Perfect Feast

Chapter 643: There is roughness and fineness


Although the beauty detachment leader is strict, she is even more considerate to her subordinates. As long as you don't make mistakes, he will definitely fight for the benefits that should be fought for you. Especially if you make no mistakes and are angry with outsiders, even if the lawsuit goes to the municipal party committee and city government, the beautiful detachment leader will always rush to the front and will never let his subordinates be wronged.

When you work under such a leader, at least you can stand tall and straight. With this alone, Chu Qin made everyone fearful, but also won everyone's love.

Meng Jun drove his car rampantly in the city and did not abide by traffic laws, which made the traffic police very angry. In the end, he almost hit the detachment leader's car and almost injured our beautiful Chu... Well, no matter what the facts are, at least the traffic policemen at the scene all think so.

This kind of behavior is something that my uncle can tolerate but my aunt cannot tolerate. Therefore, Chu Qin just ordered them to drag Meng Jun out and handcuff him, but those traffic policemen took advantage of this opportunity and played two dirty tricks on Meng Jun.

Regarding Meng Jun's screams, Chu Qin understood what was going on, but pretended not to hear anything or see anything.

As a result, the traffic policemen became even bolder, and one of them became even more angry when he saw Meng Jun's unconvinced eyes. He actually raised his hand and gave Meng Jun a shudder on his head: "Damn it, what are you looking at? I don’t care who you are, since you dare to violate traffic laws in our Binhai City, I will have a fucking dictatorship over you... "

"You... you dare to hit me? I am the grandson of Premier Meng of the State Council..." Meng Jun screamed after being beaten. At this time, he could no longer care about his demeanor and shouted out his identity directly.

"Damn it, you are Prime Minister Meng's grandson, and I... you, who do you think you are?" The traffic policeman didn't pay attention at first, but when he raised his hand again, he suddenly felt something was wrong. .

Prime Minister Meng’s grandson? This is a bit too big.

"My grandfather is Prime Minister Meng. My name is Meng Jun, and I am from the National Development and Reform Commission..." Meng Jun looked at the traffic policeman's raised palm and revealed his identity in one breath.

The traffic policeman felt that the hand he had just slapped Meng Jun was slightly hot. Damn it, this guy has such a big background? Isn't it just pretending

While thinking about it, his eyes looked at Chu Qin. He said to the detachment leader, this time we are finished. He accidentally kicked the iron plate.

Unexpectedly, Chu Qin didn't even look at Meng Jun, but said calmly: "There is a saying in ancient times that 'princes who break the law are as guilty as the common people.' In today's terms, that means everyone is equal before the law. Even if you are really Prime Minister Meng's Sun Tzu, you must also abide by the laws of the country... After all, if you are not, then there will be another crime of insulting the country's leaders and intimidating the police, so you just wait to be dealt with!"

"When did I insult the leader of the country? Don't slander me..." Only now did Meng Jun realize that the beautiful little policewoman in front of him was actually the top leader of these policemen.

Damn it, what kind of weird place is this in Binhai City? Why is the secretary of the municipal party committee so young, and the cadres below are also so young? The traffic policeman just called her detachment leader. If she is really the detachment leader of Binhai City Traffic Police Detachment, then is this little policewoman also at the level of a deputy director or a deputy director

Chu Qin smiled at him and said: "You were speeding, running red lights, intending to murder the police who stopped you from committing illegal crimes, and after being caught, you yelled that you were the grandson of the national leader. Are you not insulting the national leader? Not to mention that your current identity is suspicious, even if you are really the grandson of Prime Minister Meng, what do you mean by saying that? Could it be that everything you did was ordered by Prime Minister Meng?"

"'re talking nonsense...when did I murder the police?" Looking at Chu Qin's beautiful, diamond-shaped mouth, Meng Jun didn't think the little policewoman was pretty and cute, but instead felt an unspeakable fear. . But I don’t know what kind of charges this little policewoman will accuse herself of in this place far away from Emperor Gao.

"Am I talking nonsense? Is your mind okay?" Chu Qin looked at him as if he were an idiot and asked.

Meng Jun said angrily: "It's your brain that has the problem, I'm perfectly normal."

The smile on Chu Qin's face grew wider, and she nodded at Meng Jun and said, "Okay, since there is nothing wrong with your mind, it's easy to talk about it."

Meng Junxin said it’s easy to say that my brain is fine, right? What does this fairy-like little policewoman want to do

However, looking at the smile on Chu Qin's face, Meng Jun intuitively felt that he had fallen into her trap. However, he still can't figure out what this little policewoman means.

