Perfect Superstar

Chapter 68: A new contract, a new beginning


There were three people who just appeared at the door of the coffee shop.

Walking in the front was a tall, middle-aged man, about 40 years old, in a well-fitting suit.

Following him were a woman in a white skirt and a slender man with glasses.

Zhao Deping knew this tall man very well.

Wu Hongming, Operation Director of [Whale TV]!

Zhao Deping and Wu Hongming are not only former colleagues, they have known each other for many years and can be regarded as old friends, but the old friendship has long since disappeared, and it is not an exaggeration for the two sides to say that they are enemies.

Seeing Wu Hongming, Zhao Deping immediately understood.

He was played by Lu Chen!

Lu Chen never had the idea of signing a contract with Starlight Media. He knew that Zhao Deping was Superman 002!

Zhao Deping turned around suddenly, and he was not surprised to see a mocking smile on Lu Chen's face.

That is undisguised sarcasm!

The manager of the operation management department of Starlight Media's face turned purple, and he couldn't get out a suffocating breath in his chest. He was a little dizzy with stares in his eyes, and he tried his best not to make a fool of himself on the spot.

He is really ashamed today!

Zhao Deping thought that it would be easy for him to deal with a mere 20-year-old rookie by himself, but he never thought that the other party would play with him in order to avenge the previous quarrel.

He flew more than 2,000 kilometers to the capital, which was a real gift!

What's outrageous is that just now Lu Chen was serious about negotiating a contract with him, and his acting skills are so superb that he can be in the film and television industry!

It's not just as simple as revenge, Zhao Deping soon came to his senses.

Lu Chen is even using him, or more precisely Starlight Media, as a bargaining chip to negotiate a new contract with [Whale TV]. Otherwise, why would Wu Hongming appear so coincidentally


Zhao Deping wanted to yell, but countless words stuck in his throat, and finally he could only utter one word.

Because he found out sadly that he couldn't do anything to Lu Chen at all!

The current Lu Chen is not the little anchor who he kneaded in [Starlight Show] back then.

"Since Manager Zhao is unwilling, forget it..."

Lu Chen stood up with a smile on his face. He took out his wallet from his pocket, took out a 50 yuan bill and put it under the coffee cup, and said, "I hope there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future. See you soon!"

Nodding to the stunned little assistant, Lu Chen walked away.

At this moment, Zhao Deping's heart seemed to be galloping like a thousand horses.

He stared at Lu Chen's back. If eyes can kill, then Lu Chen is already riddled with holes!

The assistant asked timidly: "Manager Zhao, let's now..."

"go back!"

Zhao Deping struggled to stand up, and said weakly: "Let's go back to the deep sea immediately."

To stay here is to humiliate himself, he really doesn't want his embarrassed appearance to be seen by Wu Hongming.

The assistant really wanted to say that the return ticket hadn't been booked yet, but Zhao Deping was already like this, if he sprinkled salt into the other's wound, he was waiting to be fired.

The two had just left the teahouse when a polite and vigilant reminder came from behind them.

"Sir, you forgot to pay the bill."

The voice of the waiter was not loud, but it was very clear in the quiet coffee shop. Many nearby customers turned their heads and looked over after hearing it, their eyes were probably curious or contemptuous.

Zhao Deping's old face finally faded a bit, and in an instant it was heavily painted with a new layer.

He noticed Wu Hongming who was talking with Lu Chen not far away, so he looked towards him.

The manager of the operation and management department of Starlight Media almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

If he had known that this would be the result, he would not have come to the capital if he was killed. He was humiliated in vain, the most important task was not completed, and there was no way to explain to Zhang Guangjie when he went back.

He could have predicted his gloomy and hopeless future in the company!

"Zhao Deping..."

Wu Hongming glanced at his old enemy, snorted lightly, and said, "He really has face!"

Zhao Deping was the one who overtook 002 in [Starlight Show], and he told Lu Chen.

After the [Whale TV] executive meeting last night, he personally called Lu Chen to discuss the contract, but learned from Lu Chen's words that Starlight Media would also send someone to the capital.

