Perfect Feast

Chapter 645: A cover-up


This old fox!

Facing the microphone that made a busy signal, Liu Yang could only smile bitterly.

Although Han Zonglin didn't say a few words to himself just now, he expressed a lot of meaning. Especially the one who went around at the end was just to keep himself away from Han Bing. As governor, he will enforce the rules that should be followed. However, as a father, he can do anything when he is angry.

There was also the matter of Meng Jun. From beginning to end, he never said a word to plead for Meng Jun and asked him not to deal with Meng Jun, not even a hint. However, in the end he left the handling power in his own hands. And said he believed in his abilities.

Isn't this nonsense? If you really believe in my ability, why are you always finding fault with me at work and causing trouble for me

Now you believe in my abilities? Instead of pushing me to the forefront, no matter how I deal with Meng Jun, you will always be invincible. You can retreat to defend, advance to attack, are you completely at ease

Just now, I deliberately angered Chu Qin, thinking that when Li Yibin came forward to find Cui Kai, she, a little hot pepper, would come forward to solve problems for Li Yibin. Unexpectedly, Han Zonglin would put the matter on himself with just one sentence.

Thinking about it, I was just shooting myself in the foot. When I told Cui Kai and Chu Qin about this just now, I pretended not to have heard it. I turned away and asked Cui Kai to let them go. That girl Chu Qin would definitely come and cause trouble for me, right? If you don't have any leisure time, aren't you looking for something to do

But, it’s okay if you don’t do what you need to do, right? Could it be said that Meng Jun was really locked up in the Public Security Bureau overnight

While smiling bitterly, Liu Yang picked up the phone and planned to call Cui Kai. Unexpectedly, Cui Kai called him before he dialed the number.

As soon as the call was connected, Cui Kai said anxiously on the phone: "Secretary Liu, Chu Qin and Mayor Li are quarreling. I can't stop them no matter how hard I try. Now Mayor Li wants to suspend her..."

"Why did Mayor Li go there? And why did Chu Qin quarrel with Mayor Li?" Liu Yang asked.

Cui Kai whispered: "Mayor Li came to ask how we plan to deal with Meng Jun's matter, and... he wanted to see Meng Jun. But Chu Qin said that it was during the interrogation period, and according to the regulations, no one could see him. As a result, Li The mayor got angry and said something to Chu Qin... "

Thinking about it, what Li Yibin said didn't sound good. Chu Qin still looked like she didn't care in front of her. Ever since she was transferred to Binhai City, she hadn't seen him respect her at all, so how could she be angry with Li Yibin

Li Yibin wants to terminate Chu Qin's position, which doesn't have much to do with it. Anyway, his rights are only to let Chu Qin rest at home for a few days. It is up to him to decide whether to remove him or not.

However, Li Yibin personally asked for the release of the person, but Cui Kai did not agree. Chu Qin stood up and argued with the mayor heroically. At this time, he asked Cui Kai to release the person. Isn't this a slap in Li Yibin's face

According to the plot I designed, the development of the script is not like this at all. At that time, I did not expect that Han Zonglin would find me. I thought he would find Li Yibin.

According to the procedure set by Liu Yang, it was Han Zonglin who ordered Li Yibin to come forward to solve Meng Jun's problem. Li Yibin would definitely run to the Public Security Bureau to find Cui Kai and ask for his release. Without his own permission, Cui Kai naturally could not agree to his request, but Cui Kai would not use himself as a shield as soon as he came up. He would definitely push the matter onto Chu Qin. Because, in this matter, Chu Qin was not only a police officer, she was also the direct victim of Meng Jun's case.

Even if Cui Kai is willing to release people as requested by Mayor Li, he still has to take care of the emotions of his comrades. This is not excessive at all. No matter how anxious Li Yibin was, he couldn't say that you should not consider Chu Qin's thoughts and just let me go.

As for Chu Qin's stimulation of losing weight, she would definitely not agree easily. With such three pushes and two blocks, it will be difficult for Meng Jun to come out tonight.

Li Yibin naturally knew where the crux was. If Han Zonglin asked him to get someone and couldn't do it, he couldn't afford to lose him, right? Therefore, Li Yibin will definitely come to find him in the end.

In this way, he could easily knock down the confidence he had just found from Han Zonglin. Let him understand once again that even if Han Zonglin secretly supports him, there is no room for ambiguity on who has the final say in Binhai City.

But who would have thought that this play, which started in full swing under his own direction, would unexpectedly go a little awry in the middle. Han Zonglin easily pushed himself down on the stage with just one word.

I just wanted Li Yibin to recognize the reality, but I didn't want to raise my hand and slap him. Now that things have reached this level, we really need to think carefully about how the next play should be performed.

