Perfect Superstar

Chapter 73: drink wine


Gao He is a typical Qilu big man. He is 1.95 meters tall and is the main center of the computing department basketball team. He is straightforward and generous, and has a good temper and is easy to get along with.

Gao He slept on Lu Chen's lower bunk.

On the way to the dormitory, Lu Chen asked, "Where's sister-in-law? Are you back?"

Gao He's girlfriend, Wang Xiaoling, is from the same Chinese Department. She is petite and dainty. They are often called "Beauty and the Beast" when they are together. They have held hands with Gao He since freshman year.

Gao He's expression darkened, and he said, "It's divided."

Lu Chen was taken aback: "What's going on?"

Wang Xiaoling and Gao He can fall in love, and Lu Chen can be regarded as half a matchmaker, knowing that the relationship between the two has always been good.

Although in college, the graduation season is the breakup season, but Lu Chen thought they could continue.

Gao He smiled wryly and said: "I found a job in Jicheng, Wang Xiaoling wants to stay in Hangzhou, you know the current house price in Hangzhou, the money to buy a bathroom is enough for me to buy a suite at home, and my parents also need me to take care of them .”

Lu Chen was silent.

Hangzhou's economic development in the past ten years has been extremely fast, which has brought prosperity and high prices, especially housing prices, which have always been among the highest in the country.

It is basically a luxury for ordinary working-class people to buy a suite here.

Gao He's family background is ordinary, and he is also the only son in the family. After all, love in college is no match for reality.

He could only pat Gao He on the shoulder to express his comfort.

On the contrary, Gao He looked at it openly, and said, "I'm fine, I've already prepared my mind, third child, how are you doing in the capital? Have you found a new girlfriend?"

Lu Chen smiled and said: "It's okay, I was lucky and made some money, as for my girlfriend, I don't want to."

Gao He knew the situation of Lu Chen's family, so he was happy for him: "Then do you plan to develop in the capital for a long time?"

Lu Chen nodded: "Yes, come to the capital to find me if you have time in the future. Jicheng is very close to the capital."

Gao He said with a smile: "When you become a local tyrant, then I will definitely lead a team to fight against the local tyrants!"

Lu Chen hahaha.

While joking, the two came to the university dormitory building.

The door of dormitory 405 was ajar, Gao He guessed: "Old K and Lao Si must be back!"

He pushed open the door and shouted, "The police check the room!"

Sure enough, there were already two people in the dormitory, one was lying on the bed playing with his mobile phone, and the other was sitting at the desk playing games.

The two were taken aback by Takaha's beastly roar.

Lu Chen followed in: "It's a robbery, please hand over your bank cards, transportation cards, meal cards..."

The one playing with the mobile phone is Old K, whose real name is Wan Hongzhi, from Xiangbei. He is the second child among the four roommates, but he can't accept the title "Second Child" at all, so he changed it to Old K—the second in the order of playing cards. .

The old Zhou Rui, who was playing computer games, was a native of Hangzhou. He was skinny and unattractive. After being frightened, he wanted to cry without tears: "Boss, the boss is berserk, it is berserk!"

He was teaming up with others to fight the boss, and he missed the rhythm just now and sent the boss into a berserk state in an instant.

Then the group is destroyed!

Gao He, Lu Chen and Wan Hongzhi hahaha.

Zhou Rui was kicked offline by the runners, and he could only vent his resentment to the three bad friends: "You wait!"

Just as Lu Chen was about to speak, the phone in his pocket rang.

When he picked it up, it was Cao Xiuzhu who called: "Lu Chen, have you gone back to school yet?"

Lu Chen smiled and said, "I just came back, what instructions does the squad leader have?"

Cao Xiuzhu said: "Just come back. Is the program I asked you to prepare ready? Tomorrow night's graduation party has already been arranged, so don't let me lose the chain!"

Lu Chen said: "Don't worry about my work, we can't cheat anyone of us, our big squad leader!"

Cao Xiuzhu said with a smile: "You go to the capital to study poor, so let's do it like this."

After hanging up the phone, Gao He asked curiously, "What is the squad leader looking for?"

Lu Chen explained: "At the graduation party tomorrow night, let me perform a show on stage."

