Pet King

Chapter 145: A Laugh From the Sea (5000 words)


The seven Rainbow Warriors were really taken aback by the sudden meowing, but they recovered their composure and looked at it, then immediately pointed at Lao Cha and laughed.

"What the hell is this cat in a mandarin jacket and a bamboo hat!"

"I didn't expect that the owner of this shop has a good heart, and he has an old cat that can hardly walk!"

"Is the cat here to be funny?"

"Your master is going to be beaten, you come to stand up for him? Don't worry, I will beat you too!"

Zhang Zian put down his phone, looked at them like he was looking at seven corpses, sighed and said: "I advise you, there is still time to run. Don't say that you are unpredictable!"

Of course, the seven rainbow warriors would not believe it, and burst out laughing when they heard the words:

"Are you an idiot? Are we running? Why are we running? Because of this old cat?"

"There are as many broken cats as there are in the countryside, and I don't know how many of them have been kicked to death!"

Zhang Zian nodded, "There is a way to heaven if you don't go, and there is no way to hell. Since you are obsessed with obsession, I have nothing to say."

The blonde smiled and said: "You are dying, why are you pretending to be so cowardly! To tell you the truth, the client only bought your arm, but just pretending to be so cowardly to you, I want you to have another leg, look at you Do you still dare to pretend to be aggressive in front of Jin Ye in the future?"

Old Tea turned his head sideways, stared at the steaming teapot, and said regretfully, "It's a pity that this pot of good tea can only live up to benevolence, righteousness and fragrant tea."

The seven rainbow warriors yelled twice after hearing the old tea, a little confused.

The red hair nudged the blond hair with his elbow, "I said, Lord Jin, why is this cat meowing so penetratingly?"

The blond pushed him away disdainfully, "Nonsense! Which cat can't see through meowing?"

Zhang Zian suddenly interjected, "Actually... it's talking."

The seven fighters froze for a moment, then laughed wildly, nearly crying out of tears.

"The cat is talking? Is this man crazy?"

"It is estimated that we have been frightened crazy..."

The blonde wiped the corners of his eyes and said with a smile: "Hahaha! You said it was talking? This cat in a mandarin jacket is talking? Then tell me what it is talking about? Could it be saying forgiveness?"

Zhang Zian replied seriously: "It's saying: You guys go together, it's in a hurry."

"What?" The seven rainbow warriors were taken aback again.

Blonde pointed at Zhang Zian with a nunchaku: "Do you look down on Master Jin..."

Before the words finished, Zhang Zian turned off the light with an infrared remote control.

"Damn it! Power outage?"

"Who the hell turned off the lights!"

At the same time as the lights went out, Lao Cha's four cat paws kicked the floor, his body shot out like lightning, and his two yellow eyes flashed with lightning.

Old Tea is not as fast as Fina, not as agile as Fina, and not as strong as Fina, but it has a special skill, which is a martial arts skill that has been refined by countless master-level figures for more than two thousand years.

This technique is called Kung Fu by foreigners, and the art of Wushu by Chinese!

Cats' eyesight is inferior to that of humans during the day, but at night...

In the dark night, fighting with a cat who knows martial arts, Zhang Zian felt his ass hurt just thinking about it!

Cats know martial arts, no one can stop them!

Fina despised him with her green eyes: What kind of person are you pretending to be! Didn't you turn off the light

The moment a person's eyes turn from light to darkness in an instant, they will enter a state of semi-blindness, unable to see anything, just close their eyes for a while and then open them again. However, these seven rainbow warriors have no American time to close their eyes!

Fortunately, it was not completely dark, and the street lamps on the street and the lights of the shops across the road could still shine in, but the moment when it turned from light to dark still made them panic!

"Ah!" The beating started with a scream.

"I told you to run quickly, but you didn't listen." Zhang Zian didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, so he picked up his mobile phone, dug out a song "A Laugh from the Cang Hai" from the music library, and started playing the debut bgm for Laocha.

The hero of the day, only the old tea is worthy of this soul-stirring bgm.

[Canghai laughs]

[Booming tide on both sides of the strait]

At the same time that the seven rainbow warriors were blinded by the lights being turned off, Lao Cha had already charged in front of them, with his waist slightly bent, his cat's claws slamming on the floor, changing the direction of his speed from a forward dash to a vertical leap. The timing was perfect, just in time to dodge a nunchaku that the blond swung blindly.

Bear the brunt of the green hair.

He was holding the metal bat tightly in both hands, blinking his eyes blankly, the lack of focus in his pupils meant that he hadn't fully adapted to the light.