Based on his understanding of Zhao Deping, Wu Hongming revealed this not-so-secret secret to Lu Chen.

Because he knew very well that the person from Starlight Media must be the manager of the transport management department!

The results were as expected.

At the same time, Wu Hongming admired Lu Chen a little bit. The latter obviously played Zhao Deping's tricks. At the same time, he borrowed the people from Starlight Media to remind him implicitly that the price of the new contract couldn't be worse.

In business talk business, he didn't think there was anything wrong with Lu Chen's actions, and he was prepared for it.

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Let's sit down and chat!"

[Whale TV]Wu Hongming and Wu Shanshan were sent to discuss the new contract with him. It was the first time he met the former, but the latter often chatted on Feixun. Of course, it was the first time meeting in person.

As for the third person accompanying him, a tall, thin man with glasses, his identity is actually the editor of Yunjing Music Network!

The other party's name is Sui'an, and the ID name is Sui'an.

Of course, Lu Chen knew about Yunjing, which is one of the top music websites in China. The appearance of this Suian editor made him have some subtle associations.

As for the truth, it has to be understood slowly and carefully.

The four found a seat and sat down. After ordering coffee and tea, they quickly got to the topic.

What Wu Hongming brought to Lu Chen was an electronic contract.

The advantage of an electronic contract is that it is very convenient to modify, and it is also very simple to print it into a formal contract after it is finalized.

The sincerity of [Whale TV] is undoubtedly revealed in this electronic contract.

The new contract they gave to Lu Chen is 50+50+70%+30%, 500,000 signing bonus + 500,000 annual salary + 70% reward share and 30% value-added profit share. The contract period is 3 years,[Whale TV] has the right to terminate the contract early and give priority to contract renewal.

The most important thing is that [Whale TV] does not require the possession of his original copyright, only a reasonable authorization.

On Wu Shanshan's laptop, Lu Chen read the electronic contract carefully, and found no traps or ambiguities in the terms. The rights and obligations of both parties are clear!

He was undoubtedly very satisfied in his heart, but the conditions that should be raised still had to be raised.

"Manager Wu..."

Lu Chen said bluntly to Wu Hongming: "I will say two points. The first point is that the signing bonus of 500,000 yuan is too little. The second point is that the three-year contract period is too long. I hope it can be changed to two years. The other points are not Opinion!"

The signing bonus of 500,000 yuan is amazing for a new anchor, but according to Lu Chen's current popularity, that's really not much. [Whale TV]'s first female anchor Qing'er Baby, it is said that the signing bonus reaches 5000000!

Of course, due to the need for publicity, the 5 million signing bonus may be worthwhile, but even if it is a hard discount, two to three million must be a lot. In comparison, the 500,000 signing bonus given to Lu Chen is undoubtedly Not enough to see.

Wu Hongming pondered for a moment, then said, "Lu Chen, these two conditions of yours are negotiable, but please let me think about it, how about you talk to the editor first?"

Of course, Lu Chen had no objection, he was actually very curious about the purpose of this Yunjing Music Network editor.

Suian's reason for coming is very simple. The editor hopes that Lu Chen can organize his original works into a complete music album, and then put it on Yunjing Music Network for promotion and paid downloads!

"The pioneer of campus folk songs!"

Sui'an's eyes flashed with excitement, and he said: "I have listened to all the original works you played and sang in the PK themed show several times. Except for Flying Higher and Blue Lotus, the other songs have too much style. It is suitable for recording as a folk album, with unique selling points, I believe the sales will be good!"

Lu Chen was really moved.

Making an album is the dream of countless singers. Even if it is an online album, being able to promote and sell it on a big music website platform like Yunjing is also a good thing that many people dream of.

There are many songs that Lu Chen memorized in Dream World, but the works he left for himself are all very unified in style. Apart from using them in the PK themed show, isn't it preparing for the release of an album

It's just that it's really not easy for an unknown rookie singer to release an album, even if they barely release it, they will lose money and make money.

Maybe you can't even make money by shouting!

Lu Chen didn't want to do something like slap a swollen face to make himself fat.

However, now that the opportunity is presented to him, why doesn't he take advantage of it