Pet King

Chapter 120: Seeking Kindness and Obtaining Kindness (4000-word chapter)


The north side of Qiyuan Pet Store is not far from the Zhonghua Road bus station.

The No. 39 bus slowly stopped at the platform, and the front and rear doors slammed and opened at the same time. The people who were waiting for the car rushed to the front door in a little confusion. A woman led a little boy out of the car through the back door.

After the passengers got on and off the bus, the bus driver pressed the button, closed the door, left the platform, and headed for the next stop.

The woman with the child was in her early thirties, and she was still very young. Judging from her clothes, she should be from an ordinary family, and her choice to travel by bus also proved this point from the side.

Her name is Gu Le, and she just brought her son Yi Le to attend her son's classmate's birthday party, and she is walking home. Get off at this bus stop, walk to the intersection of Zhonghua South Exit, and then turn west. There is no bus stop near her home, and the Zhonghua Road bus stop is the closest.

Xiao Yile muttered, his face was full of displeasure, and he walked awkwardly, almost being half dragged and half dragged forward by Gu Le.

It stands to reason that after attending a classmate's birthday party, you should be very happy. Why is this happening

The classmate's birthday party was held in the hotel. Everyone really had a great time, and the food was delicious. The birthday cake that was served at the end was divided up, and every child's stomach was full. Just when the party was about to end, the little birthday star asked Xiao Yile casually, next week is your birthday, let's get together again. Xiao Yile didn't think too much. In front of the table full of adults and children, she immediately replied that yes, we will still have a party here next week!

Gu Le was embarrassed when he heard it. This high-end hotel costs at least several thousand yuan for a table. Her family is not particularly rich, and it is very difficult to repay the mortgage with her husband every month. She also plans to save money to buy a car, and she does not want to add such an extra expense. So she hurriedly said, please invite your friends to come to the house for a party, and she will cook for everyone by herself. The other parents were very understanding, including Xiao Shouxing's parents, they all agreed, but Xiao Yile felt ashamed, and had been losing his temper since leaving the hotel.

Gu Le continued to coax and persuade, but the more she coaxed, the more Xiao Yile felt that she was being reasonable, and the resentment accumulated in her heart. Gu Le didn't take it too seriously, she planned to talk to Xiao Yile with the child's father after she got home and finished dinner. Xiao Yile is usually a very sensible child and will soon calm down.

At this time, her mobile phone rang, and someone sent her a message. She let go of Xiao Yile's hand, and took out her mobile phone from her bag. When she saw that the letter was from Xiao Yile's class teacher, she dared not neglect, and started to reply immediately.

Most of what the class teacher said was good. He said that Xiao Yile has performed well recently. He is very united with his classmates and can actively raise his hands to answer questions in class. Doodle on blackboard.

Gu Le first expressed her gratitude to the class teacher, then carefully considered the words, and told the class teacher that she and her husband would definitely pay attention to the correct guidance of the children's behavior in the future.

She didn't pay attention, and after she let go of her hand, the tantrum-laden Xiao Yile gradually fell behind.

When passing by the entrance of Qiyuan Pet Store, Xiao Yile tilted his head and looked into the store, and saw a black and white kitten looking at him with rare silver-gray eyes blinking. Xiao Yile likes dogs, but not cats. He thinks that cats are only liked by girls. He is a man and a pure man, so he doesn't like cats, so he wrinkled his nose and gave the kitten a hard look.

Gu Le has already dropped him more than ten meters, his hands are constantly clicking on the phone, editing information.

Xiao Yile felt very sad and lost. He felt that his mother didn't like him anymore. Just because I want to have a birthday party at a hotel and that's why they don't like me? Mom is so stingy! What a sting! he thought so.

They had already passed Qiyuan Pet Store, and they were about to turn west at the intersection ahead.

Xiao Yile suddenly had a strange idea, he wanted to punish his mother.

So, he decided to hide, make her anxious, make her uncomfortable, and see if she still likes him.

However, there is no place to hide on this road. Instead, there is a small electric tricycle selling skewers across the road. Several customers stopped there to buy skewers. If they hid behind the tricycle, my mother would definitely not be able to find him. Xiao Yile decided to show up again when she was in a hurry, then she would definitely regret it, and maybe she could agree to hold a birthday party in the hotel.

He was a little worried that his mother would get even more angry because of this, but he immediately thought of a reason to deal with it. I just want to play hide and seek with you!

The so-called bear children are probably like this.

A brat at Xiao Yile's age doesn't need to think too much about things, and once he makes a decision, he immediately executes it. He suddenly spread his legs and ran across the road quickly.

A car sped past, and the driver was driving normally, but he didn't expect a child to suddenly jump out of the blind spot on the right side.

The screech of brakes sounded...


The crowd of onlookers.

Flashing ambulance lights.

Heartbroken weeping.

The happiness of the two families is gone forever.

Zhang Zian felt that something was wrong with Xinghai, under normal circumstances it would immediately agree to another game of hide-and-seek, why didn't it agree this time? Its flickering silver-gray eyes made him even more worried. He had already told it not to use its abilities for trivial matters. If it wanted to attract another customer to the store, even if it was the President of the United States, he would severely criticize it.

"Xinghai, what's wrong?" He asked.

While he was asking, Xiao Yile wrinkled his nose and stared at Xinghai, and walked past the store door.

Xinghai looked back at Zhang Zian.

It wanted to say something, but looked back at Old Cha, tilted its head and thought for a while, the silver light in its eyes faded away.

The sea of stars did not change the future. Not yet.

It raised one of its front paws, pointed at Xiao Yile's back, and said, "Zian, that child will be hit by a car."

"Ah?" Zhang Zian was startled, and looked in the direction Xinghai pointed.

It was a seven or eight-year-old boy with a cropped cut, wearing a jacket with a bear pattern on the back, and walking with his hands behind his back, as if he was sulking.

Zhang Zian turned his gaze to look at the north and south ends of the road. He thought it was a car that was about to lose control and hit the sidewalk, maybe a mechanical malfunction, maybe the driver was drunk, but there were no signs of the same, and all the cars were driving normally.

He believed that Xinghai would not joke, at least not on this kind of thing.

Zhang Zian didn't have time to think about it, and immediately ran out of the store, and ran after the little boy.

Xiao Yile has already entered the bear child mode. As soon as she turned around smugly and wanted to run to the opposite side of the road, she heard a man shouting from behind: "You! Stop!"

Xiao Yile was startled, stopped and looked back, it was a strange man, so he immediately raised his vigilance.

At the same time, a car drove by.