Perfect Feast

Chapter 658: Small details reveal big problems


Regarding his question, Hu Xiaohong just shook her head but said nothing.

Liu Yang thought for a while and couldn't help but sigh again, and then said with a wry smile: "Isn't this nonsense? How long has she been out? She just doesn't have any brains..."

Thinking about it, Zhao Jingjing felt suffocated because she had just taken over the Rising Sun Group and was tricked. This is because Zhao Jingjing has never suffered such a hidden loss. Seeing that the group's reputation was affected by the bribery incident, she came forward but no one listened to her explanation. With a rage in his heart, he wanted to solve the problem as soon as possible according to his own method.

She went to find Zhang Kaifeng, and she must have arrested him directly for interrogation, and asked Zhang Kaifeng to tell the actual situation honestly.

Others didn't know it, but Liu Yang knew very well in his heart that the two little girls following her, whether it was Xiaomei or Xiaoping, were both masters of interrogation. If they take action, they are no worse than the police. In fact, sometimes they are even stronger than the police.

After all, there are some methods that the police cannot use, but Xiaomei and Xiaoping don't care at all. As long as Zhao Jingjing says a word, even if they are asked to kill, these two people will not blink their eyes.

Sometimes, Zhao Jingjing thinks deeply about problems, but when it comes to some things, her way of dealing with things is very simple, so simple that it makes you dumbfounded.

But you still have to admit that these methods can sometimes easily solve seemingly complex problems.

Around this time, Hu Xiaohong followed Zhao Jingjing and had already experienced her eldest sister's temper, so she just laughed but said nothing.

Anyway, Hu Xiaohong knew very well in her heart that what would happen even if Zhao Jingjing poked a hole in the sky? I have seen the power of large-scale battles such as helicopters and tanks, so what does this mean

But Liu Yang knew that it was on the territory of Ji Haijun District, and there was an equally bold Zhao Guodong supporting Zhao Jingjing. Although the Zhao family also has irresistible power in the Jiangnan Military Region, they may not necessarily send out a large army based on Zhao Jingjing's words alone.

Besides, what Zhao Jingjing did did not involve the military, but the local area. Liu Yang had no idea how much influence the Zhao family had on the Jiangnan Provincial Committee and Provincial Government.

If you, Zhao Jingjing, come to Jiangnan Province for sightseeing and get angry, even if you set fire to half the street, no one will dare to order Zhao Jingjing to be arrested and thrown into prison.

But you are a serious businessman doing business, and this status restricts some of your actions from being too outrageous. You must abide by certain rules in everything you do. The Shicheng City government is now using judicial means to fight you. You have committed a big taboo by using personal relationships to deal with it.

If people can tolerate this kind of thing, what credibility does the government have? Then don't do anything in Shicheng City from now on.

You can't even control a businessman who openly defies your system, how can you have the nerve to control others

The Shicheng City government has lost face, and it is also not a good thing for Zhao Jingjing. With the information now being developed, as soon as this incident comes out, someone will soon expose the history of Zhao Jingjing’s three generations of ancestors.

Rumors about second- and third-generation officials bullying others and not abiding by the law quickly made Zhao Jingjing a heinous witch.

Who will dare to do business with you in the future? You don't even pay attention to the municipal government of a sub-provincial capital city like Shicheng City. I haven't done business with you. If you don't like it, it means that there are no bones left.

Yes, I can't afford to offend you, but I can afford to hide. Whether it's making money or losing money, it's a small matter, but saving my life is a big deal. You can play by yourself however you want. Is it okay if I don't play with you

Besides, people are not willing to give Zhao Jingjing face, I'm afraid it has something to do with Zhao Jingjing moving the group headquarters.

After all, whether it is the original Rising Sun Group or the Dayang Group you have changed its name to now, this stall has developed and grown on its territory in Jiangnan Province.

In this era where economic indicators are used to measure local political performance, the influence of a large listed company is probably more clear to officials than to the common people.

Why do local governments respect the CEO of your company? Isn’t it that you can give people the desired political achievements as an official

Oh, now that your wings have become strong and you have become one of the world's top 500 companies and one of the top 100 domestic companies, are you going to move away? Where does this make sense

This is like raising a child. After working hard for many years, you finally raised a little baby into a pretentious young man, but you suddenly ran away from home. Do you think about what it feels like to be a parent at this time

Of course, this metaphor may not be appropriate, but in general it is about the same thing.

Now, I'm afraid that most of the cadres in Jiangnan Province and Shicheng City are dissatisfied because Zhao Jingjing moved the group headquarters, right? It is estimated that this is the main reason why Shicheng City does not give Zhao Jingjing face.

