Perfect Superstar

Chapter 76: The past cannot be traced


Jianghai University's activities involving theatrical performances are basically held in He Liang's Great Hall.

The scale of this auditorium is very large, and the backstage is also very spacious. There are director rooms, dressing rooms, dressing rooms, electronic music rooms, prop rooms, and even shower rooms and lounges.

When Lu Chen came in, there were at least one or two hundred people in the big dressing room, most of them were students who were about to perform on stage, many girls in beautiful costumes had finished their makeup, chatting and laughing together in twos and threes.

Lu Chen has participated in many theatrical performances, and he is no stranger to the backstage of the auditorium. He found a seat in the corner and sat down. He unhurriedly opened the piano case and took out the guitar. .

His show is scheduled for 8:30 in the evening, so it's still early.

"Lu Chen..."

Just as Lu Chen was plucking the strings and humming in a low voice, a soft call suddenly came from beside him.

Hearing this familiar voice, Lu Chen secretly sighed in his heart.

He put down the guitar, turned around and asked, "Wang Ying, long time no see, what's the matter?"

Appearing in front of Lu Chen was a girl in a white skirt, about 1.60 tall and well-proportioned, with a melon-seeded face and willow-leaf eyebrows, long hair and a thin shawl, she was quite an outstanding beauty.

Wang Ying, who studies in the Chinese Department of Jianghai University, is also Lu Chen's ex-girlfriend.

Lu Chen's indifferent tone made Wang Ying frowned. She hesitated for a moment and asked, "Lu Chen, did Cao Xiuzhu tell you? My uncle's company in Hangzhou is recruiting people, and the position is very good..."

"I see, the squad leader has already told me."

Lu Chen interrupted: "Thank you for your kindness, but I plan to develop in the capital, so thank you anyway."

"Lu Chen!"

A look of displeasure flashed across Wang Ying's eyes, and she raised her voice a bit: "Can you stop being so stubborn, what future do you have in the capital? Even if you don't think about yourself, you have to consider the situation at home, right?"

There was a look of hatred on her face.

Lu Chen smiled instead: "Wang Ying, it's been so long, and your temper hasn't changed? I don't think we really have anything to talk about."

Wang Ying was not angry, she asked thoughtfully, "Lu Chen, do you still hate me?"

Lu Chen shook his head, got up and said to Wang Ying, "I used to have hatred, but now I have figured it out."

"I think even if there is no accident in my family, the two of us probably won't last long, and I also had problems at that time, so no one needs to blame who blames who. We will still be classmates and friends when we see you in the future."

Wang Ying looked at Lu Chen blankly.

Such a rational and mature Lu Chen made her very strange, as if standing in front of her was someone else.

There is a feeling of loss.

After a while, she said in a dazed voice, "Okay then, goodbye."

After speaking, Wang Ying turned and left, not very willingly.

Lu Chen smiled, he knew very well what Wang Ying was thinking, he just wanted to make up for the guilt of breaking up with him.

But he was full, so he stayed in Hangzhou and got a "very good" job under the fence

As for the entanglement with Wang Ying...

The past cannot be recalled, let the past go!

Just as Lu Chen was about to sit down again, he suddenly felt something was wrong, and subconsciously looked to the right.

Just a few steps away from him, there was a beautiful woman with bright eyes and bright teeth.

The water-blue evening dress perfectly sets off the graceful and graceful figure, a pair of crazy straight long legs are casually posed, bright and energetic eyes with a slight smile, and the exquisite and picturesque pretty face makes people pleasing to the eye.

She sat there quietly, emitting enough light to illuminate the darkest corners.

Lu Chen couldn't help being stunned: "Su Xuan?"

Su Xuan is a very famous person in Jianghai University. She is the flower of the Department of Foreign Languages. She is a top female student who wins the first-class scholarship every year.

Lu Chen knows Su Xuan. Of course, there are not many people who don't know her, but that's all.

He didn't expect that Su Xuan would hide here alone.

Didn't notice it just now.

In Lu Chen's limited impression, Su Xuan was always surrounded by a few courteous flower protectors.

