Perfect Feast

Chapter 8: The leader summoned


Liu Yang quickly raised his head and saw that the young man sitting next to Xia Lan had stood up with a blushing face and said a little angrily: "Xia Lan, actually hit me? Don't think you look good. There's nothing special about being beautiful. If your father hadn't asked Director Zheng to make the connection, I wouldn't have agreed to date you."

"Zhu Shenglong, what did you say?" Xia Lan also stood up angrily and said.

The man wiped his mouth with a tissue and said disdainfully: "What did I say? Your father knows that my uncle is a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Shizhong District Party Committee. He is trying to flatter me and take advantage of my uncle's relationship. Promotion, do you understand? What's wrong if I touch you? What's so great about you, a woman who is being used as a stumbling block by my own father? Do you think you are covered with gold and silver?"

"You, you bastard..." Xia Lan was so angry that tears came down. She raised her hand and slapped Zhu Shenglong's face again.

"Pa..." Unexpectedly, Zhu Shenglong's palm was faster and slapped Xia Lan on the face: "I gave you up just now, just to tell you the facts clearly and let you know your identity clearly. Don't think that I was reluctant to beat women, and I beat them so many times that in the end I took off my clothes and lay on my bed begging for me... "

Hearing that this guy was spouting feces and talking more and more outrageously, Liu Yang stood up and rushed over with a loud roar. He reached out and pushed Zhu Shenglong away, stood in front of Xia Lan, and said angrily: "What are you doing? What's the point of beating a woman?"

When Xia Lan saw Liu Yang, she couldn't help but froze with a pale face.

The reason why he went out to eat with Zhu Shenglong was that he really didn't want to listen to his father's nagging at home. He wasn't really talking about having an affair with Zhu Shenglong. Unexpectedly, Liu Yang would also come to this Western restaurant and find himself with Zhu Shenglong. How can this misunderstanding be explained clearly

Xia Lan was worried about how to explain to Liu Yang. Zhu Shenglong looked at Liu Yang and suddenly laughed.

"Liu Yang? I know you. Aren't you Xia Lan's former boyfriend? You two have broken up. The matter between Xia Lan and I has nothing to do with you. She is my woman now. This is With the consent of his father Xia Jingtian. Don't say that I hit her, even if I fell in love with her here, it's not your turn to be a hero, so get out of here..."

"You gangster... scoundrel... Liu Yang, that's not the case. Don't listen to his nonsense..." After hearing Zhu Shenglong's words, Xia Lan turned pale and reached out to hold Liu Yang's hand.

"Tsk, tsk... What are you doing? Showing affection to your old boyfriend in front of me? Do you dare to say that you didn't call him to break up at noon today? Do you dare to say that your father didn't know that we were going out for dinner?" Zhu Shenglong stared at Xia Lan sneered.

Before Xia Lan could answer, he said with a smile: "Damn, you and this guy have been close for a year or two, and the stuff down there has already made him feel bad, right? If it hadn't been for watching You have a pretty face. Do you think I will have dinner with you? There are so many women waiting for me to go to bed at night. I am just trying to be cool and want to play with you. How dare you not? Are you willing? Let me tell you, it's too late now even if you are willing. Your father still has this wishful thinking and wants to be a secretary in Huling County?... Bah, what a piece of shit... "

After Zhu Shenglong finished speaking, he spat on the ground with disdain, turned around, and strode out.

Watching his leaving figure, Liu Yang felt the urge to jump up and kick him. But in the end he restrained himself, and just coldly pushed Xia Lan's hand away from his arm, and said calmly: "He is right, I have no right to care about your affairs. Now, you can Chase him out... Otherwise, your dad will be very disappointed!"

Xia Lan covered her face with her hands and cried loudly: "Uuwu... No, Liu Yang, listen to me. I told you to break up with you just because I was angry with you for not living up to expectations. In fact, I didn't really want to break up with you... "

Liu Yang couldn't help frowning and said with a cold face: "Xia Lan, we are not children, do you think anyone believes what you say? You and I are angry, so you can go out to eat with Zhu Shenglong? Then from now on, what if we are the two of us? If there is any conflict between individuals, what will you do?"

After hearing what he said, Xia Lan couldn't help but be stunned, opened her mouth, and then cried: " can you miss me so much? Am I this kind of person?"

Liu Yang sighed deeply, shook his head and said, "I don't know anything else. I just know that you listen to your father on everything... Go home! You think I'm not capable of becoming a section chief? Dad doesn’t want to see me even more. There is a huge gap between us. I can’t change anything, and neither can you…”

"Liu Yang, I hate you!" Xia Lan glared at Liu Yang fiercely, reached out and punched Liu Yang on the shoulder, then ran out with a slap on the face.

"Hey... Miss, you haven't paid the bill yet..." Seeing the guests quarreling, the waiter had already hid far away, but at this time, he sprang out like a rabbit, chasing after Xia Lan and shouting.

"Stop yelling, I'll pay the bill for this table..." After finishing speaking, Liu Yang couldn't help but laugh angrily. Damn it, Zhu Shenglong is so stupid about inviting people to dinner, why should I pay for the meal

It seems that my heart is still too soft! !

"Brother, you are a good person." After returning to his seat and sitting down, Jiang Haiyan stretched her neck to look at him with a smile, and once again gave him a good person card.

"Why?" Liu Yang said weakly.

Jiang Haiyan blinked and said with a smile: "Hehe, you are very gentlemanly and very loyal to your ex-girlfriend..."

