Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 78: Do I look like a single dog?


By the end of the school day, in just one day, this explosive news had spread throughout Qinghe and even many surrounding colleges and universities.

Everyone knows that Ling Dong, the boss of Qinghe, confessed to Ye Wanwan, the number one ugly girl in Qinghe, but was rejected. They also know that a certain ugly ugly girl boasted that her criteria for choosing a boyfriend were better than Si Xia's. handsome...

School hall.

Ling Dong sat far away in the last row of seats, looking reverently at Ye Wanwan who was rehearsing in front of him.

Being rejected on the spot by Ye Wanwan who was so shameless, she still hasn't given up.

Si Xia sat next to him by the window.

Ling Dong handed over a cigarette.

Si Xia lazily rolled his glazed eyes, but didn't answer.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Ling Dong lit his cigarette, took a long puff, and then said with a serious face, "Si Xia, Ye Wanwan is the woman I like, if you are a brother, please be careful. , for that kiss scene, you have to borrow a seat, but the fake scene is not allowed to be real!"

Si Xia's face seemed to crack for a moment, "You think too much."

Ling Dong probably felt that he was thinking too much, Si Xia was a famous face control, and he couldn't even get close to Ye Wanwan's face, after all, Ye Wanwan's face was still very safe now.


At this time, Cheng Xue angrily walked up to Ling Dong, her pretty face almost distorted with anger, "Brother Dong, what are you doing? Don't tell me, you've really taken a fancy to that ugly Ye Wanwan!"

Ling Dong glanced at Cheng Xue who was jumping, "Well, I really like it."

Cheng Xue was choked to death, "Are you crazy? It's not good to fall in love with anyone, but Ye Wanwan? Do you know what everyone is saying about you now! They're all saying you're out of your mind!"

"Then think I'm out of my mind!" Ling Dong vomited eye circles, with an expression that everyone is drunk and I am alone.

After rehearsal.

Ling Dong immediately greeted Ye Wanwan, "It's fine if you don't want to eat with me, I... I'll take you back to the dormitory..."

Ye Wanwan squeezed the space between her eyebrows, "Lingdong, I said it before..."

Ling Dong immediately interrupted her, "I know I'm not handsome enough, but you can't just look at my face!"

Hearing this, the corners of Ye Wanwan's mouth twitched slightly. It seemed that he was the least qualified to say such a thing, right

"You suddenly like me because you saw me without makeup last night?" Ye Wanwan asked straight to the point.

Ling Dong didn't deny it, nodded and said, "Yes."

Ye Wanwan raised her eyebrows, "So, all you like is my face?"

Ling Dong pursed his lips, "I admit that I like your face very much, are really pretty...but you are a good-looking lady, I don't think there is anything wrong with liking you just because you are pretty!"

Ye Wanwan couldn't laugh or cry at Ling Dong's uprightness, so she could only say, "Actually, I already have a boyfriend."

"What did you say?" Hearing this, Ling Dong's expression changed immediately, and he calmed down after a while, "You don't have to use this method to reject me."

Ye Wanwan looked helpless, "I look like a single dog?"

Ling Dong frowned, "I didn't mean that, it's just..."

He couldn't be blamed for not believing it. After all, Ye Wanwan always showed off her scary face. How could she have a boyfriend

"Your boyfriend meets your standards?" Ling Dong asked instead.

Ye Wanwan nodded decisively, "Yes."

And when Ye Wanwan said this, Ling Dong's face darkened in an instant, and he was even more convinced that she was lying to him, "Ye Wanwan, you don't need to find excuses to lie to me anymore, you have the right to reject me, and I have the right to pursue you." I will not give up your rights!"

Ye Wanwan sighed, "Then how can you believe what I'm saying is true?"

Why didn't one or two of them believe that she had a boyfriend? It's too good to judge a person by its cover! Excuse me, does someone with a fresh taste just like hers

Ling Dong glanced at Ye Wanwan, thought for a while and said, "Unless I see him with my own eyes."

See it with your own eyes

Taking Si Yehan to meet a boy who likes her and is chasing her, is she looking for death because she thinks she will die

uh... no...

It seems that it is not impossible to bring your boyfriend to meet Ling Dong...

Ye Wanwan pondered seriously for a long time, and finally looked tentatively at Ling Dongdao, "Are you sure you will give up after seeing him?"

Ling Dong didn't fall into her trap, and said cautiously, "Of course, if he is really as good as you said, he will be a hundred times more handsome than Si Xia."

Well, it seems that it is impossible to just pull someone out to block him. Where can she find a man who is a hundred times more handsome than Si Xia...

"Okay, let me think about it, well, my boyfriend is very busy, if I make an appointment, I will give you an answer." Ye Wanwan said.

Ling Dong only thought that she was still pretending and didn't care at all: "Okay."