Pet King

Chapter 114: diorama


On Sunday morning, after playing hide-and-seek with Xinghai and waiting for customers to come to his door, Zhang Zian sat on the recliner and kept sending and receiving WeChat messages. Xinghai continued to play hide-and-seek with the kittens tirelessly. Fina lay on the cat climbing frame, lazily basking in the sun and sleeping back into the cage. Lao Cha squatted next to Zhang Zian, watching him play with his phone curiously.

Zhang Zian told Sun Xiaomeng about the membership card he got from Xiao Yan yesterday through WeChat, and was absently waiting for her reply.

Attacks from competitors...

The man in the windbreaker had warned him, but he didn't take it seriously, thinking that the man was scaremongering, but Xiao Yan also warned him yesterday, which made him pay attention. He only knew that the man in the windbreaker was a super version of the Wanghai Pavilion forum, but he didn't know what kind of job he was doing in reality. Anyway, he shouldn't be short of money. There is obviously no intersection between the windbreaker man and Xiao Yan, but they both agree that an attack from a competitor is coming.

He recalled what his parents taught—to do things cleanly and to be a clean person. He used to think that this sentence was just a general talk, did it actually mean something? When his parents were alive, he did not participate in the daily operation of the pet shop. Even if his parents encountered something that might affect his studies, they would discuss it secretly without telling him. Perhaps, the parents also experienced some things at that time... It's a pity that he will never know what happened.

He looked at his shop, trying to find weaknesses from the enemy's perspective.

All kinds of business licenses should be no problem.


Anyway, it's too surreal to come to a pet store to fight pornography and illegal activities...

"Little friend, this little thing is so convenient!" Old Cha stared at the phone beside him in amazement, "Is this the legendary voice transmission from thousands of miles?"

Judging from the mantle of the old tea, it should be a cat from the Qing Dynasty or the Republic of China, but I can't guess more information. Just like when Fina first arrived, Laocha was also deeply attracted by modern technology.

"Thousands of miles... It's true to say that, let alone thousands of miles, it can be transmitted for thousands of miles. However, in modern society, this thing has long been popularized, and it is not unusual for children of a few years old to have it." Zhang Zian explained. road.

Laocha looked outside the store, and not far away was a building to be developed, and the towering crane lifted the prefabricated cement panels back and forth like building blocks. Feeling it from his heart, he said: "This is really a once-in-a-lifetime prosperous age! There are tens of thousands of mansions, and the remote world is full of joy! Is this the world of great harmony that we have dreamed of for thousands of years?"

"A world of Great Harmony... This is too exaggerated. We are just in the primary stage of socialism, and we are still far from building a communist society..." Zhang Zian felt ashamed.

Old Cha was startled, "In the eyes of this old man, this is more than a hundred times better than the prosperity of Kangxi and Qianlong. Could there be a better prosperity?"

"It exists in theory." Zhang Zian replied affirmatively, "The road is tortuous, but the future is bright."

"In addition, Mr. Tea, when you have a chance in the future, you can go outside and have a look. Although the current society is much better than the evil old society, it is far from perfect. Some people are hungry, some people are cold, not everyone I can afford a house, and there are still many injustices in society, so I really can't live up to the reputation of 'a world of great harmony'."

The world of Great Harmony... Not to mention that it will definitely not come true, but at least Zhang Zian has no hope of seeing it in his life.

Old Cha nodded frequently, and said regretfully: "It's a pity that I am old and frail now, otherwise I would definitely like to travel all over China with this body and witness this era with my own eyes."

Zhang Zian thought for a while, and said with a smile: "It doesn't need to be so troublesome. If you want to see it, Mr. Cha, there are very convenient tools in modern society—wait a moment!"

He ran upstairs with a bang, carried the LCD TV from his parents' bedroom, and then ran to take down the Internet set-top box. Old Cha liked to lie on the electric blanket in the corner, so Zhang Zian put the TV and set-top box there, and found a small coffee table as a TV cabinet.

Lao Cha watched him tossing curiously.

After Zhang Zi'an plugged in the power, he pressed the remote control.

The lifelike picture and sound appeared on the TV, and Lao Cha was surprised again: "Is this some kind of improved diorama?"

"Diorama... Well, it's pretty much the same. This thing is called a TV, and it allows us to know the world's major events without leaving home." Zhang Zian kept tuning the channel, "Look, this is a news channel, and this is a science and education channel Mr. Cha, if you want to learn more about modern society, you’d better start watching these two channels. In addition, this is the sports channel, and this is the movie channel—you can roughly treat it as a high-end foreign film... This is the drama channel , I wonder if you always like to watch movies... This is the agricultural channel, which contains some news and major events about the country's agriculture."

Lao Cha was so dazzled that he couldn't bear to blink his eyes. Hearing the words, he agreed: "Food is the most important thing for the people, and agriculture is a major issue that concerns the life of the world. There should be a separate channel."

"This is a TV drama channel, but I don't recommend you to watch it. If you watch this channel too much, you will lose your IQ, and the plots in it are so fake that it is seriously divorced from society." Zhang Zian switched to the local channel again, "This is a local channel, we Binhai Some events and news that happened in the city can generally be seen from this station, and of course most of the negative news is filtered out."

"Look, this is a remote control. It's very simple to use. Left, right, switch, volume up, volume down, just know what these five keys are for, and don't worry about the other keys. Now I press volume up, turn the Turn up the volume." As Zhang Zian explained, he turned up the volume of the TV a little bit, but it wasn't too loud, because he was afraid of disturbing Feina's sleep, and that guy had a tendency to get up, so he couldn't mess with it.

In order for the elderly to learn how to use it, the current remote control is very simplified, unlike the earliest remote control with dozens of buttons that make people dizzy. After Zhang Zian taught it a few times, Lao Cha understood it and put You can try to change the channel with your claws. You are not very skilled at the beginning, but you will have a lot of fun after a while.

It's just that there are too many TV stations, and Old Tea can't remember which one is broadcasting what, but it doesn't matter, for it, the programs on any one are very fresh.

At this moment, three figures flashed at the door, they were Zhao Qi, Liu Wenying, and Liu Wenying's daughter Yueyue.

"Zhang Zian! We're here to defend our rights!" Zhao Qi said straight to the point.