Perfect Feast

Chapter 666: A major breakthrough


Qian Yanhua's husband died and she was being hunted. She had no other worries and didn't see how sad she was. Instead, she was only thinking about whether Liu Yang would give her money.

Such a weird thing is really hard to find in this world.

Liu Yang nodded and said: "Don't worry, not only will you not lose a penny when the time comes, but you won't have to live in exile and wander around. Of course, if you don't want to live in Shicheng, then you can go wherever you want."

After saying that, Liu Yang looked at Meng Sisi and Fang Yuzhu, pondered for a moment and said, "You guys wait here, Ye Zi and I will go get something with her..."

He didn't know how many bodyguards Meng Sisi had brought this time, and Zhang Ling was borrowed by him to look after Zhang Kaifeng's body. Who knew how many bodyguards Meng Sisi had around him

But he didn't feel at ease letting Ye Zi go alone when doing this kind of thing. Therefore, Liu Yang decided to go with Qian Yanhua to pick up the things with Ye Zi.

Unexpectedly, Qian Yanhua's face turned red and she whispered: "No, no need, the thing is on me."

Seeing Liu Yang looking at him with a strange look, Qian Yanhua explained: "When Zhang Kaifeng gave it to me, he told me that this thing is very important and that I can't leave it for a moment... So, I always carry it with me. .”

Hu Xiaohong snorted dissatisfied and said, "In that case, what are you waiting for? Take it out quickly?"

"I... I have to go to the toilet..." Qian Yanhua lowered his head and glanced at Liu Yang's toes. It looked like it was a shameful thing to say going to the toilet in front of Liu Yang, a grown man.

Meng Sisi winked, and Ye Zi reached out to hold Qian Yanhua's arm and said sternly: "Let's go, I'll go with you..."

Not long after, Ye Zi walked back with a blushing face just like Qian Yanhua. "Here you go... report to the head, this is the very important thing Qian Yanhua said..."

Seeing a small SD card placed in her outstretched palm, Liu Yang reached out and took it: "Sisi, I remember you have a laptop on the second floor, right?"

As soon as he said this, Fang Yuzhu and Hu Xiaohong stared at him with a swish of eyes.

Meng Sisi stood up with a swish and whispered: "I'll get it..."

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of high-heeled footsteps running upstairs. Hu Xiaohong stretched out her hand to pull Ye Zi and asked in a low voice: "Where did this woman hide her things? How dare she carry such an important thing with her?"

However, Ye Zi blushed and whispered something to Hu Xiaohong. Hu Xiaohong's eyes widened at first, and then he couldn't help but cover his mouth and his chest heaved. He obviously wanted to laugh but was embarrassed to laugh. He was simply holding it back. To the extreme.

"What are you doing? If you want to laugh, just laugh. Anyway, I have nothing to be afraid of." Hu Xiaohong didn't like Qian Yanhua. Similarly, Qian Yanhua looked at Hu Xiaohong very awkwardly. She felt that this woman was looking at her. He was hostile from the first glance.

When she said this, Hu Xiaohong finally couldn't help it, covered her mouth and giggled. However, with a smile, Hu Xiaohong put away her smile and said solemnly: "I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at you, I just think the place where you hide things is incredible. To be honest, you have this wit, I I really admire you!"

Just now Ye Zi told her that Qian Yanhua had sealed the things with tape, hid them in her underwear, and put a piece of women's special products on them.

Not to mention that most people wouldn't think of this place. Even if she encountered a special situation and someone took off her panties, no one would go rummaging through such things.

People who can hide things here really deserve Hu Xiaohong's praise.

But if you think about it carefully, this woman may also know her danger and be ready to run away at any time. If you don't put things on your body and carry them around, there really is no other suitable place.

Hidden in another secret location, it may not be easy for others to find. However, it is not so easy for her to take it out at any time.

If you want to carry it with you and it's not easy to be found, it can only be found in that kind of place.

At this time, hearing the sound of high heels, Meng Sisi walked down from above holding a laptop computer. Behind her, a childish voice shouted loudly: "Mom, hug... Mom, hug..."

After hearing this voice, not only Liu Yang, but also Fang Yuzhu and Hu Xiaohong's eyes looked toward the stairs.

At the edge of the stairs, a small figure slowly emerged. Xiao Yangyang grabbed the railing with one hand and leaned towards Meng Sisi's back with the other hand, as if this could stop her mother's figure.

"Liu Na, take the young master back..." Seeing that the child was about to come down the stairs, Meng Sisi turned back to look at him with a worried look and shouted upstairs.

Not only is Liu Yang down there, there are also people like Fang Yuzhu and Hu Xiaohong. In front of Hu Xiaohong, she was not afraid of exposing anything. However, Fang Yuzhu knew that although she was married, she could not have children. In addition, Liu Yang was sitting below, so it was easy for her to guess where this child came from.

Although even if she knew that the child was Liu Yang's, she would not say anything nonsense, but it was always embarrassing in front of her.

