Perfect Feast

Chapter 670: If you don't get out of the way, hit him


The man nodded, turned around slowly, and walked along the lake to a black car parked not far away. When he opened the car door, Han Jianping's serious face was revealed...

"Minister Hong, what did Mr. Hong say?" Han Jianping looked at him and asked solemnly.

Hong Jixue shook his head and whispered: "What else can I say? It's not the same as what your old man said... "

"Then... what are you going to do? Just forget it? Do you know that our families have already invested more than 1.4 billion, and even if we want to withdraw now, it's too late... "

"Let's talk about this later. There is a meeting of the Provincial Committee now, and I have to go there to attend the meeting... But, the third child..." At this point, Hong Jixue pondered for a moment, seeming a little hesitant, and finally made up his mind and said: " I think we should be well prepared! Dayang Group should take action, right? As long as they throw money in to rescue the market, we will sell it at a high price, but we will make less money and lose money. No loss..."

Han Jianping was stunned for a moment and nodded slowly: "Okay, if that's the case, then I'll go back and make arrangements."

As he was talking, his phone suddenly rang. Han Jianping took out the number and took a look at it, then followed up and answered the phone: "Hey, it's me... what did you say? A foreign fund invested in to snap up the shares of Dayang Group? Well, what is the current price? Dayang Group Is there any action over there? Well... I understand, please continue to follow up. This good opportunity cannot be missed... "

Hong Jixue stared at him and asked, "What's going on?"

"Dayang Group has taken action, but the money they poured in is just a drop in the bucket. Now not only us, but also foreign funds are involved. It would be a pity to withdraw at this time. I will let them hold on for a while. Don't worry, I I know it well, and I will let them all get out when the time comes..."

He spent 40 to 50 billion yuan without telling his family. If he couldn't produce some results, Han Jianping would have no way to explain to his family. Therefore, he did not want to give up this opportunity in vain.

Hong Jixue actually didn't know much about stocks. Hearing what he said was clear and logical, he could only nod his head and said: "Then be careful. You must sell when it's time to sell. Don't act on impulse."

"I understand, don't worry." Han Jianping promised, but his mind was no longer somewhere.

At the Standing Committee of the Jiangnan Provincial Committee, Fang Yuzhu was the first to speak, expressing her opinions on the current situation of some people using unfair means to suppress private enterprises.

Executive Vice Governor Zhu Shumin expressed his opposition to Fang Yuzhu's statement, and Governor Sun Huabin followed up with a statement: "Comrades, everyone has heard the speeches just made by Comrade Fang Yuzhu and Comrade Shumin. There are some things we cannot do. Just look at its surface, and you also need to understand its essence. Yes, that’s right, no matter where you are now, under the basic policy of focusing on economic construction, everyone looks at private enterprises, joint ventures and foreign-funded enterprises in a different light. Green light. This approach has indeed promoted economic growth. However, it has also made some private entrepreneurs who got rich first get carried away and get carried away, thinking that they have capital above the law... "

Sun Huabin said, glanced at Fang Yuzhu, smiled and said: "Fang Shu. must be Mr. Zhao of Dayang Group, right? I don't know where you heard this news, but Fang Shu. After all, the secretary is not in charge of the economy, and he may only know one thing but not the other. I think that the executive deputy governor still has a say in this matter. After all, he is responsible for some economic construction matters. Only he knows best... But when it comes to Dayang Group, I don't understand it. Everyone has seen the news on major portals this morning, right? Even if you don't have the habit of surfing the Internet, things that happen in urban areas should always be Did you hear that? Yes, the person who killed the person was Mr. Zhao’s bodyguard, but who can say clearly that this matter has nothing to do with Mr. Zhao himself? "

As he spoke, Sun Huabin's gloomy eyes swept over the faces of everyone present. When he saw a few people's eyes slightly touching his with a smile, Sun Huabin couldn't help feeling proud.

"That girl named Xiaoping is Mr. Zhao's bodyguard. It's impossible for her to do anything without benefiting from the boss, right? We are all leaders. Ask yourselves. A disobedient secretary, you Will you let him follow you all the time?"

Sun Huabin's meaning is very obvious. If a secretary is disobedient, everyone must have fired him long ago. Zhao Jingjing's bodyguard is disobedient, will she always stay with him

The answer is definitely no.

So, since Zhao Jingjing will not stay with the bodyguard if he is disobedient, on the other hand, if the bodyguard named Xiaoping can always stay with Zhao Jingjing, it means that she has always been very obedient.

Such an obedient bodyguard had nothing to do with Zhao Jingjing when he beat someone to death. Who would believe it if he told her? Since it is very possible that the bodyguard beat someone to death, it must basically have something to do with Zhao Jingjing. Now that the Public Security Bureau has arrested her, isn't it right

Why did it come to your mouth, Fang Yuzhu, that it became a suppression of private enterprises, or a crackdown and persecution of private entrepreneurs

Besides, you, Fang Yuzhu, are the deputy secretary in charge of party, mass and personnel affairs. Why do you have to dictate in the economic field? In the entire Jiangnan Province, do you know better than Zhu Shumin how that private entrepreneur is doing

These few words of his were like asking in person: "Zhao Jingjing broke the law and violated discipline, and you were not allowed to be arrested on suspicion of murder. What are your intentions, Fang Yuzhu?"

