Perfect Superstar

Chapter 36: Dying rock and roll


"It's starting, the show is starting!"

"So excited! So excited! So excited! So excited! So excited!"

"Who can tell me when Lu Fei will play?"

"Same question, I want to know too!"

"There are so many people, I really want to see it live, the feeling of the scene is the best."

"The anchor is mighty, and he's about to hold a concert!"

"I am deeply worried about the IQ of the kid who said the concert..."

"Wait for the anchor to come on stage..."

At 7 o'clock in the evening, the popularity of [Whale TV] Lu Fei's live broadcast room soared, and the number of online numbers continued to skyrocket.

A lot of fish fans log in in a pinch of time, and the barrage fills the entire screen, making the live broadcast room extremely lively!

Because Lu Chen was going to perform, the host was Li Feiyu. Brother Xiaofei had already started the live broadcast just after 6 o'clock. With his silver-level "salesman's mouth", he was able to fool around. With 20,000+ fans, persist until the explosion of popularity.

Along with it came a large number of rewards for fish balls, and Li Bai, a hard-core loyal fan and local tyrant, even dumped three aircraft carriers in a row.

He said domineeringly that after Lu Chen came on stage, he would give away seven more boats, so that he would be perfect on stage!

Then the number of guys begging to hug their thighs increased tenfold!

Others don't know the inside story, seeing such a noisy and lively scene, they probably think that Lu Chen is holding a personal concert at night, that's why everyone is so excited and enthusiastic.

Li Feiyu smiled so much that his mouth was crooked, ignoring the strange gazes cast by the people around him.

This is the scene of a music carnival night, and the normal atmosphere is noisy and boiling!

So he wasn't worried at all that his live broadcast would affect others and embarrass himself and Lu Chen.

The more lively the merrier!

The lights around the performance venue were turned off one by one, and the lights on the stage were fully turned on, focusing on the first Watchmen band on stage, and the scene gradually quieted down, waiting for them to start singing.

Watchmen, the opening performer, is a legend in Houhai.

The Overwatch Band is a national rock band that was founded 20 years ago and has persisted in pure rock for 20 years!

National rock started in the early 1980s. Influenced by Western liberalism, domestic rock music began to sprout and develop, and new bands were born. By the end of the 1980s, it ushered in its heyday.

At that time, there were thousands of national rock bands, and many classics that were sung for a while emerged. However, after entering the 1990s, with the rise of commercial pop music, pure rock suffered serious market impact.

Some rock singers follow the trend, take the initiative to change their overly personal and idealized style, and switch to light rock or folk songs, but there are also many rock singers who stubbornly guard the last position of national rock and do not bow their heads to the market.

Up to now, Guoyao has become a distant term, and only a very small number of people are still struggling.

Watchmen is just such a band. When they were founded, Guoyao had already declined, but relying on their firm belief and the support of a few fans, they have persisted in the underground music circle in Houhai for 20 years!

The Watchmen band has never been very popular, nor have they released any works that are familiar to the public. They firmly believe that rock and roll will never die, and stick to their ideals, so they have won the respect of many people in the circle.

Inviting them to be the opening performers for the light blue music carnival night is also an admiration for this spirit.

This is the best of times and the worst of times for idealists!

The Overwatch band has only 4 members in total, with an average age of 40+, all of them are uncle-level characters, and the songs they sing are obviously not what young people like and appreciate.

Lu Chen hadn't even heard the song "To Live Is To Die" or "A Bullet To The Chest".

But it is undeniable that their singing is full of vicissitudes of power. The passionate singing swept across the crowded venue, penetrated the large-format floor-to-ceiling windows outside the bar, and passed to the ears of everyone inside.

Qin Hanyang suddenly said: "The lease of Nirvana Bar will end at the end of the year, and I heard it will be transferred out."

His voice was bleak, and there was a trace of sadness and sadness.

Sister Na was stunned for a moment, and then came to her senses: "Then what about Barley and the others?"

Nirvana Bar is where the Overwatch Band sticks and is also a member of Houhai's underground music scene. The owner of the bar is a true fan of Guoyue. Without his support, the Overwatch Band would not be able to survive today.

The "Barley" that Sister Na mentioned refers to the lead singer and soul of the Watchmen band, Rye Tian, a rock veteran.

"What else can I do..."

Qin Hanyang said: "Aside from Nirvana, which bar can give them a place to sing, only to break up."

Nirvana Bar is an old brand in Houhai, but it has never made much money. As for the reason, everyone knows.

Now that the Nirvana Bar is about to close, the Overwatch Band will naturally follow the tree down and leave.

He said with disinterestedness: "It's okay to leave, Brother Big Mac and the others are in their forties, and they should spend more time on their own lives and find a stable job that can make money, such as going to a music school as an instrument teacher …”

As he spoke, he smiled wryly.

When Qin Hanyang laughed at the Watchmen, he was actually laughing at himself.

Any circle has a pyramid structure. There are countless steppers under the successful ones. The Watchmen band is struggling to survive at the bottom. Isn't it the case for the Wandering Band

Sister Na was silent.

On this topic, Lu Chen has nothing to say. You must know that when the Watchmen band was formed, he had just learned to walk, and he didn't know much about pure rock music.

But in his memory, there are really many rock classics in Dream World!

Picking up his beer glass, Qin Hanyang said with emotion: "We are all behind the times. The future world belongs to young people like Xiao Lu. Let's all have a toast for him!"


Who would lose face when he opened his mouth? Everyone present raised their glasses together.

Whether it's a toast to Lu Chen, or to the dying rock, maybe only everyone knows in their hearts!

Lu Chen quickly said: "Brother Da Qin is too flattering, you and Sister Na are not out of date, I will do it first as a respect!"

He drank all the beer in the glass in one gulp.

This made the other four members of the wandering band have a much better impression of Lu Chen—respect for their seniors.

outside on the big stage. Watchmen just finished singing.

Unsurprisingly, the two original works they produced did not resonate much with the audience. Very few people at the scene could understand the complex structure, obscure lyrics, and cathartic emotions.

Finally, it was the intense rhythm and roar, which more or less drove up the atmosphere, and many people were waving light sticks.

The bands and singers who came on stage afterwards were much smarter. They didn't play any independent originals at all, and directly sang popular songs that everyone was familiar with. Light rock, rap, fast songs...caused wave after wave of craze.

The more than 2,000 spectators present all stood up. They raised their arms high, swaying to the rhythm of the surging music, or sang in unison to respond to the performance on the stage. Cheers, shouts, and screams came and went. There were also loud whistles.

This kind of atmosphere can only be truly felt at the scene, which is completely different from that in front of the screen!

Lu Chen's cell phone rang suddenly.

It was Li Feiyu who was broadcasting live on the phone who called. He came to ask Lu Chen the exact time of appearance.

"Everyone is anxiously looking forward to you, and the voice of the people is extremely strong!"

Lu Chen said with a smile: "Half an hour, it should be my turn to play, and I apologize to everyone."

After hanging up the phone, Sister Na asked curiously, "Did you have a friend who came to see the scene?"

Lu Chen had no choice but to briefly talk about his live broadcast.

"This is very interesting!"

Sister Na's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she said, "I know, it's very popular on the Internet now, in fact, you can also hold a live broadcast in our bar, and help Wangyoucao become famous by the way."

Lu Chen really had such an idea!

Just as he was about to answer, an on-site staff hurried over, waved the form in his hand and said loudly: "Fit band, and Mr. Lu Chen from Wangyoucao, please go backstage to prepare!"