Perfect Superstar

Chapter 112: Hire black


Beijing Satellite TV, Program Department.

The contract paper just printed out was still warm, and Lu Chen signed his name on it with a pen.

This is a copyright transfer contract.

He transferred part of the copyright and usage rights of the song "Walking and Singing" to Beijing Satellite TV.

Today is Monday. In the morning, Lu Chen contacted Gu Rui, the music director of the "Singing China" program group. Then in the afternoon, he brought his sister Lu Xi to the TV station to formally finalize the contract.

As Lu Chen's manager, Lu Xi entered her role very quickly. She was basically in charge of the negotiation process. Lu Chen just sat aside and smiled.

Smiling is enough.

In the entertainment circle, the image of a star and idol is very important, and it involves many contracts. If you negotiate all of them by yourself, you will be cheated by others if you don't get tired. Therefore, an agent is an indispensable standard.

The reliability and professionalism of an agent largely determines the future of a star.

In the entertainment industry, there are many examples of choosing the wrong agent, resulting in the destruction of the future.

Lu Chen invited his sister to be his manager. First of all, relatives are undoubtedly the most reliable. Even if Lu Xi's relationship with him is not as close as that of Lu Xue, he must firmly stand by his side when facing outsiders.

Secondly, Lu Xi has a broker qualification certificate, and her mind is smart enough.

To be a manager, one must first be a villain. Cowardly people cannot do this job. Although Lu Xi is not a real villain, her strength and shrewdness ensure that Lu Chen can get a reasonable return.

Even though it was her first time as an entertainment agent, she still performed very well.

For the whole day yesterday, Lu Xi was researching information about entertainment agents and Beijing Satellite TV.

Before coming to negotiate, she even drew up the contract in advance.

The time limit for the transfer of "Walking and Singing" to Beijing Satellite TV is 10 years. The latter can use this song in the production and promotion of "Singing China", and the transfer fee is a symbolic 1 yuan.

In return, "Walking and Singing" will be sung by Lu Chen himself, and Beijing Satellite TV cannot authorize others to sing the cover. In addition, Beijing Satellite TV's "October" National Day Gala will also invite him to sing this song on stage!

Since the establishment of the TV station, Beijing Satellite TV has held a celebration party on the night of the National Day every year. Although it is not as grand as CCTV's National Day party, the ratings in China are not low.

Therefore, if you want to appear at this party, you must have both strength and connections.

In other words, Lu Chen got a good chance to show his face while retaining most of his rights.

It is not easy to win this contract. Compared with Lu Chen, Beijing Satellite TV is an absolute giant, and there is no equal relationship between the two parties.

A song is dispensable for Beijing Satellite TV, but Beijing Satellite TV is currently the most important platform for Lu Chen to make his debut. Even if the former asks Lu Chen to transfer the copyright unconditionally, he actually doesn't have much choice.

However, with her sincerity and persistence, Lu Xi convinced the representatives of the program group mainly composed of Gu Rui.

Of course, this contract did not exceed the bottom line of Beijing Satellite TV, and it was a win-win contract that both parties were satisfied with.

"Happy cooperation!"

After signing the contract, Lu Chen and Gu Rui shook hands vigorously: "Thank you Director Gu."

Gu Rui shook his hand and said with a smile: "The future world will belong to young people like you. Lu Chen, you have an excellent manager. I look forward to more cooperation between us in the future."

Gu Rui admired Lu Xi quite a lot, and was even more surprised when he knew that she was Lu Chen's sister.

The siblings are not very similar.

These few words of Gu Rui actually contained subtext, but the current Lu Chen still couldn't hear it.


After leaving Beijing Satellite TV, Lu Chen and Lu Xi returned to the rented single apartment.

The dinner at night is cooked by my sister, and the ingredients are all bought in a nearby supermarket, which is very fresh and clean.

In terms of culinary skills, Lu Xi got the true instruction from Lu Chen's mother Fang Yun, and several home-cooked side dishes were cooked in a delicious way, which made Lu Chen full of praise.

It feels like coming back to your own home.

Halfway through the meal, he suddenly said: "Sister, when I pay off the family's debts, I will buy a big house in the capital, let my mother retire early and live here, and Lu Xue will also come to the capital to study. .”

"This way our family can be reunited!"

Back when he was working at KFC, when Lu Chen was resting on the bed after being tired from work, he would occasionally have the same idea, but he never thought that his dream could become a reality.

The mountain of debts at home made him think that he would be like this for the rest of his life.

But now, the debt has not been paid off, but the realization of the dream is not out of reach!

Lu Xi's expression froze, she slowly swallowed the food in her mouth, and then said, "Let's eat."

There was unprecedented tenderness in the voice.

After a pause, she said again: "Mom probably won't come over, she's used to living in Binhai."

The tone returned to its original state.

