Pet Addiction: The Prince’s Desire to Spoil His Pet

Chapter 144: The deceiving Uncle Sheng44



The surrounding air was moist, accompanied by the sound of insects chirping.

Shu Nuan opened her eyes in a daze, lowered her head, and saw that she was tied to a tree. She tried to struggle a few times, but failed to break free. Then she raised her head and looked around, and found that it was a forest, dark and dark. It was dark and could be expected to be deep in the forest.

The sound of footsteps slowly came from behind her, making a slight rustling sound on the grass on the ground.

When he walked in front of her, Shu Nuan recognized the masked man at a glance. He looked at himself intently, sat down under the tree again, and stared at her coldly.

Shu Nuan: "...who are you?"

The man pulled a few pieces of grass casually and spoke in a bad tone, but his voice was as rough as a mouthful of phlegm: "Someone paid me a lot of money to kidnap you."

"Then what?"

The man frowned, held his forehead with one hand and said in a rough voice: "I seem to have forgotten to watch you..."

... Hearing this, Shu Nuan breathed a sigh of relief, but who would kidnap her at this time? And for no other reason than to kidnap her here and stare at her...

Shu Nuan: "Who sent you here?"

The man snorted and said, "Tell you, do you want me to kiss you?"

If it weren't for his employer's instructions not to touch her at all, he really wanted to touch this pretty little girl.

Shu Nuan stared at him coldly and said nothing.

As a result, this man actually sat under the tree and watched over her, almost dozing off during the process.

Shu Nuan's hands and feet were already numb. She didn't know how long it had been since she was tied to the tree. Until the sky slowly darkened, the man finally yawned and stood up, "It's getting dark."

But he did not untie Shunuan. Instead, he took out a dagger from his lapel, approached Shunuan, put the cold and sharp blade against her chin, and gently swiped it, "Such a beautiful picture." It won’t look good if your little face is ruined…”

Shu Nuan was speechless until he exerted a little force, and could feel that the blade was about to sink in and cut her skin at any time. A sharp hawk cry came out and it suddenly hit her from far to near, its sharp claws fiercely He grabbed the man's hand fiercely, and instantly several blood stains spread from the back of his hand. The man was forced to flick away the dagger in his hand. He was about to turn his head to see what it was, but the next moment he screamed and he fell instantly. On the ground.

The eagle fluttered its wings and used its sharp claws to tear apart the thick rope on Shunuan's body. Shunuan looked at it circling around him and seemed to be in a good mood.

Shu Nuan lowered his eyes and sighed softly with a breath from his nose, "Ah Qi, why are you here."

At this point, she probably understood the purpose of the masked man in tying her here. She was not surprised by the appearance of Ah Qi, otherwise she would not have let the masked man scream so calmly. She just felt a momentary feeling in her heart. It's a little sour, I hope it's not what she thought.

Ah Qi whispered to her a few times and then led her the way, as if she was very happy.

Shu Nuan walked behind it, watching Ah Qi barely fly in the forest. Ah Qi had grown up a lot. She remembered that when she picked it up when she was a child, it was still a young eagle whose life or death was uncertain.


(If you want to see a particularly strong heroine, you can read a story about strong women. This article is about silly and sweet love affairs, so if you don’t like it, don’t read it. Today’s update will be at 5:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m., and 8:30 p.m. There will be an update at 0:00 p.m. tomorrow.)