Pet King

Chapter 113: membership card system


After Xiao Yan finished speaking, she started to play with the cat. She took out a new drinking basin, filled it with mineral water, and tried to serve it to Fina, but she didn't know if it would drink. When she was at the door on the first floor, she noticed that some guests also took out half-drinked mineral water to feed it, but it didn't even pay attention to it, and the contemptuous eyes made the guests embarrassed.

Fina sniffed it, but didn't drink it.

Xiao Yan poured the remaining half bottle of mineral water into its special drinking basin for her civet cat, and it started licking.

Fina waited for a while, and seeing that the cihuamao was normal, she lowered her head to drink from her basin of water.

Is this cat a jerk? You have to make sure there is no poison in the water before you drink it? Xiao Yan was dumbfounded.

Zhang Zian was also very surprised, he didn't expect Xiao Yan to experience so many setbacks and tribulations on his way to success, compared to him, he was already smooth sailing.

Doing business is really difficult!

Xiao Yan returned to the back of her desk, greeted him and said, "Let's take a look at the membership system of our store, this is the business for today."

Zhang Zian walked to her side, leaning on the table with his hands to look carefully.

She demonstrated while operating: "The membership system I use is purchased from others. If you think it is good, I can help you match and introduce it. The advantage of this system is that it is flexible, easy to expand, and strict in authority management. In the future, we will open a branch store, and it can also be associated with a WeChat marketing account, so that when your store launches new products today or has any event notifications, your members can receive push notifications as soon as possible.”

He watched her demonstrate how to add a member, how to remove a member, report the loss of a membership card, establish a member group, how to increase the membership level, set member discounts, set management permissions, revenue report statistics, WeChat push and other functions, indeed very convenient. What particularly interests him is the WeChat push, so that he can notify customers to postpone their visits to the store when he has something to go out temporarily—for example, to catch elves.

He was really moved, and he also believed that Xiao Yan would not have spent so much trouble just to deceive him.

"In terms of price, this system is 20,000 yuan, and an additional branch will charge 10,000 yuan after that. They are responsible for installation, networking and commissioning, as well as subsequent maintenance and upgrades. You only need to prepare your computer and ensure that the network is smooth. Members There is an additional charge for the production of cards, and the unit price depends on the number of cards you order.”

Zhang Zian listened carefully, keeping the information in his heart.

"You probably don't need a branch right now, so..."

"No, I have a friend who is also interested in this system." He said, "My friend runs a pet clinic, which is very close to mine, so I want to exchange resources with her. For example There is a system in my store, and another in her store. The membership information of our two companies can be partly shared. Only one card can enjoy the membership discount of the other, but the membership recharge and financial aspects are still independent. , is it possible to do so?"

Xiao Yan listened and agreed: "It's a good idea!"

Zhang Zian came up with this idea just by chance, he was not sure about the feasibility, he even thought that Xiao Yan might laugh at his whimsy, but he never expected to get her approval, and his confidence suddenly increased a lot.

Xiao Yan said quickly: "Actually, I had a similar idea, but unfortunately I only had enemies and no friends in this industry at that time..." She smiled helplessly, "But you are different, pet shops and pet shops The clinics are not in direct competition, but complementary. I personally estimate that your idea can be realized, but it involves modification of the system, so there may be some extra charges.”

He nodded, "Sure, as long as it's not too expensive, I can accept it."

Xiao Yan said: "I'll give you the phone number of that IT company first, and then mention my name when you call them. They shouldn't ask for extravagant prices for my sake. After all, the wife of the boss of their company is also here. regulars."

The two of them smiled at each other knowingly.

Zhang Zian said, who said that this is a society dominated by men? Pillow wind is too lethal...

She found the phone number of the other party's company from her mobile phone, and Zhang Zian memorized it in her mobile phone.

She reminded: "Don't rush to make a phone call. You should consider the details of the membership system first, so as not to change the order overnight, and it will be difficult for the other party and will increase the cost. But you can prepare the computer first."

He expressed his understanding, "My friend and I have to discuss the details. We still have some differences on the specific discounts. She also needs to hire an additional nurse to help, otherwise she will be overwhelmed."

Another question is, how many membership cards should be customized for the first time? Can his store attract customers to recharge members

No one knows the answers to these questions until the actual implementation begins.

Xiao Yan will only offer some suggestions, but will not make decisions for him, after all, this is his life, this is his career, no one can do it for him.

It was getting late, and he had already taken up too much of her time, so he offered to leave, "I have benefited a lot today, and I am very grateful for your support. I will go back first, and when I think about it, I will call the company On the phone."

Xiao Yan got up and sent him out.

Fina jumped off the sofa and left. Xiao Yan's raccoon cat also followed out.

While waiting for the elevator, she reminded again: "Don't rush to make a decision about the membership system, you can delay it. What you need to be more vigilant about is the attack from competitors. If I remember correctly, I was also in the At this time, I was slandered by the enemy's rumors. If you need help, you can call me at any time, don't be careless, I don't want my cat to have no place to bathe in the future."

She repeatedly reminded Zhang Zian that no matter how nervous Zhang Zian was, he knew that she was not exaggerating. However, he is in the open and the enemy is in the dark, so he can't give up normal life and business because of timidity, which will take advantage of the enemy's wishes.

The only countermeasure can only be law-abiding operation, so as not to change.

In addition, he thought of one more thing and asked, "Sister Xiao, you have a lot of contacts, is there any way to get good tea that is not too expensive?"

"Tea?" Xiao Yan was very surprised and disappointed. Why had she warned him so much and he was still thinking about enjoying life? Did she see the wrong person

"Okay, I can help you find it." Although disappointed, she still agreed.

The so-called cultivating contacts is like sowing seeds. Plant an unknown seed, expect to take root and germinate, and see what it will grow into. Most of the seeds will die prematurely in the soil, unable to break through the ground. As long as one out of a hundred seeds can grow into a towering tree that can shelter from wind and rain, it is earned.