Perfect Feast

Chapter 633: Based on the law


"Drink tea... everyone, drink tea, haha..." In the municipal government conference room, Liu Yang was still cordially persuading the village representatives to drink tea.

However, no matter how good this tea is, everyone has drank five or six cups, and their stomachs are full, and they really can't drink any more.

Have these village representatives ever enjoyed this kind of treatment? I wanted to say no more but I was afraid of offending Secretary Liu, so I could only hold the cup and sip it bit by bit with my lips.

They didn't know that Liu Yang was also getting angry at this time. Even though he drank a lot of tea, he couldn't suppress the steaming anger in his heart.

At the beginning, he was not sure that Jiang Nannan and those people were directly related to the injury to Fu Haitao and the villagers' besieging the city government. Because in this day and age, some developers will have a group of people to "make peace" for them.

And these people are not only related to some local gangsters, they are also a bit unclean themselves, and they have some problems.

Liu Yang asked Jiang Nannan and others to come over in the hope that the people under them were confused about the format and thought that this would help their boss.

However, ever since Lu Zhihua came in to report to him that Jiang Nannan and others were unwilling to come, Liu Yang knew that his wish to think on the bright side had failed.

Then he contacted someone in the provincial capital who had received the news earlier than him. Governor Han didn't wait for Binhai City to come up with the results and asked Qi Daoyuan to rush over. Liu Yang immediately felt keenly that this This incident should be a conspiracy launched against myself.

However, the other party did not expect that Cui Kai would discover their suspicions in such a short period of time; in order to rescue their fellow villagers who were arrested, some people in Heihe Village actually stepped forward to prove that Fu Haitao was the one who threw the brick. The people are not the villagers of their village.

Although they could not tell who the person was, based on their description of the person's height, appearance, appearance, and clothing, Cui Kai quickly focused his suspicion on a person named Zhou Bing under Wang Zengyu. .

These situations quickly came to Liu Yang, and Liu Yang was now certain that this matter was deliberately caused by Jiang Nannan and others. The purpose is to let everyone know that there is trouble in Binhai City at this time when the provincial capital meeting is held.

However, this only shows that his control over Binhai City is not enough, and it is not enough to shake his foundation in Binhai City.

Based on his intuition, Liu Yang believed that they must have other methods that they would use next.

Even after Qi Daoyuan arrived in Binhai City, he would not help Binhai City calm down the situation. I am afraid that he would also like to see greater chaos in Binhai City.

And the phone call that Zhang Qixiong asked Secretary-General Hu to make to him, did it also imply that a new round of competition between him and Han Zonglin had begun? And the focus of Han Zonglin and the others is Binhai City

The more Liu Yang thought about it, the angrier he became. The angrier he got, the calmer his mind became.

At this moment, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and Wang Zhenpeng strode in from the outside: "Secretary Liu, Mr. Jiang and Mr. Lu are here..."

Following Wang Zhenpeng's words, Jiang Nannan, Lu Liping, Wang Zengyu, Cao Baichuan and others walked in under the "respectful farewell" of Chu Qin and several traffic policemen.

"Everyone, please take a seat... Mayor Yu, you can start." Liu Yang didn't even look at Jiang Nannan and the others, but said to Yu Liqing.

Since this matter has been left to Yu Liqing to handle, he must still be allowed to preside over this special meeting.

Yu Liqing couldn't help but smile bitterly. He looked at the village representatives who had already had their fill of tea, coughed and said, "The purpose of convening this meeting today is because Mr. Jiang and Mr. Lu, you four During the development of Jianjiao Town, the large group had a conflict with the villagers of Heihe Village. Now, we are listening to the statements of you and the villagers of Heihe Village on the spot... Brother Zhang, please tell me first... "

When a meeting is held in the municipal government conference room, naturally there is a secretary from the municipal government office taking notes on the spot.

The villager whom Yu Liqing called Brother Zhang was in his fifties and under sixty. He had been a soldier when he was young and had been the village party secretary for many years after he returned. Being watched by so many pairs of eyes, although he couldn't help but feel a little nervous, the thoughts and enunciation of what he said were still clear.

"Secretary Liu Shu, Mayor Yu and other leaders, it is wrong for people from our village to come to the city government today to ask for help, but we are also forced to have no choice. The cause of this matter is very simple, it is because of the relocation in our village During the process, there was the issue of how to compensate the factories run by two young students. Those two factories have been operating in the village for five or six years. This is something that all of us in the village know, but they just don’t pay according to the factory regulations. When asking for compensation, you have to say that the house is a private house. Isn’t this simply unworkable?… "

"I don't know, and I dare not say, whether the leaders of Jianjiao Town and the people from the town police station took advantage of them. But after the incident, the people from the police station came and said they couldn't find out whether they had ever opened a factory. Later, he said that even if they once opened a factory, it doesn’t mean they are still open now. Isn’t this obviously nonsense? People like them go to other people’s factories to eat and drink every once in a while. Don’t they know better than anyone else?”

