Pet King

Chapter 130: Busy running all night


Jiang Qianxue quietly opened the bedroom door, saw that there was no one in the corridor, and immediately returned to the house to get her mobile phone and selfie stick, walked out of the room on tiptoe, and then gently closed the door.

Waiting and watching at the top of the stairs, my mother was talking on the phone with a snowball in her arms, and my father was sitting in the living room, wearing reading glasses and reading documents.

Well, it seems that there is an opportunity to take advantage of it!

She was overjoyed in her heart, learned the lessons from the past, lowered her body even lower, and moved forward step by step from behind the sofa. The tall leather sofa blocked her body, and the noise of flipping through documents and mother's speech covered up the sound of her small footsteps.

The entrance is getting closer and closer, victory is only a few steps away!

Xiaoxue has perfectly simulated in her mind how to quietly put on her shoes at the entrance, and then sneak out of the house without anyone noticing...

at this time


It was obviously just a very thin cat meow, but at this moment it seemed particularly ear-piercing.

In an instant, the noise of flipping through documents disappeared, the voice of talking on the phone disappeared, and the room was so quiet that fallen leaves could be heard.

Xiaoxue raised her head from behind the sofa in fear, her father and mother were staring at her.

"I've been honest for a few days, and I'm going to live broadcast again?" Jiang Tianda said angrily, "How many times have I told you, what's the future of live broadcasting? Why don't you learn how to be a lady if you have that time?" !Look at the other kids in this villa area, how can you go outside like this all day?"

"Woo..." Xiaoxue's face wrinkled, and she was about to be scolded again, and her ears could hear cocoons.

"The child's father, I let her go out." Shi Rong said suddenly.

Xiaoxue and Jiang Tianda were startled at the same time, what kind of trouble is this going to cause

Shi Rong walked over with Xueqiu in her arms, and she seemed to be sternly accusing: "You wild girl, you're just a wild girl, did you take Xueqiu to drill in the woods? Look at how much mud is on Xueqiu's body. And rotten leaves of grass? They have become little dirty cats like you, take them out and wash them!"

Shi Rong gave her the snowball without any explanation.

Xiaoxue quickly reacted, and kept nodding her head, "No problem, leave it to me! I promise to return you a clean white snowball! I'm leaving!"

She quickly ran to the entrance, took out the cat bag from the cabinet in the entrance, put the snowball into the bag, put on her shoes, and ran out happily, for fear that her father would stop her.

After Xiaoxue left, Jiang Tianda stared at his wife with a stern face, "You are used to it! How can you get married if this continues?"

Shi Rong stared back without showing any weakness: "If I can't get married, I will raise her for the rest of my life! Anyway, I don't want to see a sullen Xiaoxue!"

"It's true...there is such a mother as there is a daughter..." Jiang Tianda shook his head angrily, and couldn't read the documents anymore, so he took off his reading glasses.

Sulking for a while, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Let me ask you, why did she suddenly become honest a few days ago?" He asked.

"How would I know."

"Then you didn't ask?"

"I asked, but she didn't say anything." Shi Rong retorted, "What about you? You don't care about your daughter? You're busy with your shitty career all day long..."

Jiang Tianda said in his heart why I don't care, every time she broadcasts live, I don't miss it. It's just that he was really embarrassed to say this, and always felt that he would be ridiculed by his wife, and maybe he would be told as a joke to other wives in the villa area, and he might become a laughing stock for his majestic Jiang Tianda.

He recalled Xiaoxue's last live broadcast, which was at the Wuyin Tea House in Yinwu Mountain. Xiaoxue behaved normally during the live broadcast, except that there was an obtrusive pet shop manager who was always wandering around... It was after this live broadcast that Xiaoxue suddenly became honest.

Could it be... Jiang Tianda remembered what Zhang Zian said about rpg.

Could it be that Xiaoxue was touched by a certain nerve by that sentence

He thought about it and felt that it was possible. But why is she back to her old self today

"Did she go out yesterday?" he asked.

"No, I just wandered around the villa area for a while."

"Wandering in the villa area?" Jiang Tianda thought for a while, there were very few people in the villa area in broad daylight, and Xiaoxue would not go too far, if she met someone, could it be...

"You said her cat got into the woods?" he asked again.

"Well, what's the matter?"

A bad premonition came to Jiang Tianda's heart.

When he went to the company by car in the morning these days, he could often see Jin Er Er carrying a fishing rod and a bucket into the woods, followed by a husky that walked like a jumping god.

"You wait, I'll go out for a while." Without further explanation, he put on his shoes and walked out the door.

"Where are you going? Don't even wear a coat? It's windy outside!" Mother Jiang reminded behind her.

After leaving home, Jiang Tianda went straight to a certain villa not far away without hesitation, where a guy surnamed Jin who was idle all day long lived. If Xiaoxue could meet anyone in the villa area during the daytime, it would most likely be him! And that guy is notoriously talkative, and always likes to publish some maverick fallacies.

Jiang Tianda took big strides, feeling a fire in his heart.

It is indeed windy outside, the autumn wind is bleak, and the weeping willows are dancing.

Walking to the door of the target villa, he stopped involuntarily, staring ahead suspiciously.

The gate of the villa was closed tightly, and a piece of A4 copy paper was pasted with scotch tape, swaying in the autumn wind.

He held down the paper and looked carefully.

Written in large letters on the paper:

Sorry, Lao Jiang, I know you are busy with work, so I educated your daughter on your behalf!

I know you must be very angry, and the consequences will be very serious, so I went to hide away for a few days to avoid the limelight, and I will come back when your anger subsides.

Believe me, I've regretted it, really! I will never dare to do this again, please let me go!

Don't miss brother, brother is just a legend!

Pretending to be cool for a while, running all night! This taste is so sour!

The inscription is the head of a winking husky dog.

"Your uncle! Jin's second son! I want you to mind your own business!" Jiang Tianda roared angrily!

He tore off the copy paper and tore it to shreds!

This didn't relieve his hatred, and he even kicked the door of Jin's house a few times.

In the community security monitoring room, several security guards stared at the monitor and looked at each other. What should we do

If an outsider dared to kick the owner's door, they should rush to stop it and demand compensation for the corresponding losses. However, there are internal conflicts among the owners of the community... The key is that they can't afford to offend any owner in this community!

After discussing and discussing, they unanimously decided to give this hot potato to the beloved security captain.

"Call the captain, there is a situation in the monitoring room, please come here! Wait online, it's urgent!"

after awhile.

"What's the rush? What's wrong with Jin's son again?" The security captain hurriedly pushed the door open with a walkie-talkie.

Several security guards closed their mouths tightly and pointed at the monitoring screen in unison.

Security captain: "Nimma has been making trouble for a long time, and you are raised to cheat your father?"

dt>span ss=”read-author-name”>Jie Po said

I'm busy coding all night