Are you loyal to your ex-girlfriend? Is this considered a compliment? Liu Yang didn't say anything, he picked up the steak with his fork and stuffed it into his mouth.

Jiang Haiyan seemed to know that Liu Yang was in a bad mood at this time and stopped talking to him. The two of them finished their meal quickly. Liu Yang stood up and went to check out. When they walked out, Jiang Haiyan's arm naturally held Liu Yang's arm.

She said softly in a nice voice: "I agreed to treat you, but you usurped me first. I'll invite you to sing. You can't compete with me this time..."

"No, I'll take you home now." Liu Yang said firmly.

This girl is becoming more and more affectionate towards him. If he went to a karaoke bar with her, drank a few bottles of wine, and sang two love songs, it would be strange if nothing happened.

Just as he was talking, the phone in Liu Yang's pocket suddenly rang. He took it out and looked at it. There was an unfamiliar number inside. After answering the call, the other party introduced himself and said his name was **.

Liu Yang couldn't help but be stunned, thinking who is this? I don’t have a friend named **

When the other party heard that he was silent, he seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, so he followed up and said: "I am the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Secretary Wang. Secretary Wang asked me to inform you that he will be there at eight o'clock tomorrow morning. meet you… "

Listening to **'s words, Liu Yang couldn't help but buzz in his head, thinking to himself, Secretary Wang of the Municipal Party Committee really wants to see me? It turns out that Fatty Liao didn't tell lies, and Secretary Zhang really came to find him

It’s just that Wang Shu. Keeps a diary and manages everything. Why does he want me, a junior clerk, to do this

No matter what he thought in his heart, Liu Yang still agreed repeatedly. After putting away the phone, he felt that he was walking a little dizzy. After sending Jiang Haiyan back, she returned to her dormitory and lay there all night, as if she was baking pancakes, tossing and turning without falling asleep.

At eight o'clock the next morning, Liu Yang appeared at the door of the municipal party committee building on time.

The Renzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government are both located on Zhongxing Road in the center of the city. The Municipal Party Committee is to the east and the Municipal Government is to the west. The two compounds are next to each other.

The main buildings of the two courtyards are both nine-story high and were built in the 1990s. They were considered relatively tall buildings at the time. However, after nearly two decades of development, many high-rise buildings have long been erected in this area of the city center. Compared with the two buildings of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, they are a bit dwarfed by the new tall buildings of different shapes. look like.

But as long as anyone knows where these two buildings are, no one dares to underestimate these two buildings.

Because these two buildings concentrate the top power of Renzhou City, as long as you are on the territory of Renzhou City, any order issued from these two buildings is enough to change the fate of a considerable number of people.

Regardless of whether he was in the government office or later went to the reception office, Liu Yang's office was always in the city hall, but he just moved from the office on the sixth floor to the first floor.

As for the gate of the Municipal Party Committee, which was so close at hand, Liu Yang had never even walked in.

Yesterday, ** notified him that he would come to the municipal committee as soon as he got to work today, saying that Secretary Wang wanted to see him. This made Liu Yang excited but also a little uneasy.

As soon as Liu Yang entered the door of the municipal party committee building, he saw the first secretary of the municipal party committee walking out of the elevator. After seeing him, ** said very affectionately: "Liu Yang...are you Comrade Liu Yang? I think it's time for you to arrive. Come on, I'll take you to see Secretary Wang..."

Liu Yang spoke to him respectfully, but he couldn't help but admire his behavior as the first secretary of the municipal party committee. This man came to pick him up, and he actually managed the time just right, showing both his enthusiasm and his reserve.

It's true that a minute too late would be disrespectful, and a minute too early would be too respectful.

The timing alone showed the superb skills of the First Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee.

I don’t know if you care about the phrase “seven up and eight down”, but Secretary Wang put his office on the seventh floor. Because he was with her, Liu Yang didn't need to knock on the door. He opened the door and led Liu Yang in gently. After stopping in the outer room, he turned to Liu Yang, smiled, and whispered: "Wait a moment, I'll go in and report to Secretary Wang."

After finishing speaking, ** pushed open the inner door and walked in.

Not long after, I heard the rich and majestic voice of Municipal Party Secretary Wang Yifeng coming from inside: "Xiao Liu is here? Let him come in..."

Secretary Wang's majestic voice contained a hint of kindness, which made Liu Yang feel a little relieved. The person sitting inside was the number one person in Renzhou City. He actually received one of his junior staff members early in the morning. This was really an honor.

While thinking about it, Liu Yang followed ** into the back office, where Wang Yifeng was sitting behind the big desk reading materials. Just when Liu Yang opened his mouth and called "Secretary Wang", Wang Yifeng actually stood up and said with a smile: "Haha, Xiao Liu is here? When you entered the city hall, you caused quite a stir. I have long wanted to meet you. , I have never taken the time... Come, sit here, don't be restrained... Xiao Zhang pours tea... "

I have been working for a year and a half. If you really want to see me, don't you always have time? Is there no need to see me

"Thank you, thank you, Secretary Wang." Liu Yang thought as he leaned forward and sat on the sofa diagonally opposite the big desk.

** brought over a cup of fragrant tea, and Liu Yang quickly thanked him: "Thank you, Secretary Zhang!"

** smiled and said: "You're welcome... don't be nervous, our leader is very amiable."

His words were obviously flattering, but they were pleasant to listen to. Liu Yang secretly admired Secretary Zhang's ability.

It wasn't until ** walked out of the door that Wang Yifeng asked with a smile: "Xiao Liu, what major did you major in when you were in college?"