Since you look down on us in Shicheng City, then I in Shicheng City will definitely look down on you. You are leaving now, what else can we say

Therefore, this is the real reason why Liu Yang forgot to even make a call after hearing from the receptionist sister that the group headquarters was going to be moved to Shanghai. At that time, Liu Yang thought about this matter over and over again in his mind, and he always felt that Zhao Jingjing did something amazing in this matter.

He asked Hu Xiaohong to come down just to ask if this was true. However, now that he heard that Zhao Jingjing actually took someone to find Zhang Kaifeng in private, the bitter smile on Liu Yang's face became even thicker.

Liu Yang knew that Zhao Jingjing's gentleness and kindness only existed when facing him. Facing other people, Zhao Jingjing was not so polite. The thorny rose that was so powerful in the capital back then didn't get that title for nothing.

Looking at Liu Yang with a wry smile, Hu Xiaohong said in a low voice: "Sister Zhao went out early in the morning. Even if you find her at this time, I guess it will be too late. Actually... Actually... I don't blame Sister Zhao for being angry. The Shicheng City Government is really It's so outrageous. Before our two units were merged some time ago, they had been looking for trouble for a while. The industrial and commercial, tax, fire, audit, police and other departments all treated this place like a revolving door. They opened their teahouse and made a fuss for a while without finding anything wrong. In addition, as soon as our two units merged, they calmed down for a while. I didn't want to have such an incident happen again in the past few days. Don't you make it clear that you are deliberately trying to make things difficult for us? No matter who has the best temper, they can't stop it, let alone Sister Zhao?"

Listening to Hu Xiaohong's words, Liu Yang realized that there was such a reason. But thinking about it, he couldn't figure out what it meant. He could only smile and say: "Okay, since you want to make a fuss, then just make a complete fuss. However, there is still a method and method that must be paid attention to here, so that no one can grasp the handle. You first give Zhao Jingjing called and asked where she was. I asked Deputy Secretary Fang of Jiangnan Province to come out and sit down to find out what was going on... "

Liu Yang, who put away his playful smile, seemed to be a different person in an instant. Not only was the receptionist sister who had been secretly watching him suddenly turned her head, no longer daring to spy on this exciting handsome guy, but even Hu Xiaohong felt a hint of awe.

Having been the municipal party secretary for a period of time, this man has a majesty that no ordinary person can fake.

Hu Xiaohong looked at Liu Yang and suggested: "How about... let's go up first. It's hard to say something here, right?" Liu Yang glared at her and said, "Just call if you are told. There is so much nonsense." ? Maybe we have to go out now, don’t you think it’s troublesome to get up and down?”

The little girl at the front desk didn't dare to look here, but her ears were always listening. Suddenly hearing Liu Yang scolding Mr. Hu, the sister at the front desk couldn't help being startled. She turned her head and glanced at Liu Yang, thinking to herself, what is the relationship between this man and Mr. Hu? Is he really Mr. Hu's boyfriend

But even if she is really Mr. Hu’s boyfriend, she can’t treat Mr. Hu like this, right? Mr. Hu is a very powerful person. Can you take advantage of him

But immediately, Hu Xiaohong's words made the girl at the front desk almost stumble.

"Okay, sir, don't be angry. Your glare is scaring me to death. Can't you just beat me now?" When she said this, Hu Xiaohong had a flattering smile on her usually stern face, that sweet smile The sweet appearance is really unexpected.

Am I dreaming

The girl at the front desk couldn't help but stick out her tongue and bite it with her teeth. It hurts so much. Is this true? I'm not dreaming. However, Liu Yang's next words made the sister at the front desk feel like she was falling into a dream again.

"Secretary Fang, where are you? Haha, yes, I came to Shicheng and am now at the headquarters of Xuri Group. I want to ask you about something. When do you think you will be free? What? You will be there soon Come here? Well, I'll wait here. Hmm, you know, I'm quite impatient... "

I was dizzy, really dizzy. He just said he wanted to call Deputy Secretary Fang of the Provincial Party Committee, right? Is that the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee? How could he use this tone

But this handsome man was able to call the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee over with just one phone call and asked people to hurry up. Thinking about it, he was not an ordinary person.

No wonder he dared to scold Mr. Hu, no wonder he felt his eyes were not full as soon as he came in, but he turned out to be so powerful

If such a man could... Then I would be prosperous in this life!

Although it was broad daylight, the girl at the front desk was really starting to dream.

Similarly, there was Hu Xiaohong who entered the dreamland with her. Just now, what Liu Yang and Fang Yuzhu said when they were on the phone attracted Hu Xiaohong's attention.

Although she thought she knew this man well, now she realized that she still didn't know enough about the man who occupied her body and mind.

When did he meet Secretary Fang

Also, the tone of his conversation with Secretary Fang was too casual, right? It was as if he was talking to people like himself casually. Could it be that he and Fang Yuzhu are also...

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