Before he could react, Lao Cha had already hit him hard on the bridge of the nose with a "Japanese Punch" from the center line!


The green hair let out a scream, the bridge of his nose was completely collapsed, and blood splashed out mixed with nasal discharge, saliva and tears.

His mind was dizzy, his body seemed to be flying through the clouds, and his feet were so soft that he couldn't step on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, when Lao Cha fell from the sky, he kicked him in the chest again, kicking him directly outside the door, and fell to the ground with a plop, unable to get up.

[Floating with the waves to remember the present day]

With the force of this kick, Laocha changed direction in the air and flew horizontally to the red-haired waist, taking advantage of the momentum and using the "three index fingers", he thrust his claws forward three times in a row with the bridge-piercing hand!

Fortunately, Lao Cha didn't kill him and took back his sharp claws, otherwise there would be 6 holes in the red hair's belly!

Every man wants to get 6 or 8 pack abs, but 6 holes probably no one wants...

It wasn't that Old Tea was being lenient, in fact, it really wanted to kill these rats as an example, but it had read the news and was afraid that the murder would bring trouble to Zhang Zian.

Even so, the red hair couldn't take it anymore, because Lao Cha's lightning-like six-hit combo all hit various important acupuncture points on his abdomen!

His face contorted instantly, his waist arched like a prawn, he squatted down clutching his stomach, the pain was so painful that he couldn't even scream.

The old tea had already landed, and he turned his palms back to make up a "neck-hunting killer", and the cat's claws slashed the red-haired's throat!

This time, he knocked the red hair to the ground, rolled a few times and rolled out of the shop, he was already out of breath before his body stopped.

[Heaven laughs]

[Flowers in the world]

At this time, the eyes of the remaining five rainbow warriors more or less adapted to the dim light, and looked at the surrounding situation in a daze.

Fuck! They were stunned when they saw it!

In just a few seconds, two of the seven fighters who formed a bond with Jinlan had already fallen down.

"Who did it?"

"who is it?"

"Come out if you have the guts!"

They immediately yelled and bluffed.

Since Zhang Zian's mobile phone was playing bgm on the screen, their eyes all instinctively focused in that direction.

"Stinky boy, is it your fault..." Zifa also held a metal bat, pointing at the blurry figure next to the phone and shouted!

Before he could finish speaking, he felt a flash of darkness in the corner of his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the metal bat he stretched out sank down.

what happened

He hadn't even thought about it, only to see a black shadow fall on his bat.

Is it a bird

But... do birds have such bright yellow eyes

Laocha stands firmly on the bat with the independent momentum of a golden rooster, unmoved by the wind and rain, changing from extremely dynamic to extremely still, and from extremely still to extremely dynamic!

It half-spins its body and uses centrifugal force to throw a "horizontal kick"!

Zifa opened his mouth and was about to say something, when he felt a fluffy cat's leg slapping his face heavily!

This was worse than the green hair, the green hair just lost his proud nose bridge, and the purple hair's nose bridge and front teeth were completely wiped out! Blood all over his face and mouth! He staggered and fell backwards. After falling out of the door, he stepped on the steps and hit the back of his head on the sidewalk with a thump, and passed out peacefully.

[God knows who wins and who loses]

The moment Lao Cha's "horizontal kick" kicked Zifa's face, its body also spun into the air from the bat, and the hem of its mandarin jacket fluttered like a flying fairy!

The blue-haired man, who had always kept a low profile and pretended to be aggressive, shrank among the remaining fighters since he realized that something was wrong, trying to use their bodies to protect him. He is the least courageous of the seven rainbow warriors, he dares not fight, and dares not run. He looked outside the store frequently, wishing that some god passing by would rescue him.

When he looked out for the last time, he only saw the green hair being beaten and flew away, so he turned his head in horror, and suddenly felt that his eyes went dark, and two small furry hands gently embraced the back of his head

When Lao Cha beat Zifa violently, he had already predicted his position. It fell from the air and landed on Lanfa impartially. The moment it passed by his eyes, its two front paws hugged the back of Lanfa's head and pressed his head down. own knees

"Bridge crossing hand" plus "knee method"!

When his knee hit Qingfa's cheek, Lao Cha also let go.

The blue-haired man flipped his head from low to high chicly like a shampoo commercial model on TV, his whole body was knocked off the ground by the knee, and several big molars also took off at the same time. After he landed, he rolled several times in a row and rolled out of the store, unconscious.

