Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 181: I’m waiting for you


Ye Wanwan was returning to the dormitory, when she passed by the grove, a figure suddenly appeared in front of her, scaring her half to death.

Her first instinct was to touch her face.

Fortunately, she was very cautious this time, even though it was already midnight, to avoid the situation like Si Xia did from happening again, so on the way back just now, she had already put on makeup in the car that was enough to report directly to the scene of the ghost film, absolutely safe .

After the person on the opposite side found her, he was obviously more frightened than she was.

She clearly heard the voice of the other party gasping for air.

Taking a few steps forward, Ye Wanwan saw the other person's face clearly when she walked under the light of the street lamp.

"Si Xia...?"

What is this guy doing here without sleeping in the middle of the night

After the big move last time, this guy was unbelievably peaceful, and he seemed to be very busy himself. They didn't even talk a few words these days, so that she almost forgot about this super bomb up.

"Why are you up so late?" Ye Wanwan asked casually.

"Well, I can't sleep because my mind is full of you."

"..." Ye Wanwan was speechless for a moment.

"Wanwan..." The young man's long murmur suddenly came from next to his ear.

"Ah? What?" Ye Wanwan recovered.

"Are you waiting for me if you stay up so late?" the young man said quietly, his eyes reflected the moonlight leaking from the branches and leaves, like a bewitching fairy in the dark night.

Ye Wanwan: "...!!!"

It's only been a few days! Here we go again!

Do you think her life is too long

Ye Wanwan deeply felt that this couldn't go on like this anymore, there had to be a solution once and for all.

After taking a deep breath, Ye Wanwan forced herself to calm down, and then said unhurriedly, "Well, yes, I'm waiting for you!"

The boy's eyes lit up immediately, with some unbelievable suspicion, "Really...?"

Ye Wanwan's face was sincere, without any trace of deceit, "Of course! I know you're going to work, and I'm here specially waiting for you to come back!"

Having said that, Ye Wanwan lowered her head shyly, twisting her fingers nervously, "Um... classmate Si Xia... actually... actually, I've liked you for a long time..."

Si Xia was taken aback for a moment, he probably didn't expect her sudden confession at all, "What?"

Tsk, now you know how scary it is to be confessed suddenly

Ye Wanwan hid the dark light in her eyes, mustered up her courage, and continued, "I... I like you too..."

Ye Wanwan approached him excitedly as she spoke, "I've liked you since the first time I saw you, but I never expected to have any possibility with you, but I really didn't Thinking that I would be so lucky to be at the same table with you, and even get the chance to perform on the same stage with you, you definitely don't know how happy I am... "

Si Xia's face became even more astonished, "Aren't you... you have nothing to do with Si Yehan Mountain?"

Ye Wanwan lowered her eyes and smiled wryly, "Of course I lied to you..."

As Ye Wanwan said, she suddenly raised her head excitedly and looked at Si Xia, "But I didn't expect, Si Xia, you... would you treat me... Do you... really... really like me? Or... Just kidding me?"

Si Xia's eyes that had been calm all this time finally showed some uncertainty, he hesitated for a long time before he said, "To me, you... are special... different from other girls... not only because of your face..."

Ye Wanwan's eyes lit up immediately, and she rushed up to him, "Then...then let's complete the great harmony of life tonight!"

"What?" Si Xia's expression was obviously stunned.

Ye Wanwan's eyes were excited, her face was flushed, and she was very excited. Taking advantage of Si Xia's dumbfounded moment, she suddenly rushed towards him with all her strength...

The two of them fell together in the grass beside them in an instant.

"Wanwan, you, wait..."

Just as Si Xia was about to get up, Ye Wanwan immediately pushed her back, "What's the matter? Don't you like me? I like you too! I really like... I like it very much... Don't you want to be with me?"

Si Xia stepped back abruptly, "No... calm down..."

"Look at the beauty of the beautiful day tonight, let's choose another day than hit the sun!"

How could Ye Wanwan be calm, she stretched out her hand and started to unbutton the other person's clothes, she pouted and wanted to kiss her...

The collar was torn randomly by a small hand, seeing the face that was like a special effect of a ghost movie getting bigger and bigger in front of his eyes, and he was going to get close to it in the next second.

Suddenly, a strong force pushed her away, and at the same time, a young boy's roar came from her ears——

"Go away!!!"