Perfect Feast

Chapter 653: A tragedy caused by a promise


Especially when he heard from Alice that his old friend Edron had passed away due to illness and that the business empire he founded was now only supported by Alice, he felt even more sad.

However, what makes Meng Xianghua feel most regretful is that Alice is still single. He could tell from Alice's eager eyes that Alice was still waiting for him, which made Meng Xianghua both moved and ashamed.

Meng Xianghua invited Alice to his home, introduced her to his wife and son, and told her about the domestic political system and living customs.

Tell her, let alone a leading cadre at his level, even an ordinary citizen cannot mess with the regulations and must abide by all rules and regulations.

He also advised Alice to find a like-minded life partner to start a family, so as to save her relatives and friends from worrying.

At that time, Alice had obviously understood the hidden meaning of Meng Xianghua's words. Instead, with a hint of sadness and mischief, she followed Meng Xianghua's words and said with a smile: "Meng, I saw your family, and I also saw you and your family." Your wife is very affectionate. If I can't marry you in this life, then I will marry your son, so that I can still see you often."

Meng Xianghua was familiar with foreign customs and customs. Although he knew their humorous ways, he could clearly see Alice's seriousness in her eyes.

His son is only nineteen years old this year, and Alice is already 38 years old. By the time her son reaches the legal age for marriage, even if he doesn't marry late, it will still take three or four years. By that time, Alice will already be in her early forties.

Not to mention the age incompatibility between the two, nor whether his son would like Alice. Just saying that my first love should be my daughter-in-law is something I can't stand in my heart.

So, Meng Xianghua said with a smile: "Alice, in our country, there is a saying of setting a baby for marriage, and there is also a saying of fingertips as a matchmaker. Although the method I am talking about is different from these two, the meaning is the same. Yes. Let’s do this. When you go back, quickly find a young man to marry. When my son has a son or daughter, he can marry your son or daughter. By then, we will still be relatives!"

For Meng Xianghua, this was just a way to persuade Alice to marry her son, and it was also a well-intentioned way to persuade Alice to get married quickly.

Unexpectedly, what he said was heard firmly in Alice's heart. Not only did he encourage Meng Xianghua's son, Meng Linghui, to study abroad, but he also encouraged him to find a blond and blue-eyed daughter-in-law and get married quickly. At the same time, she also opened her heart, began to seriously make friends and fall in love, and planned to give birth to a son as soon as possible.

It seemed that what Meng Xianghua said about getting her and his son married made Alice very envious and inspired.

However, perhaps because Meng Linghui grew up in China, he has always been very resistant to finding a blond and blue-eyed foreign girl. Instead, he called Meng Sisi's mother, who was also an international student in China, and the two of them soon fell in love. Falling in love.

Alice had no choice but to accept this helpless result. But she described Meng Linghui's insistence on finding a foreign girl as "racial discrimination."

In order to prevent "racial discrimination" from happening again in the next generation, she delayed her son's marriage to Meng Linghui's daughter. (Actually, Meng Sisi was not born yet at this time, but Alice had long taken her for granted as her daughter-in-law. ) Alice recruited both Meng Linghui and his wife into Adlon Company.

Not only that, because Meng Sisi's mother didn't want to go home, Alice even took Meng Sisi's uncle and aunt to the United States.

This strategy really allowed Alice's plan to succeed. From Meng Sisi's birth to her childhood and junior high school, Meng Sisi spent all her time in the United States.

However, after the 1990s, as Meng Xianghua's status in the country continued to rise, it was obviously inappropriate for his son and wife to stay abroad. Only then did Alice do her job and bring her son and his family back to the country.

However, Meng Xianghua didn't know at all that the main reason that really made Alice feel confident and bold in letting her future daughter-in-law return to China was the deep relationship between the little girl Meng Sisi and her son Jack Davis. He had seen the two sons and daughters being very dear to each other since he was young, and he didn't think anyone could take advantage of his son.

However, what Alice never dreamed of was that the relationship between his son and Meng Sisi was really deep, to the point of innocence like that of biological brothers and sisters, and it did not involve the personal relationship between children at all. Meng Sisi regarded Jack as her brother, and Jack and Meng Sisi regarded her as her little sister. The two of them really did not develop together according to the plot that Alice imagined.

During the winter and summer vacations, either Jack came to China or Meng Sisi went to the United States. The two little guys were still as close as before. This made Alice laugh in her eyes and not even notice anything was wrong.

