Perfect Superstar

Chapter 77: those flowers


The girls in neon dresses and feather clothes walked briskly down the aisle leading to the backstage like butterflies. In the relatively narrow space, there was a scent of powder that could make the heart beat faster.

These beautiful girls have just finished a dance performance, and the applause in the auditorium has not subsided. They are talking and laughing, the sweat on their foreheads mixed with a little makeup powder, shining under the light of the wall lamp.

Holding the guitar, Lu Chen politely turned his back to the wall to make way for them.

Several girls looked at Lu Chen curiously, passing him non-stop.

Leaving behind a string of silver bell-like laughter.

On the stage outside, the host is announcing the curtain: "Thank you for the wonderful performance of the twenty-four beautiful girls just now. The following program is from the application major of the Department of Computer Science. Boys sing solo..."

"His name is Lu Chen, let's welcome him to the stage with applause!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Chen, who was already standing at the exit of the stage, immediately stepped forward and stood under the spotlight.

Facing the nearly 10,000 alumni and teachers present, he showed a confident smile.

After the baptism of the light blue music carnival night, Lu Chen will not be nervous no matter how many audiences he faces.

He believes in his songs.

The applause rang out loudly. Although it was not enthusiastic, many students still gave face.

Especially Lu Chen's classmates clapped their hands desperately, whistling loudly and professionally.

Lu Chen is tall and handsome. He used to be from a wealthy family, but he doesn't have the dandyism of a rich boy, and he is usually willing to help others, so he has always been very popular among his classmates.

Many people knew about the changes in Lu Chen's family, and also knew that he went out to work and earn money early on. Their applause was their support and admiration for Lu Chen, because it was not easy for him to do what he did.

On seat No. 19 in row 37 of the auditorium in the He Liang Great Auditorium, Wang Ying raised her hand and patted it twice, then put it down immediately.

She stared at Lu Chen standing in the center of the stage, and suddenly felt that the latter was very strange.

The girl sitting next to Wang Ying quietly approached and asked in a low voice, "Why, do you still miss him?"

Wang Ying shook her head in a daze.

She didn't know what was wrong with her, since they broke up for so long, the two of them made it clear.

But there is always an emotion in my heart that lingers!

The girl next door said earnestly: "The points are all divided, so don't think about it! What's the use of being handsome now? You can't look good. With your conditions, you can find someone better than him, such as that Chen Peng. That's pretty good."

Wang Ying frowned and said, "He and I have already passed away, so I didn't think much about it."

The girl next door chuckled and said: "That's right, we girls, finding a suitable husband is the most important thing, it's so tiring to work hard outside the society, and the housing prices in Hangzhou are so expensive, it's not worth it to suffer with a handsome guy! "

Wang Ying listened with her left ear going in and her right ear going out, her thoughts drifting away.

At this moment, Lu Chen said into the microphone, "Thank you for your applause. The song I'm going to sing here tonight is written by myself, and it's the first time I've sung it publicly."

"I dedicate this song to all the girls, all the juniors and seniors, because it is because of you that Jianghai University is a truly beautiful campus. I hope you will always be young and beautiful!"

Countless laughter rang out in the auditorium, and many girls applauded again, more enthusiastically.

Most of the boys are envious and jealous, and there are many who curse secretly.

Use original works to please girls? What a beautiful idea, if you sing badly, you will be booed off - let you pretend to be handsome.

Handsome guys, especially those who can play the guitar, are the most annoying!

However, Lu Chen didn't feel the resentment from the singles. He turned his head and gave a thumbs up to the director on the sidelines, indicating that he could start.

After a while, the video of the new song MV appeared on the huge screen behind Lu Chen.

He lightly plucked the strings and played the prelude, gently and softly.

What first appeared on the LED screen was the blurred Jianghai University campus, and then the silhouettes of girls quietly appeared along with the sketched flowers, setting off the four hand-painted artistic words—those flowers.

"That laughter reminds me of my flowers,

It is quietly open for me in every corner of my life.

I thought I'd be by her side forever,

Today we have left in the vast sea of people.

Are they all old

Where are they

We go to the end of the world like this!

Lah... miss her.

Lah... is she still driving

lah... let's go!

They have been blown away by the wind and scattered all over the world!


A touch of sadness, a touch of nostalgia, singing softly about the past time, Lu Chen's playing is simple and simple, but the beautiful melody and lyrics give this song the power to hit the heart.

Especially those girls, they watched familiar or unfamiliar photos appear in the big screen MV, those are their youth memories, those running, hugging, jumping, playing...

The past time reappears in front of our eyes, happy, sad, sweet, excited...

They are about to graduate, and they are about to be blown away by the wind and scattered all over the world!


Some stories haven't been told yet, forget it,

Those feelings have been difficult to distinguish between true and false in the years.

Now the grass is overgrown and there are no flowers here,

Fortunately, I used to have your spring and autumn, winter and summer.

lah... miss her,

Lah... is she still driving

lah... let's go!

They have been blown away by the wind and scattered in the sky.

Are they all old

Where are they

We go to the end of the world like this!


The auditorium, which can accommodate thousands of spectators, was very quiet. There was no applause, laughter, or speech. Everyone was listening, listening to Lu Chen's singing.

Some girls were already weeping.

The singing evokes the romantic hope and involuntary sadness in their hearts, just like dandelion flowers that bloom unexpectedly at the right time, and the soul seems to be searching for it with the flying tidbits, and can no longer be retrieved.

As Lu Chen played and hummed, memories flooded in.

The flower that left the deepest imprint in his life is one of his senior sister Wan.

She appeared in Lu Chen's most desolate time. At that time, his father had just passed away, and he broke up with Wang Ying. He was experiencing great changes in his life, and he was decadent and gloomy like a walking dead.

The appearance of Wan, like a ray of bright sunshine, dispelled the darkness and gloom in Lu Chen's heart. She used her tenderness to soothe Lu Chen's wounded heart, so that Lu Chen finally got rid of depression and faced life with strength again.

It's just that Lu Chen couldn't keep Wan. She immigrated to England with her family after graduation.

Even Lu Chen's best friends didn't know about this relationship, nor did he tell anyone.

I've always kept it in my heart.

He sang this song here today, just for Wan.

Her photo is also in the MV, smiling brightly!


Are they all old

Where are they

We go to the end of the world like this!


Before he knew it, Lu Chen's eyes were wet with tears. He had never sung so emotionally, and there was a choking sound in his singing.

In the auditorium, many girls were already in tears. They either sobbed alone, or hugged and comforted each other, wantonly venting the emotions aroused in their hearts.

Wang Ying bit her lips tightly, and the expression in her eyes was extremely complicated.

Her intuition told her that Lu Chen's song was sung for his most beloved person.

That person is not her.

She was also moved by the song, but thinking of this, her heart seemed to be bitten by a poisonous snake, with strong jealousy and pain, like losing the most precious treasure!

The picture of the MV was finally fixed on a photo.

On a drizzle afternoon, in the depths of the old streets and alleys, there is a silhouette of a gentle and charming woman holding a paper umbrella.

The dense water vapor made the lens hazy, making it impossible to capture her true face clearly.

But that beauty like an orchid in an empty valley is destined to become one of the deepest memories of all witnesses.

Lu Chen finished singing.

He puffed up his chest and said into the microphone: "Those flowers, thank you!"

He wants to thank all the flowers that appeared in his twenty-two-year-old life.

Because life is wonderful with their existence!

Note: "Those Flowers" lyrics/music: Pu Shu