Brother Zhang was relatively calm at first, but the more he talked, the more excited he became: "Not only the young people in the village can't stand what they're doing, but even an old man like me who's half buried in the soil can't stand it. In the past. Yes, I know that the relocation of the village is a major policy set by the city, and it is also good for our village... But our government must also handle good things for the people, right? What they do is clearly bullying others and being unkind for the sake of wealth. They have a lot of money and power, but they have no sense to bully us people..."

"The town doesn't support us, and the deputy mayor who went to our village also helps them speak. It won't be easy for us to find other yamen. Secretary Liu and Mayor Yu, we really have no choice. We just came to the city government. But we didn’t expect that after we arrived, the people standing guard not only refused to let us in, but also told us to go home and wait, saying that if we didn’t leave, the Public Security Bureau would arrest us... "

What Brother Zhang said next made Yu Liqing blush. When he was drinking tea just now, he chatted with this energetic old man for a few words and found that his speech was relatively good among the villagers. However, he did not expect to really let him speak. This old man was not only in Liu Yang's A complaint was filed against the town government and the town police station in front of him, and even he, the deputy mayor in charge of the work of the municipal government, was swept into it.

"One of those people arrested by the Public Security Bureau was my son. I don't know what crime my son committed. At that time, the two of us were going to the west end of the village to have a wedding banquet. We saw people from the Public Security Bureau arresting people in the village. My son said to them: "He knows how to bully people" and he was arrested. Regardless of whether this sentence was right or wrong, he didn't break the law, right? Arresting people just for such a sentence? Want me? It’s better to say that they are not people’s police, but bandits…”

Cui Kai also blushed when he said this. He really didn't know that the people at the Jianjiao Town Police Station were such jerks. If what Old Man Zhang said is true, anyone calling him a bandit is an understatement.

After Brother Zhang finished speaking, he angrily picked up the cup and took another sip of tea. I don’t know whether it was because I was impatient or because my stomach was already full with the cup of tea and I couldn’t swallow it. Brother Zhang choked and coughed twice. Finally, he turned his head and spat out the tea into the city hall conference room with a sound. On the floor with bright red wooden floor.

Yu Liqing's eyebrows trembled and he said in a low voice: "Next, please continue Zhang Shubiao..."

This villager named Zhang Shubiao is in his thirties. He has a dark face and makes an angry sound when he opens his mouth, which makes the whole conference room tremble: "I am Zhang Shufeng's eldest brother, and that knife factory is opened by my brother. Deputy Mayor I was beaten in my brother's factory, but the one who beat him was not my brother, so why should I arrest him? I can't figure this out. I came here to ask for someone... "

He didn't say much, but everything he said was to the point.

"Yes, we all saw the person who beat him. When he entered the village, he came in a car with the big bosses..." Before a roll call was made, one villager couldn't help but interrupt. Come in and say.

"My name is Yang Daxi, and that garment processing factory is opened by my brother Yang Erxi. We have here our shipping orders and duty-paid invoices for this year, which can prove that our factory was still operating normally until three days ago. Mr. Jiang and Lu President, President Wang, they can let people rob our equipment, but they cannot take away these things... "

Hearing Yang Daxi accuse them of stealing equipment from the factory, Jiang Nannan's head that had been lowered suddenly lifted up: "You are talking nonsense. When did we steal your equipment? You must have evidence..."

When she said this, Yang Daxi suddenly lost his temper. Although he believed in his heart that Jiang Nannan and others stole the equipment in the factory, he had no evidence after all.

Seeing him like this, Lu Liping, who was still a little flustered, said coldly: "We came to Binhai City to invest, not to be framed. There is no doubt that unfounded things are being blamed on us. You are pouring dirty water on us. The most important thing for business people is credibility and reputation. Secretary Liu, do you want to give us an explanation?"

Wang Zengyu also said with an indignant look: "Do you know how much money we earn per minute? It's too much to ask us to hold such a boring meeting, and you actually want to throw dirty water on us. If Binhai City doesn’t give you an explanation, I will sue you to the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government... "

Liu Yang kept listening with a smile, and waited until Wang Zengyu finished speaking. Then he glanced at Cao Baichuan and asked, "Mr. Cao, this is a rare opportunity. Why don't you say a few words?"

Cao Baichuan smiled and said: "Haha, I have nothing to say. This year is not the period of the Cultural Revolution. Anyone who is a counterrevolutionary can be arrested and criticized. Everything must be based on facts and the law. I believe that Binhai City The municipal party committee and government will definitely give us an explanation... "