Lu Chen nodded silently.

After dinner, he went to the studio in the creative park.

The bachelor apartment in Jinchengyuan was given to Lu Xi by Lu Chen. He lived in the studio for the time being. The live broadcasting equipment had already been transferred there, and the evening live broadcasting was going on normally there.

After signing the contract with [Whale TV], in addition to the reward share, Lu Chen can also get a generous anchor salary every month. Correspondingly, he also has work obligations and responsibilities, and must ensure enough live broadcast time.

After the live broadcast ended, Lu Chen slept in the rest room.

The next day, Tuesday morning, July 28, he got up early to go for a run.

Morning exercise has become a good habit for Lu Chen. During the persistent exercise, he can clearly feel the changes in his body, making him healthier, more energetic, and full of energy.

It's just that the location of exercise has been changed from the artificial riverside to the central garden of the creative park.

At 9 o'clock, Lu Chen returned to the studio after having breakfast.

"Dachen, come here!"

As a result, he had just opened the door with the key and came in when he heard Li Feiyu yelling from inside: "Something went wrong!"

Lu Chen couldn't help but his heart sank, and hurried over: "What happened?"

Li Feiyu was in the live broadcast room, the computer was turned on, and the screen displayed the screen of Inspur blog.

Li Feiyu is currently serving as Lu Chen's assistant. In addition to helping him complete the live broadcast task, he also helps him manage blogs, fish nests and Fetion groups, and strengthen communication and exchanges with fans.

"Come and see!"

Li Feiyu clicked on the comment section of the latest blog post of "Lu Chen FMX".

The content of this blog post is ordinary, it is Lu Chen's daily selfie photo with a few lines of text, but the number of comments has reached 30,000+, which is completely unreasonable.

And in the comment area, it was full of insulting messages.

"What kind of bullshit creator, how can it compare to our Xiaoxiao!"

"Hehe, let us Xiao Xiao brother to hype?"

"You deserve to be compared with Ling Xiaoxiao? Hurry up and apologize, or don't blame us for being rude!"

"It's so ugly in spring, this broken song is only for the outdated people to listen to."

"Apologize! Apologize! Apologize!"

"The hype is shameless, Lu Chen get out of the entertainment industry!"

"Be a down-to-earth person, and don't try to use crooked methods to get to the top. Is it interesting?"

"roll roll roll… "

There are many more ugly swear words, which are displayed to pollute the screen.

Lu Chen's self-cultivation is considered very good, and he couldn't help but feel angry when he saw these obscene messages.

"Are these guys crazy? Who is Ling Xiaoxiao? Do I know him?"

His first feeling was that he had been hacked, and he really wanted to scold someone but he didn't know who to scold.

Li Feiyu said quickly: "Calm down first, I probably already understand."

He called up a new web page, which was also the page of Inspur Blog, but it belonged to another blogger.

This blogger is called Stray Cat, a small V number with 300,000+ fans, and his latest blog post has reached 25,000+ retweets, with more than 50,000 hits!

The key is the content of this blog post.

[The name is not worthy of the name "The Strongest Singer and Composer", let's take a look at the inside story of the elimination of the author of "In the Spring" Lu Chen!]


Lu Chen never imagined that the attack on his blog was related to his being eliminated in the audition of "The Strongest Singer and Composer" last time. I really don't know how this little V got the inside story.

It's not correct to say that I don't know at all, at least Lu Chen thinks of someone.

He immediately asked Li Feiyu to open this long blog post.

Inspur blog posts are divided into long and short posts. Short posts are limited to less than 50 characters and can be directly displayed completely. Long posts have no limit on the number of words, but you need to click to open to browse the full text.

And it was this long blog post that made Lu Chen fully understand the ins and outs of the matter.

Let's not talk about the inside story, just the last sentence of the blog post is enough to explain the reason for recruiting gangsters.

"The strongest singer-songwriter, Lu Chen beats Ling Xiaoxiao by at least three blocks!"

This sentence is so hateful, Lu Chen didn't even know Ling Xiaoxiao at all, but he was recruited by the stray cat to be an MT.

He didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

If the stray cats were to be blamed, they would have praised him greatly, and complained injustice. By the way, they slapped Shonan Satellite TV and provided him with the opportunity to be exposed and increase his reputation.

If it's not surprising, then Ling Xiaoxiao is considered collateral damage

Lu Chen soon found out who this person was.

The other party is a newcomer who stood out in the Shanghai and Shanghai singing area of "The Strongest Singer and Composer". He performed well in the auditions, preliminary rounds, and semi-finals. His three original works have all been well received by the industry, so he is being praised by Shonan TV Vision!

Ling Xiaoxiao also opened a blog in Inspur, and his blog fans have exceeded 3 million.

Among the people who like him, there are many boys and girls.

They are the main force attacking Lu Chen!