask them to release the people they arrested..."

What Liu Yang said could be clearly heard by the villagers standing next to him. At this time, a man in his fifties stood behind the two women and shouted.

Liu Yang looked at him and asked: "Why don't you go in? Don't you just want to go in and ask for justice? Are you afraid that the government will settle the score later? Even if you don't go in, if you want to settle the score later, won't I be able to find someone?"

When he said the last sentence, Liu Yang's eyes turned, and everyone standing in front of him felt that Secretary Liu had seen me.

These people couldn't help but want to retreat, but there were still people behind them, so even if they wanted to retreat, there was no way out.

"Folks, I can say this here. If you have opinions and suggestions, you should report them to the government through proper channels instead of taking such an extreme approach. Your behavior today has violated the laws of the country. Since it has been violated If you violate the law, you should be punished by the law. There is nothing to say about this. Not only you, but also me and the cadres behind me. If we break the law, we will be punished by the law just like you. No one They are above the law. Director Cui, tell me, how should these people be punished?"

Cui Kai took a step forward and said loudly: "According to Article 18 of the "Regulations on Letters and Calls" promulgated and implemented by the State Council in 2005: If a letter or visitor uses a visit to raise a letter or call matter, it should be submitted to a reception place established or designated by the relevant agency. .

If multiple people use the form of visits to raise common petition matters, representatives shall be elected, and the number of representatives shall not exceed 5. Article 20: Petitioners shall abide by laws and regulations in the process of petitioning, shall not harm the interests of the country, society, collectives and the legitimate rights of other citizens, consciously maintain social public order and the order of petitions, and shall not engage in the following behaviors: (1) Illegally gathering around the offices of state agencies or in public places, besieging or attacking state agencies, intercepting official vehicles, or blocking or blocking traffic; (2) Carrying dangerous goods or controlled equipment; (3) Insulting, beating, or threatening State agency staff, or illegally restricting the personal freedom of others; (4) Staying and causing trouble in petition reception venues, or abandoning people who cannot take care of themselves in petition reception venues; (5) Inciting, colluding, coercing, using property and property Inducing or manipulating others to petition or taking advantage of the opportunity to make money in the name of petitioning; (6) Other behaviors that disrupt public order and impede national and public security. "

At this point, Cui Kai suddenly raised his voice: "Article 47 of the Letters and Calls Regulations stipulates that if anyone violates Articles 18 and 20 of these Regulations, relevant state agency staff should dissuade, criticize or criticize the petitioner, or Education. If dissuasion, criticism and education are ineffective, the public security organs shall give a warning, reprimand or stop them; if any laws or administrative regulations on assemblies, processions and demonstrations are violated, or constitute a violation of public security management, the public security organs shall take necessary on-site disposal measures in accordance with the law. Public security management penalties shall be imposed; if a crime is constituted, criminal liability shall be investigated in accordance with the law. Article 48 stipulates that if the petitioner fabricates and distorts facts, makes false accusations to frame others, and constitutes a crime, he shall be investigated for criminal liability in accordance with the law; if it does not constitute a crime, the public security organ shall investigate the matter in accordance with the law. Impose public security management penalties."

"You did not report the problem in the designated place, petitioned more than 5 people, and besieged national government agencies. These are all violations of laws and regulations... However, fortunately, the consequences you caused today are not serious. It's serious. According to the regulations, you can be warned and reprimanded. If you make the same mistake again next time, you will be detained by security." At this point, Cui Kai looked at Liu Yang and saw Liu Yang nodded slightly. Put a heart back in your belly.

Facing such a large group of people, Secretary Liu would definitely not really want to arrest anyone. It seems that this time I guessed it right.

After calming down, Cui Kai continued: "As for you saying that you want to release the arrested people, we can't agree to it now. After all, Mayor Fu Haitao was beaten in your village, regardless of whether he is the mayor or not. , this kind of behavior is illegal. Therefore, we need to investigate and collect evidence from the arrested people and find out that they did not participate in beating others. We will release them in accordance with the law. Those who participated in beating people must not just do this Let go..."

Upon hearing what he said, the villagers started shouting again: "Then, what should we do if the people in our village were also beaten? I didn't see you arresting the murderers... "

"Everyone, be quiet and listen to me... Just now, Secretary Liu asked Secretary-General Wang to notify the developer to come over to investigate this matter. The public security organs will hold you accountable if your people beat someone. Even if they are beaten, the public security organs will strictly follow the law and no one who should be arrested will be able to escape... "

As soon as Cui Kai finished speaking, some villagers shouted: "As long as you can handle a bowl of water evenly, you can do whatever you want with it. We have no objection..."

"Yes, yes, as long as you don't help the developers bully us, you can just kill anyone who injured the mayor. But the person who injured the mayor with a brick is not from our village at all... "

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