" young master, why did you run out on your own?" Just now while helping Meng Sisi get the computer, Liu Na let Xiao Yangyang sit on the sofa and play with toys by herself. Because Xiao Yangyang could not walk without the walker, neither Liu Na nor Meng Sisi expected that he could chase him out.

Hearing Meng Sisi's call, Liu Na ran out of the room and was really shocked when she saw Xiao Yangyang had arrived at the stairs.

Just when she screamed and ran out of the room, about to hug little Yangyang, the little guy saw his mother standing below, waiting for him, with a sweet smile on his face, and his calves trembled again. One step forward...

With this step, his body was completely separated from the handrail at the corner of the stairs. If he moved any further, he would fall down the stairs. Even though his little hands could still hold on to the handrail of the stairs, his strength could not stop the weight of his body from falling downwards.

Meng Sisi exclaimed, turned around and ran up again.

As soon as she took a step, she felt someone shouting beside her, and with the sound of wind, she rushed in front of her. Immediately, I heard little Yangyang giggling. When I looked closely, I saw that Little Yangyang had been hugged into Lao Yangyang's arms.

With a "bang", the computer in Meng Sisi's hand fell on the stairs, rolled down the stairs twice, and landed on the floor with a clatter.

Meng Sisi grabbed the railing with one hand and touched her chest with the other. She took a deep breath and her heart, which had almost jumped out of her chest when she was frightened by her son, finally fell back.

"So fast, running like a rabbit? This kid must be his son!" Hu Xiaohong watched Liu Yang rushing up the stairs like a gust of wind, reaching out to catch the child who almost fell from the stairs, and thought in her heart While he breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't know why but a sour thought arose.

Fang Yuzhu looked away from the direction of the stairs, stretched out her hand and patted the turbulent waves caused by nervousness. Thinking about her failed marriage, she was almost forty years old, but she had never been able to have a child of her own. It was also sour and brought with it a sense of sadness.

"Yangyang, you scared mom to death!" Meng Sisi came to her senses and ran up, snatched her son from Liu Yang and held her in her arms. The little guy didn't know the danger just now, and he was still smiling and reaching out to Liu Yang: "Daddy Fei... hold Yang Yangfei..."

Liu Yangxin said that your father's legs are weak now, why are you still carrying you like a brat? I can't fly now! !

"I'm sorry, Mr. Meng, I..." Liu Na's face turned pale with fright, and she didn't know what to say as she stood aside. Did she know the weight of this child in Meng Sisi's heart? If anything happened to Xiao Yangyang, she would feel guilty for the rest of her life.

"It's okay... I can't blame you entirely. You didn't expect him to run away suddenly! But you have to pay attention in the future..." Meng Sisi didn't blame Liu Na, she just held her son and looked left and right, and said: He kept telling Liu Na to be careful in the future.

The more Meng Sisi didn't blame herself, the more guilty Liu Na felt. He promised with his mouth, but secretly made up his mind in his heart that he must take good care of the young master from now on.

Since Xiao Yangyang had already shown his face, there was no point in hiding him, so Meng Sisi simply hugged him and walked down. While Liu Yang was tinkering with the computer, two women, Hu Xiaohong and Fang Yuzhu, hugged the little guy and made love for a while. Little Yangyang was so annoyed that in the end, he protested loudly before the two women let him go with a giggle.

However, Fang Yuzhu caught Meng Sisi and scolded her again. She didn't say anything about such a big thing as giving birth to a baby, and she didn't even prepare a gift, which made her lose any face in front of Xiao Yangyang.

Over there, Ye Zi helped Liu Yang plug in the power supply. Liu Yang pressed the power button, and the computer started up smoothly with a ding. It seemed that Meng Sisi's laptop was of good quality, and it had not been broken even after it rolled down the stairs.

However, Liu Yang was stunned when he took the SD card. It was only then that he discovered a problem. What Qian Yanhua gave him was just a mobile phone's memory SD card. How can I connect it to a computer without a card tray or card reader

Meng Sisi was blushing at what Fang Yuzhu said. When she turned around and saw Liuyang holding the card in a daze, she quickly stood up and said: "Use my mobile phone, Ye Zi, please take off the data cable of my mobile phone..."

A few minutes later, when the image recorded on the card finally appeared on the computer, Liu Yang's face suddenly darkened.

"...Zhang Kaifeng, you don't have to worry about these things. As long as you take care of this matter for Mr. Han, where can't you go anywhere in the country? Take 10 million and find a beautiful girl to accompany you, and you can go wherever you go. Can she live a life like a fairy? Besides, even if she doesn't kill Mr. Zhao this time, without Dayang Group, she is just an ordinary little woman. What are you still afraid of her for? As for Mr. Zhang of yours, it's already She was so frightened that she ran to Hong Kong. She would not dare to come back if the Han family was here... "

Listening to the voice coming from above, Liu Yang finally understood why Qian Yanhua would ask for 10 million for himself as soon as he opened his mouth.

This is where the number of ten million comes from...