"Well, since there is nothing wrong with your brain, that means everything is normal for you, right?" Chu Qin asked again with a smile. Meng Jun nodded involuntarily. In front of a beautiful woman, who is willing to admit that he is an idiot as long as he is a man

However, Chu Qin's next words made Meng Jun understand that Chu Qin had gone through such a big circle just to prove that what he just did was intentional homicide.

"Just now you clearly saw my police car driving in front of you to signal you to stop. Instead of stopping, you accelerated and crashed. Since you are in your right mind, don't you know that this will cause a traffic accident?" Chu Qin looked at Meng Jun and smiled. It was very sweet, but what he said made Meng Jun feel cold from head to toe: "As a normal person, you still have some judgment. Since you know what will happen, and you do it deliberately, you If it’s not murder, what is it?”

"You... you are talking nonsense. I just wanted to scare you and make you avoid it. In the end, I escaped..." At this point, Meng Jun glared at Chu Qin and shouted: "It was you. You drove the car in reverse and hit it on purpose." My car was not hit by me..."

"Really?" The smile on Chu Qin's face turned cold and she said sternly: "So, you admit that you had the subjective intention to drive to deliberately intimidate the police?"

"Even so, I was just intimidating, not murder..." In Meng Jun's mind, intimidation and murder are not the same.

Intimidation? Haha, based on your identity, how can you be guilty

Hearing his admission, Chu Qin smiled and nodded: "Just now, your speed has exceeded 160 to 180. We have evidence for this. It's useless if you don't admit it. The cameras along the street and The speedometers on our cars can prove this. Under the premise of this speed, how can you guarantee that you are just threatening and not actually causing an accident? Yes, we did not have an accident in which two cars collided. , but that is not because of you, but because I evaded in time, took appropriate measures, had rich driving experience, and had nothing to do with you. In the end, I drove the car in reverse and put it on top of your car. That was also me performing my duties. In order to successfully force you to stop..."

At this point, Chu Qin said with a proud smile: "So, I am legal, and you are violating the law. Regardless of whether you hit my car or not, there are videos of you speeding all the way, running red lights, and what we just did As evidenced by the recording of this conversation, I have decided to charge you with speeding, running a red light, intentional murder, endangering public safety, etc. Whether you admit it or not, it will not alleviate your crime at all."

Meng Jun really didn't expect that he could distinguish two sentences, and in the blink of an eye, he would be charged with endangering public safety.

How can this little policewoman be a fairy? She is simply a devil.

"I... I'll make a call... I'll call the head office, right?" Meng Jun finally learned to be smart. Until now, he finally understood what it means to make mistakes when talking too much.

What does it mean to talk too much and make mistakes? It’s simply that the more you talk about it, the more outrageously wrong you become.

If he keeps talking to this little policewoman, she might accuse him of being a traitor, traitor to the enemy, or directly accused of treason.

Chu Qin chuckled, shook his head and said: "Want to call for help? Don't panic, as long as you come back with us, explain your problems honestly, and call home to explain, we will still agree... Humanity Doctrine, even though you are a criminal, we can still be lenient."

Although Chu Qin said it nicely, Meng Jun finally figured it out. If he didn't explain the problem honestly and wanted to call for help, forget it.

By this time, Meng Jun had already figured out what the little policewoman had in mind.

In fact, this was all the trouble caused by revealing his identity. Looking at this little policewoman, she seems careless and reckless, but in her heart, this girl is extremely shrewd. In order to protect herself, the little policewoman planned to negotiate terms with herself after she was proven guilty.

Now that he understood the little policewoman's intention, Meng Jun put his heart into his stomach. At the same time, he also had a sneer in his heart, thinking, don't you just want me to sign the interrogation transcript to prove that I broke the law first, are you enforcing the law normally

Do you think I can't help you like this? Humph, you little girl, your thoughts are too simple, right? Don't say that I have a hundred ways to destroy you, even if Li Yibin is there, he won't spare you. There was nothing he could do to deal with that Secretary Liu just now. How can he deal with you, a little policeman, with just one sentence

In particular, Li Yibin was embarrassed for a while, and now he must be thinking about how to calm me down. Li Yibin will handle this matter beautifully without me having to do anything...

The more Meng Jun thought about it, the more confident he felt, and he arrogantly followed the traffic policeman under Chu Qin into the car.

Little did he know that Chu Qin followed the procedures and took him to the criminal police team instead of taking him back to the traffic police team. When the criminal police interrogated Meng Jun, Chu Qin had already given Cui Kai a complete report on the matter.

Seeing Chu Qin being careless and careless, Cui Kaike scratched his scalp.

Although the identity of Meng Jun has not been verified, no one would dare to be so bold as to openly impersonate the prime minister's grandson in front of the police.

Based on his feeling, Cui Kai felt that this matter was serious and it would definitely not work if he did not report it to Secretary Liu!

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