Perfect Superstar

Chapter 52: third song


The so-called "exposing the bottom" is a jargon, which refers to the brand-new package that the merchant will prepare to sell, use a hair dryer to heat the bottom seal of the box, and then take out the accessories and even the main unit to replace it with refurbished goods or even It is a counterfeit product, and then seek huge profits.

As long as the method is proper, ordinary customers will not be able to see the flaws at all, thinking that all unopened items must be authentic, and they will not know if they are at a disadvantage.

Lu Chen saw that the salesman agreed happily, so he vaccinated the other party in advance to let him know that he knew what he knew and couldn't be fooled, so that he would not have to negotiate trouble later.

In fact, when encountering darker stores, the clerks often trick customers into paying first, and then deceive them with low-end versions of different models of the same style. The water in the computer sales industry is very deep.

But customers will learn to be savvy if they are fooled a lot, and now that the Internet is developed and the speed of information transmission is fast, everyone is willing to go to reliable shopping websites, so that these notorious digital cities can't get along.

The salesperson's face froze, showing a smile uglier than crying: "Please rest assured, sir, we pay attention to reputation when we open a store and do business, and we will not deceive customers!"

Lu Chen smiled and said nothing, of course he didn't dare to cheat if he knew how to do it, but if he didn't understand, he would sharpen his knife and rush at the pig and sheep!

The salesman ran to the warehouse to adjust the goods, Zuo Xintian said in admiration: "Senior, you are really amazing!"

She and Ye Zitong are both very smart girls, how could they not see the guilty conscience of the salesman, if Lu Chen hadn't been invited to help today, and the two of them would have come here by themselves, how would they have known so many schemes

I guess I bought it according to the online shopping price, and the stuff inside has already been replaced with something I don’t know!

Ye Zitong was a little worried: "Will it be troublesome to ask them for warranty service in the future?"

The salesman was crushed by Lu Chen like a dead father, there is no guarantee that he will not take revenge in the future.

Lu Chen said with a smile: "What are you looking for with them for warranty? You can just go to the after-sales service of the brand. If you ask them for repairs, you will be slaughtered again. There is no need for that at all!"

The water of maintenance is deeper than that of sales!

Ye Zitong was relieved, her beautiful eyes were shining brightly, she bit her lip and asked, "Senior Lu Chen, why did you say you want to buy two? Do you want to buy one as a gift?"

This kind of notebook suitable for girls is obviously not the one used by Lu Chen himself.

Lu Chen explained: "Yes, the other one is for my younger sister, who will be going to university next year."

Ye Zitong smiled and said: "So that's the case, you are so kind to your sister!"

As a result, she inadvertently saw Zuo Xintian's ambiguous gaze towards her, and she blushed immediately.

Lu Chen smiled, but sighed in his heart.

His younger sister, Lu Xue, used to have a computer, but something happened at home, and she became a Cinderella from a princess.

Lu Chen has always wanted to buy her a new computer, but he didn't get his wish until now.

Two new computers were brought over.

Lu Chen checked it twice carefully, and after confirming that there was no problem, he opened the box and checked the machine, and finally paid and settled the bill.

At this time, the two girls finally got a chance to display their talents. Under their insistence, the store finally sent two sets of matching external keyboards and mice, which were even cheaper than online shopping.

The last salesman with a dark face sent the three of them out like a plague god.

Having bought a suitable new computer, Ye Zitong was in a good mood: "Senior, I will treat you to dinner tonight, thank you!"

It was already 5 pm, just in time for dinner.

Zuo Xin sweetly said: "Please seniors don't invite me, Wu Qing is the most sister... ah!"

Zuo Xintian's final note suddenly rose a full octave. It turned out that Ye Zitong, who could no longer bear it, performed the miraculous tickling technique, hitting her vitals precisely, scaring her to hide behind Lu Chen.

"Senior, help me!"

The two girls frolicked between Lu Chen who couldn't laugh or cry, which attracted the eyes of many passers-by.

And Lu Chen had a vague feeling of returning to the old campus, which was very warm and happy.

Had a great time at dinner too.

The last one to pay the bill was Ye Zitong. Originally, Lu Chen was going to pay the bill, but he couldn't hold back the former's insistence.