Wan Hongzhi said with emotion: "It used to be a New Year's party, but now it's a graduation party. Time flies!"

The years are ruthless, the days in the ivory tower always pass quickly, and many good things can only be kept in memory.

Room 405 fell into a brief silence.

Gao He asked, "Old K, fourth child, what are your plans after graduation?"

Wan Hongzhi said: "A brother I know opened an IT company in Shanghai and asked me to help out there. I want to learn more there, and if I have the opportunity, I might immigrate."

Among the four, Wan Hongzhi has the best academic performance, and it has always been his ideal to go abroad through skilled immigration.

As for Zhou Rui: "After I graduated, I went to the game department of Feiteng Company, and I have already signed a contract."

Although he wanted to speak calmly, he couldn't hide his complacency.

Gao He wanted to beat someone up: "Damn it, Feiteng Company!"

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Congratulations!"

Feiteng Company is one of the top three Internet companies in China. The famous and Yifubao are both under its banner. The other game department is very powerful, producing and acting as an agent for many popular online games.

The key is that Feiteng Company is a local company in Hangzhou, and its treatment has always been one of the best in the industry.

Zhou Rui is from Hangzhou. It is of course worthy of congratulations that he can work in Feiteng Company.

Wan Hongzhi shouted: "I must treat you tonight!"

Zhou Rui snorted and said, "It's okay for me to treat guests. If anyone is not drunk, he will pay for it!"

Gao He patted his chest: "Come to me after drinking, if you don't get drunk, you won't return!"

Lu Chen stood up: "Go, go to the old tavern!"

The Old Tavern is a time-honored tavern. It is just across the Civic Square from Jianghai University. It is said to have a history of hundreds of years.

Since the business of the old tavern is very good, there must be no seats if you go late, the four people in dormitory 405 ran over before the meal time, and finally occupied a table by the window.

I ordered a few special dishes, and then there was beer. A bottle of Jiangchao Beer cost 2 yuan a box on the ground.

There is no need for any wine glass, just open the cap and blow directly on the bottle.

After blowing two bottles, I started to blow water, chatted about life, and talked about the youth that was bullied by dogs in the past.

Lu Chen drank bottle after bottle. He drank more and talked less. Most of the time, he listened to his roommates talking about the girls in the next class, about the new female counselor teacher, and about the school girls who were pursuing but could not get. , talk about expectations for the future.

Alcohol flooded his body little by little, but it made him feel more relaxed than ever.

It's a pity that there is no permanent banquet in the world.

After graduation, everyone will go their separate ways, and the reunion may be at someone's wedding.

At that time, recalling this period of time will not have the same mood again.

1 box of 12 bottles of beer, four people in dormitory 405 killed four boxes, drank from 5 o'clock to 8 o'clock, both Zhou Rui and Wan Hongzhi vomited twice in the bathroom.

Really unable to drink anymore, Zhou Rui struggled to pay the bill, and was supported by Gao He out of the old tavern.

Lu Chen and Wan Hongzhi could barely walk, but they couldn't walk in a straight line.

So supporting each other, the four walked into the Civic Square.

Although it’s not a weekend and a weekend, the Civic Square is still very lively. Over there, grandpas and aunts are dancing in the square, and here, children are frolicking on roller skating, and pairs of couples are wandering together.

In the wind of summer night, who is singing a sad love song

Pedestrians in twos and threes are surrounding a wandering singer, listening to him play and sing an old song from the past.

"Damn it!"

Gao He scolded: "The singing is too bad, it's not as good as the third one, you go and fuck him!"

He's the best drinker, he's done one and a half of four cases of beer, but he's also a little drunk.

Zhou Rui yelled: "Sing, you must sing! Sing two more bottles!"

Lu Chen got drunk and said, "Just sing!"

He shook off Wan Hongzhi, strode forward, and asked the wandering singer, "Friend, can I borrow your guitar and venue? I'll sing a song for my brother!"

The homeless singer handed the guitar to Lu Chen readily: "No problem."


Lu Chen took the guitar, plucked the steel strings skillfully with his fingers and tested the sound.

The guitar is a very ordinary guitar, with basically accurate pitch, and a self-powered speaker with a microphone attached to it.

Very standard street playing and singing equipment.