However, God seemed to be deliberately trying to make things difficult for him, but he didn't leave any time for him to think carefully. Before Cui Kai's call was hung up, Han Bing's call came in.

Liu Yang had no choice but to say to Cui Kai first: "Since Mayor Li didn't ask you to release him, he just went to see Meng Jun, why was Chu Qin arguing with him? As a lower-level cadre, how could he be so disrespectful to Mayor Li? ? Just follow what Mayor Li said, suspend Chu Qin from her duties, and ask her to write an in-depth review and give it to Mayor Li. When she passes the test, we can talk about going to work. That's it for now, I still have something else to do. A phone call.”

After hanging up Cui Kai's phone, Liu Yang just answered Han Bing's call and heard Han Bing yelling sternly on the phone: "Liu Yang, I give you five minutes to come see me, otherwise, I will Jump from the window..."

Liu Yang said angrily: "Have you had enough trouble? I'm still worried about Meng Jun's affairs, and I don't have time to talk to you..."

If Han Bing hadn't come to Binhai City, Meng Jun wouldn't have been able to come to this place in his life, right

"Liu Yang, what I said is true. If you don't come, I will jump down when the time comes..." After Han Bing finished speaking, he hung up the phone, making Liu Yang so angry that he almost threw the phone in his hand to the ground.

But he was angry, but he didn't dare not to go and take a look.

Although he knew that Han Bing was alive and well, he didn't even have the slightest intention of committing suicide. But according to that aunt's character, who knows what big trouble she will cause herself again

Lu Zhihua was sitting outside. When he saw Liu Yang walking out angrily, he couldn't help but stand up carefully. But Liu Yang had no intention of inviting him to go out with him, nor did he say anything to him, so he just walked out.

Lu Zhihua shook his head curiously, thinking that he had never seen Liu Shuji like this before, but he didn't know who made him so angry

Liu Yang drove to the guest house angrily, but Han Bing, who lived in the high-end suite of the guest house, threw down the phone and laughed proudly: "Humph, you stinky Liu Yang, you actually don't care about me still here, I'm sorry I want to see if you are in a hurry..."

Miss Han had been sulking for a while since she entered the room. In the end, because she got up too early today and drove for several hours, she actually fell asleep on the sofa.

When she finally woke up, she realized that she had rolled onto the floor covered with thick plush carpet. I got up and took a shower. I looked at the time and found that it was already a little over 4:30 in the afternoon.

The whole room was quiet, and there was no notification on her mobile phone that anyone was calling her. Miss Han was really angry now.

It's almost time for dinner, and I haven't had lunch yet. Liu Yang actually doesn't care about me. Does he want to starve to death

Thinking of the word "death", Miss Han rolled her eyes and immediately picked up the phone and dialed Liu Yang.

Regardless of what she said, if Liu Yang didn't come over, she would jump off the building immediately. In fact, she was lying on the bed very comfortably at that time, swinging her white and tender thighs indecently, and her delicate little feet stained with toenail polish rippled beside the bed. That expression and posture were indescribably full of temptation and comfort.

Humph, that guy should be rushing here desperately right now, right? This is what happens if you offend this lady. It's best to make him fall over when he goes up the stairs!

However, considering that there is an elevator in this hotel, how could Liu Yang take the stairs? Han Bing couldn't help but feel a little depressed. At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door of the outer room.

"Humph... aren't you coming? Do you still care about me, right? Are you really afraid that I will be in any danger? Hehe, the more anxious you are, the less I will open the door for you..." I thought to myself But Han Bing still got up quickly, pulled on the disposable slippers provided by the hotel, twisted his slim waist and walked towards the door.

As the door opened, the moment the two people's eyes met, Han Bing suddenly noticed a strange look in Liu Yang's angry eyes.

In Liu Yang's mind, he still regarded Han Bing as the college student he met for the first time. However, in front of him, Han Bing had hair that had not yet dried, with a hint of shampoo fragrance, and was wearing snow-white pajamas. The two peaks on his chest held up the pajamas... Only then did Liu Yang suddenly wake up. , the young girl that I had never paid serious attention to, has now really grown into an adult.

Seeing the strange look in Liu Yang's eyes, and then looking at the way he was dressed, Han Bing was not only not angry, but his heart moved, and his face immediately turned red.

At the same time, her heart was beating violently, and she was deeply shocked by the idea that had just emerged in her mind.

"Aren't you being nice? What are you making a fuss about? Don't you know I'm very busy?" Maybe Liu Yang was really angry; maybe he also realized his embarrassment and took the initiative to scold Han Bing. A cover-up.