He can see that Ye Zitong is the kind of girl who is very self-respecting and self-loving, smart and reserved, beautiful but not arrogant, she has a good family background, so she doesn't like to take advantage of others.

There may not be one girl like this among thousands of people.

Lu Chen doesn't deny that he has a good impression of Ye Zitong, but his current attitude towards feelings is to follow fate.

Even if you can't be a lover, it's good to be a friend!

When we left the restaurant, it was still early.

Lu Chen said: "Can I do you a favor and invite the two of you to sit in the Wangyoucao?"

Before Ye Zitong answered, Zuo Xintian clapped her hands and said, "Great, senior, can you sing a new song?"

Lu Chen asked, "New song? Don't you and Cinderella at the same table like it?"

These two songs have become his signature in Wangyoucao, and many customers come here to listen to him playing and singing.

"You and Cinderella at the same table are very nice!"

Zuo Xin said with a sweet smile: "But if you can send a song to Ye Zi, senior, that would be the best!"

Obviously she likes the new and dislikes the old, but she wants to pull out Ye Zitong and use it as a signboard.

Ye Zitong covered his face with his hands, with a helpless expression of being defeated by her.

Lu Chen smiled and said: "Then let's go together, I will send you back to school before 10 o'clock."

Zuo Xintian shouted: "Long live the senior!"

Ye Zitong hurriedly took two steps to distance himself, expressing that he has nothing to do with this crazy girl.

But she did not reject Lu Chen's proposal.

After hailing a taxi, Lu Chen and two girls came to Wangyoucao Bar.

On the first night of the weekend, the business in the bar was very good. It was just after 7 o'clock, and there were no empty tables.

Luckily there was still space in front of the bar.

Lu Chen led someone over and said to the bartender, "Brother David, please take care of these two friends of mine."

Two beautiful girls sitting in front of the bar will inevitably attract the attention of some wild bees and butterflies. The atmosphere and quality of customers in Wangyoucao are not bad, but they didn't say that they can't pick up girls.

With David's care, they will be able to avoid trouble for them, and they can be arranged as soon as there is an empty table.

David's eyes lit up when he saw Ye Zitong and Zuo Xintian.

He held the shaker, raised his left hand to his chest, and bowed in a gentlemanly manner: "Good evening, two beautiful ladies, nice to meet you, my name is David, David Lee!"

Ye Zitong and Zuo Xintian both found it very interesting, and replied with a smile: "Hello."

David pretended to be contemplative: "Let me guess, which one of you is Boss Xiao Lu's girlfriend..."

Zuo Xintian poked Ye Zitong's arm with her finger, causing the latter to roll her eyes in an unladylike manner.

Zuo Xin smiled sweetly: "We are all senior Lu Chen's junior sisters, brother David, does senior Lu Chen have no girlfriend now? And why do you call him Boss Xiao Lu?"


David was surprised: "Don't you all know?"

Lu Chen finally couldn't listen anymore: "You guys talk, I'm going backstage to prepare to sing."

He could only run away.

Zuo Xintian yelled behind him: "Senior, don't forget!"

After running to the backstage and saying hello to Sister Na and the others, Lu Chen borrowed a guitar from Qin Hanyang, and then went on stage.

There are quite a few guests who know Lu Chen in the bar, and they are very happy to see him appear.

Lu Chen's performance time has already been changed to after 11 o'clock, and he no longer sings every day, so seeing him on stage so early now is really a pleasant surprise.

Applause and whistle sounded at the same time.

Lu Chen sat in front of the microphone with his guitar in his arms, and said, "Thank you everyone. I will sing three songs tonight. The first two are the ones you like and are familiar with. As for the third song..."

He paused, and looked at the two girls sitting in front of the bar: "It will be a new song!"

"It's also the first time I sang in Wangyoucao!"

The applause that had just subsided broke out again, and it was at least ten times more enthusiastic than before!

Those regular customers who don't know Lu Chen's talent, who don't like his original works? It was a pleasant surprise to hear his new song again!

Zuo Xintian tightly grasped Ye Zitong's arm, and said excitedly: "Ye Zi, the senior really wants to sing a new song!"

Ye Zitong nodded, her eyes were shining with a moving light.