Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2447: Wedding Trivia 5


However, as soon as they entered the castle, everyone was dumbfounded. They saw that the castle was overcrowded, and it seemed that someone was getting married inside. The groom was a "Garfield", and the bride was a girl dressed as a princess. She was extremely beautiful.

Except for the groom, Garfield, and the bride, the princess, all the wedding attendants were dressed in doll costumes, including Mickey Mouse... Donald Duck... and unrecognizable things...

"Ha, SpongeBob SquarePants, it's you again, making trouble again?!"

"Donald Duck" stared at "SpongeBob SquarePants" Yi Shuihan and cursed loudly.

Ye Wanwan was stunned, what happened

"Just now... Yi Shuihan misremembered the time and came here first... I guess... made a fuss about her wedding..." Lin Que moved closer to Ye Wanwan and explained.

Hearing that, Ye Wanwan couldn't help but touch her forehead, what evil did she do!

If I had known earlier, Tangtang would not be allowed to invite him over.

"However, it's not our fault. We originally reserved the venue, and they insisted on squeezing in." "Big Xiong," Jiang Lihen said.

"This was originally reserved for us, you ran in so shamelessly, it would be good if you didn't beat you up!" "Bear 2" Beidou snorted coldly.

"Well... beat us up?" "Garfield" the groom sneered.

"Don't accept it, don't accept it, hold it back for me, if you don't get married today, I will kill you with one punch!" "Xiong Er" sneered.

Ye Wanwan was a little speechless, that's a good thing to say, but... they didn't pay a penny, didn't the person in charge say that they would return all the money to Nameless Nie, now that they used someone else's venue .

"Well, it was a good day for a few days, so it's really annoying."

As soon as "Garfield" the groom finished speaking, under the surprised eyes of Ye Wanwan and the others, the Garfield was extremely fast, and instantly came to "Bear 2" Beidou, and there was no time for Beidou to react. Was sent flying by "Garfield".

"Give you a long memory." "Garfield" said.

"Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding..." Ye Wanwan said hastily.

Today is her big day, okay? Can you stop everything

Even if they are dressed like this, they still want to fight!

"Well, I remember you, did I meet you at KFC before?" "Garfield" stared at Ye Wanwan and asked.

Ye Wanwan was taken aback when she heard the sound. When she returned from Huaguo, she took Big Dipper, the third elder and others to eat at KFC once.

Ye Wanwan suddenly remembered that man who was so strong and more beautiful than a woman...

I vaguely remember that there seems to be a girl next to the man, the girl called him some kind of god...

"What the hell, you dare to hit me, I will fight with you!"

"Bear 2" Beidou rushed over in an instant, and punched "Garfield" with a punch.

However, in the next second, "Bear II" was sent flying by "Garfield" again.

"What are you doing in a daze, beat him up for me!" "Xiong Er" Beidou shouted.

Hearing the sound, a group of experts from the Fearless Alliance in doll costumes rushed towards "Garfield".

However, what surprised Ye Wanwan was that the experts of the Fearless Alliance, including several elders, couldn't even get close to "Garfield". They were beaten and flew out after a few breaths at most.

How could this man be so powerful...

With so many masters in the Fearless Alliance, how could they become paper in front of him? !

"Well, that SpongeBob SquarePants, hurry up and die." "Garfield" hooked his fingers towards "SpongeBob SquarePants" Yi Shuihan.