However, after the two children went to college, the difference between this brother-sister relationship and lovers still emerged. In the end, both her son and Meng Sisi actually started dating male and female friends in their respective universities, which made Alice very angry.

He told his son that only by marrying Meng Sisi could he inherit her property and the Adlon Group Company. Who would have thought that Jack, that boy, would actually give up everything Alice had for the sake of love.

In a rage, Alice ran to the capital and told Meng Xianghua a long-standing idiom in China: "A person cannot stand without faith."

You have already let me down once, are you still teasing me this time? Let your granddaughter marry my son. This is what you personally agreed to. Otherwise, I may not get married and have this child in my life.

Now that things are like this, what do you think we should do

At that time, Mr. Meng had just become the prime minister of a big country. You can't say that I don't keep my words, right? Not to mention that big financial families like Alice and some political families abroad have political marriages. This phenomenon does not happen even in China. In front of Alice, he had no confidence in the first place. It would not work to deal with her with words such as freedom of love and parents not interfering.

Therefore, Mr. Meng made a choice between his granddaughter's happiness and his own credibility for the first time due to the issue of face. Therefore, this is the section where Meng Sisi told Liu Yang that they broke up. She knew that her little arms and legs couldn't defeat Grandpa.

Besides, even if she doesn't think about herself, she still has to think about Liu Yang's safety, right? Not to mention that Grandpa's crooked mouth and Liu Yang's life were in danger, even if Alice had the idea of wanting Liu Yang to disappear from this world, it would be an easy thing.

As soon as Meng Sisi graduated here, her family sent her to the United States. Liu Yang was stupid and didn't know anything. He thought Meng Sisi had changed her mind.

In fact, how did he know that Meng Sisi agreed to marry Jack against her will all because of him

In fact, Brother Jack from the United States reluctantly agreed to marry Meng Sisi because his lover's life was threatened.

The friends who grew up together as brothers and sisters are now getting married. The two of them had no smile at all, and their hearts were full of sorrow, allowing others to arrange a wedding. This feeling was difficult for others to understand.

After coming out of the church, according to the wedding procedures, the groom drove a very stylish convertible sports car and drove the bride, who was wearing a white wedding dress, to her new home.

However, when the groom, with a wry smile and a gentlemanly manner, helped Meng Sisi get into the car and sit down, then turned to the driver's side and opened the door and was about to get in, a very old off-road vehicle drove by like lightning. Come here... With a loud noise, the groom was killed on the spot, and the bride became a widow without even entering the bridal chamber.

At this moment, Meng Sisi saw the aggressiveness and boldness of American girls, and also learned what eternal love is. The person who drove and killed the groom was Jack's passionate girlfriend Grace Mitchell.

In Grace's words, "What I can't get, no one else can get."

Meng Sisi, who was extremely frightened, was sent to the hospital. She touched a packet of sleeping pills that she had hidden in her wedding dress that she would never use again, but Meng Sisi couldn't feel happy at all.

The heartbroken Alice was mentally and physically exhausted. Although Grace Mitchell was sentenced to life imprisonment, it could not make up for the loss of their son.

The couple could not handle the heavy business of the Adlon Group, so they had no choice but to give all their rights to Meng Sisi, who was already their legal daughter-in-law.

After this lesson, Alice finally had a clearer understanding. While handing over power, she also told Meng Sisi: "I'm sorry for you, my child. From now on, this family will need to rely on you to support it. However, Jack is no longer here. You have enough freedom in your marriage." , I will not have any further interference..."

With a trace of guilt and responsibility for the Adlon Group, Meng Sisi took over the power from Alice with all her heart and started to take care of the business with all her heart.

When she finally took control of the company and everything was on track, she was shocked to find that a few years had passed by in a hurry.

The appearance of the handsome young man whose heart was broken by her back then came to mind more clearly. However, after asking around, no one among the classmates he knew had any news about Liu Yang.

Until the last time they met in Beijing, she still received a message from Shao Xingyu, saying that he had met Liu Yang at the airport. Meng Sisi was so excited that she wanted to cry, and gave a death order to Shao Xingyu, her classmate and subordinate. No matter what she thought of, Liu Yang must be asked out.

Shao Xingyu lived up to his promise and invited Liu Yang to Ma Zhigang's club so that Meng Sisi and Liu Yang could meet. Unexpectedly, in the meantime, Liu Yang poured wine on Han Bing's head. This incident happened unintentionally, and inadvertently contributed to Han Bing falling in love with this big bastard who poured wine on her head. This was Meng Sisi's fault. Not expected.