Pet King

Chapter 140: Spread the couple early


Zhang Zian didn't know where Little Celery lived, but only knew that she came from the north, so after leaving the store, he walked north.

When he was about to reach the intersection, he happened to see Xiao Celery trotting towards this side with a small bag of dried fruit.

Today, the two small pigtails of Celery point to 10 o'clock and 3 o'clock respectively.

"Little Celery!" He beckoned.

"Wow! It's the store manager brother!" Little Celery shouted with surprise on her face, covering her small mouth.

"Cross the road carefully." He reminded.

"Hmm! I know!" Little Celery nodded. When the light on the sidewalk turned green and the traffic stopped completely, she trotted across the road while carefully observing the left and right vehicles.

"Why didn't the store manager stay in the store?" Little Celery ran up to him and asked, "Who will take care of the pets?"

Zhang Zian squatted down and said, "Actually... I have some things to do these few days, and the store will entrust others to take care of them."

Little Celery nodded understandingly, "I know! Mom said that adults have a lot of things to do and are very busy. Don't worry about the store manager brother, Little Celery can also help. It's no problem to sweep the floor!"

Zhang Zian smiled and said, "No need. I came to you to tell you not to come here for the next few days."

"Hey! Why?" Little Celery looked up in the direction of the pet shop.

"Because the person who came to help take care of the store hates children, so if Little Celery goes there, he will definitely be scolded. It doesn't matter, I will finish my work in a few days, and then you can continue to play in the store." Zhang Zian explained .

"Woo~ Little Celery won't make trouble..." She wrinkled her face and said reluctantly.

"I know, little Celery is a good boy, not a bad boy. But it has nothing to do with making trouble or not. That person just hates children very much, indiscriminately. So little Celery wait a few days, and I will let that person take good care of her." From hamsters and lop rabbits," he comforted.

"When will the manager brother come back?"

Zhang Zian thought for a while, "Is this the only way Xiao Qincai goes to school?"

She nods.

"When I come back, I will wait for you here like today. Before that, little Celery, don't go to the pet store. That person is very scary when he gets angry, and he might take it out on hamsters and lop-eared rabbits." of."

This sentence is very useful. Little Celery immediately opened her eyes wide, and nodded her head vigorously, "Little Celery knows! Little Celery waits for the shop manager brother to come back before going!"

"Okay, it's fine if you know, go to school quickly, it's getting late today." He patted her little head.

"Goodbye, brother manager!" Little Celery trotted away while waving her hands.

"Stop waving, watch the road ahead! Be careful not to fall!" Zhang Zian shouted.


Little Celery is easy to fool, Zhang Zian felt a little superior in IQ.

He hesitated for a while, but decided not to tell Sun Xiaomeng that she usually only stops in front of the pet shop in the morning, and sometimes doesn't stop, so the danger is not great. It would be troublesome if she punctured a nonsense.

He decided to delay the opening of the door in the mornings these few days, and wait until 9 o'clock when all the surrounding shops are open.

Zhang Zian walked back, and when he was about to reach the door of the shop, he saw that the breakfast shop across the street had opened.

He crossed the road, found a chair and sat down, "Please have a big bowl of wonton."

"Okay! Wait a moment."

One of the middle-aged and elderly couples who made the breakfast stand was responsible for cooking, and the other was responsible for collecting money and doing chores. They cooperated very well and did not need to communicate at all. Zhang Zian heard other diners call them "Uncle Li" and "Aunt Li", but he didn't know whose surname was Li.

After a while, Aunt Li put a big bowl of wontons in front of Zhang Zian.

He paid.

The proprietress took the money, but did not leave.

"Boy," she whispered, "have you offended someone?"

Zhang Zian raised his head in surprise.

The proprietress was wearing a mask, about forty or fifty years old, her cheeks were tanned and red by the sun, and a few strands of messy hair that had escaped from the hair clips fluttered lightly in the wind.

"My wife and I both saw it in the morning, but don't blame the outsiders, you don't dare to cause trouble." She said apologetically.

Zhang Zian waved his hand, "Well, why would I blame you, I, a local, still don't want to cause trouble."

He looked around, and there was only him and another young student who looked like a student at the breakfast booth, so he said, "Please sit down and talk."

The proprietress sat across from him, sighed, and said, "Young man, are you the manager of the pet shop opposite?"

Zhang Zian nodded while eating hot wontons with a spoon.

"It's not easy to open a shop these days. If there is no one to cover it, it will be troublesome once you offend someone." The proprietress kept sighing, "I think back then, my wife and I..."

She hesitated to speak, looked around as if she was afraid, and said in a low voice: "My wife and I used to open restaurants in other places, and the business was pretty good. Later, we offended someone and the restaurant was smashed down. He also threatened us that if he saw us again, he would destroy us... "

"The two of us are afraid, we are ordinary people, we can't afford to offend others, but we don't know how to do anything else, so we can only leave our hometown and run to your place to open a breakfast stall..." The proprietress wiped her tears as she spoke.

Zhang Zian put a mouthful of wonton in his mouth, but couldn't swallow it no matter what.

Those who can open a shop, who would like to set up a stall on the side of the road? Those who are exposed to the sun and rain will be chased away by the city management...

"Young man, listen to my aunt's persuasion, don't fight against them. My aunt sees that you seem to have gone to college. It's not bad to find a company to work for if you don't open a store. If you really want to open it, wait a few years until the limelight passes before opening. Those People are mad dogs, whoever catches them bites them, there is no reason to be bitten by them... "

Zhang Zian swallowed the wonton with difficulty, and asked, "Ma'am, do you think I offended someone?"

The proprietress slapped her thigh and said: "Sure! I didn't offend anyone, they will come to find fault? There are so many shops on this street, why don't they go to other places and wait at your door? Think about it, is that the reason? Son?"

Before the proprietress reminded him, Zhang Zian didn't think about that at all. When this happened just now, his mind was already in a mess, thinking about how to prevent Xiao Qincai and Sun Xiaomeng from being involved and minimize the loss as much as possible. He originally thought that today's incident was an isolated incident, purely due to bad luck, but if the proprietress's words are correct, then...

He thought of Chen Taitong, and thought of Chen Taitong's resentful glance before he left.

So this is ah…

However, there is still no solution.

What if I knew the reason

Zhang Zian couldn't help recalling the events not long ago, the warnings from the man in the windbreaker and Xiao Yan were fulfilled as accurately as a prophecy.

Sure enough, he was still too naive.

The saying "A shopping mall is like a battlefield" is really true!

The proprietress had already seen the clue from the change in his expression, she knew that Zhang Zian had already guessed who was the mastermind.

She said sympathetically: "Young man, don't fight head-on with them, you won't get any fruit unless you are related, but the aunt doesn't look like..."

The customer who looked like a student finished eating the wontons and left.

She sighed again, stopped talking, and stood up to clean up the dishes...