Su Xuan blinked her eyes and said, "Lu Chen, I didn't mean to eavesdrop on what you two were saying."

Lu Chen couldn't help laughing: "I'm sorry, there is nothing exciting to disappoint you."

Su Xuan pursed her lips and smiled lightly, then said seriously: "To be honest, I feel that Wang Ying still has feelings for you."

Lu Chen and Wang Ying, once passionately in love, are also well-known in Jianghai University.

"Maybe… "

Lu Chen said, "It's all over."

Su Xuan understood that he didn't want to talk too much, so she changed the topic: "It must be very difficult for you to develop in the capital, right?"

She seldom talks to boys, because there are too many crazy bees and butterflies, and it is troublesome to say a few more words to make others misunderstand. Tonight, she ran to the corner of the backstage just to avoid those suitors.

As a result, I accidentally saw a dialogue scene between the former lovers.

Su Xuan had heard some gossip about Lu Chen before, and she admired his performance just now.

A man should be self-respecting, self-reliant and self-confident.

So she doesn't mind chatting with Lu Chen a little longer, anyway, everyone will go their separate ways tomorrow.

Lu Chen smiled and said: "It's not easy, it takes a lot of hard work, I hope I can succeed."

He asked back, "Then what are your plans after graduation?"

This sentence is probably the most frequently asked among students today.

Su Xuan said, "I'm going to Wharton Business School for graduate study."


Lu Chen exclaimed: "Amazing!"

The Wharton School of Business is the world's number one business school, affiliated to the University of Pennsylvania. It has a history of more than 100 years and has trained countless business elites and economists.

It's just that it is extremely difficult to get into Wharton Business School. Lu Chen's older sister, Lu Xi, once yearned for this prestigious school very much, but the realistic choice is a domestic school like Beijing University and Qing University.

Not to mention that Su Xuan is extremely beautiful, she is also so outstanding in her studies that Lu Chen has no choice but to convince her.

Su Xuan smiled and said, "Thank you. If you have a chance to come to Philadelphia in the future, remember to drink tea with me."

Lu Chen smiled bitterly and said, "I don't even have your contact method."

Lu Chen didn't pursue each other's ideas, because he and Su Xuan were undoubtedly people from two worlds.

It's just that the conversation is quite good now, so I just mentioned it by the way.

Su Xuan was very generous, and directly reported a Fetion number to Lu Chen: "Private number, please do not share it outside!"

Lu Chen wrote it down on his phone.

Su Xuan stood up and said, "It's almost my turn to take the stage, Lu Chen, goodbye."

Lu Chen stood up, "Goodbye, Su Xuan."

He knew that the two of them might not have many chances to see each other again, and he felt a little regretful in his heart.

Such a beautiful girl with a beautiful heart, even if she is not a couple, she is very lucky to be a friend.

Watching the other party's figure disappear into the backstage, Lu Chen had just sat down, but his ass almost touched the stool. Cao Xiuzhu, class leader Cao, ran over panting, complaining when they met.

"Lu Chen, why are you hiding here? Let me find it easier!"

Lu Chen was surprised: "What's the matter?"

Cao Xiuzhu said: "Your show will be ahead of schedule, and the two shows ahead of you need time to prepare, so I arrange for you to come on stage after the next show is over!"

Lu Chen: "I'm dizzy!"

Evening parties in the university are very random. Although there are pre-rehearsals and schedules for large-scale programs, in case of emergencies, a one-man program like him will be on top.

"Don't be dizzy, I'm already dizzy!"

Cao Xiuzhu got angry in a hurry: "Hurry up and get ready, do you want me to help you do your makeup?"

"no, I'm fine!"

Lu Chen quickly said: "You help me send this to the director's room first, and wait for me to play it on stage."

He took out a USB flash drive from his pocket and handed it to Cao Xiuzhu.

As early as last month, Cao Xiuzhu called Lu Chen and told Lu Chen about the performance at the party, so he made a song MV early on to match his playing and singing.

"no problem!"

Cao Xiuzhu took the USB flash drive and hurried to the studio.

Lu Chen exhaled, he turned around and looked at himself in the mirror of the dressing table.

Come on!