When Sun Huabin was talking, Fang Yuzhu kept listening expressionlessly. In fact, she almost felt happy. She said to her, Old Sun, Old Sun, the purpose of this meeting today is to let you jump out on your own. , I originally thought it would take a lot of effort, but how could I know it would be so easy

Once you jump into this quagmire, it won't be that easy to climb ashore again.

At this time, Sun Huabin had no idea what Fang Yuzhu was thinking. Seeing her gloomy face and not speaking, he felt that the opportunity was rare, and then said: "Party discipline and state law are greater than heaven. Some of our comrades should not be blinded by family affection and friendship. No matter who he is or what his relationship is to all of us here, as long as he violates the laws of the country, he will be dealt with seriously... "

With a "ding" sound, Provincial Party Secretary Pan Enqun threw the pen in his hand on the table and said in a deep voice: "Comrade Hua Bin said it well, no one is above the law, no matter who he is, He has no relationship with any of us here, and I completely agree with this."

As he said that, Pan Enqun turned his head and nodded to Yan Yuchuan, secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission. Yan Yuchuan grabbed a paper bag placed in front of him and said: "I just received a piece of material here, please ask the staff to play it..."

Sun Huabin had a look of astonishment on his face. He looked at Pan Enqun and then at Yan Yuchuan, wondering what was going on? I'm talking about Fang Yuzhu, Yan Yuchuan, why are you intervening? When can't your Discipline Inspection Commission report back to Lao Pan on any other cases? Why are you taking advantage of the excitement at this time

However, when the projector started playing, Sun Huabin couldn't help but widen his eyes. There was silence in the entire conference room, except for the vicious or proud voices one after another coming from the video being played.

Especially, when he saw the vicious eyes of his son Sun Mingxuan, even he couldn't help but tremble.

In the courtyard of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Liu Yang was shaking hands with Zhang Xianyang and saying goodbye. Outside the door, a rapid sound of horns sounded from far away, and two military vehicles roared into the yard, followed by soldiers jumping out of the vehicles like dumplings.

Liu Yang's heart moved slightly, wondering what is going on? Could it be said that Zhao Guodong knew about Jingjing? Is this someone arranging to smash up the Public Security Bureau or something

At this time, a lieutenant colonel officer wearing camouflage climbed onto the front of the car and shouted loudly into the courtyard: "People inside, listen, we are from the Provincial Military Region and have been ordered to station in the Municipal Bureau from now on. Everyone from the Public Security Bureau You are not allowed to move around, and stay calmly in your respective offices. This is a special operation of the military. Please cooperate, otherwise, it will be carried out in accordance with military law... "

Following his words, a row of soldiers with live ammunition stood at the gate to guard the door. The rest of the people followed their organizational orders, and groups began to occupy various favorable terrains. Even a squad of soldiers went to the interrogation room. , and brought out Jiang Dadong who was interrogating Xiaoping: "Stand here honestly. If you dare to move, I will beat you to death!"

Jiang Dadong couldn't help but feel chills. The black muzzles in the hands of those camouflage uniforms were not necessarily just decorations.

"What are you... doing?" Liu Yang, Meng Sisi, Zhao Jingjing, Hu Xiaohong and others were not wearing police uniforms, but Zhang Xianyang standing next to them was.

The lieutenant colonel officer who jumped out of the car came over with a few soldiers and shouted at Zhang Xianyang rudely.

The Houhu branch was "captured" by soldiers, and Zhang Xianyang knew about this. Knowing that the soldiers would definitely come to the city bureau, but when he saw so many camouflage uniforms pointing guns at him, Zhang Xianyang's face changed color: "I am Zhang Xianyang, the director of the Public Security Bureau. All the bits are…”

Before he finished speaking, the official laughed: "So you are Director Zhang? Just in time, you are the one we are looking for. Where are Mr. Zhao of Dayang Group and her bodyguard? You guys are taking this case first Don’t ask, just leave me to serve you first and wait for notification from your superiors.”

Liu Yang couldn't help being stunned when he heard this, thinking that these soldiers were here for Zhao Jingjing. Could it be said that it was Mr. Zhao's arrangement? Or did Zhao Guodong get the news and ask people from the Jiangnan Military Region to send troops to protect Zhao Jingjing

Thinking about it, Liu Yang turned to look at Zhao Jingjing, only to find that Zhao Jingjing was also confused.

Political dignitary Zhang Xianyang had made it clear to the officer the identities of Liu Yang, Zhao Jingjing and others, when he heard shouts at the door: "Get out of the way, if you don't let me go, I will fight in..."