[Jiangshan laughs]

[Amosy and rainy]

Lao Cha used his arms to press down on the blue hair's head and soared into the air again, this time the target was orange hair.

Apart from Zhang Zian, there were only three other people standing in the shop, namely orange hair, blue hair and blond hair.

Zhang Zian was in the back of the store, which was relatively dark, and the other three were near the entrance of the store, which was a little brighter. Therefore, from Zhang Zian's perspective, he could roughly see the trajectory of Lao Cha's move.

He grimaced and took a breath while watching, feeling pain for those few!

When Lao Cha made a move, he either hit the face or the abdomen, wherever it was soft, where it was soft, where it hurt, and where it hurt. Is it okay to hit someone but not face

At first he thought that Lao Cha was an infantry soldier, but later he thought it was a cavalry soldier. Looking at it now, Nima is simply an air force, jumping and flying in various ways, similar to a gymnast playing with rings!

Looking at Fei Na again, she was also stunned, sticking out her little tongue and couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear.

Sure enough, it is self-denial that makes people weaker than me, and let him be crazy with his heart!

Old Tea is not angry, but when he gets angry, his body is covered with blood and blood...

Hang and beat all dissatisfied!

Looking at Xinghai again, it was not surprised by the performance of the old tea, stretching its waist in boredom.

[How much do you know about the secular world after washing away the waves]

"Don't panic! Stand together back to back!" Blonde roared loudly!

The blond was indeed the leader among them, and he still kept a little calm in the face of such a strange situation.

In fact, he was also flustered in his heart, but on the surface he forced himself to remain calm, and in his heart he scolded that kid Qingren bloody, did he agree that there were no dangerous pets? He would rather encounter a cobra or a blue-ringed octopus now, the blue-ringed octopus riding on a horse is not so deadly!

The orange hair and the green hair heard it, and quickly moved closer to the blonde.

"Grandfather... I want to go home..." Chengfa cried while running.

In the next second, he couldn't cry because a fluffy tail wrapped around his neck. The tail is very soft when it is first rolled up, but immediately becomes as hard as a steel ring.

Chengfa opened his eyes wide and opened his mouth wide, trying to breathe, but fresh air couldn't enter his lungs no matter what. He threw away the swing stick in his hand, desperately trying to pull the steel ring around his neck away.

Lao Cha raised his palm from the back of his head and slapped him on the back of his neck, then let go of his tail, and kicked the limp Orange Hair's back, kicking him directly outside the shop.

[Qingfeng laughs]

[Arouse loneliness]

[Evening photos with a lapel left of pride]

Qingfa couldn't care about his brother's loyalty and face anymore, so he ran outside, waving his hands and crying, "Help! Call the police! People who step on horses are going to die here!"

It's useless to shout, the mobile phone signal is blocked by them.

The blond hair became anxious when he saw it, "What a waste! Coward!"

The most terrible thing at this time is to disperse and break through. If the two of them work together to meet the enemy back to back, they may be able to last for a while. However, they were originally a gang of mobs, and they had nothing to say when the wind was going smoothly, but when they encountered hard problems, they would fly away separately.

Seeing that Qingfa was about to escape from the shop, he was only one step away.

The old tea fell from the sky, Huang Chengcheng's eyes met his four, and both of them could see their own reflection in the other's pupils. Seeing his current appearance, Qingfa was like hitting a ghost, not only his hair, but even his face turned green from fright.

"Stand straight and stretch your legs"!

Old Cha kicked up in the air, from bottom to top, and kicked Qingfa firmly on the chin.

Qingfa's field of vision suddenly changed from the front to the ceiling, his eyes straightened, and he rolled his eyes upwards. He twirled a few times like a drunk, rolled out of the store, and went with a few other buddies.

The chair at the cashier counter in front of the store had been kicked over just now, and fell to the ground with all four legs in the air.

The old tea fell lightly on one of the chair legs, and the golden rooster stood alone, facing the only remaining blond hair.

[Cangsheng laughs]

[no longer lonely]

[The pride is still laughing foolishly]

Seeing that there was only one left, Zhang Zian immediately became arrogant.

"Drink! Let the horse come!"

He made a gesture of a white crane airing its wings!

Seeing that the six buddies were all on the street for real, Jinfa immediately decided that the hero would not suffer the immediate loss, and threw the nunchaku in his hand, "I surrender!"

Zhang Zian was very disappointed, "It's really worthless! I haven't made a move yet!"

Fina: "..."

Old Tea: "..."

Xinghai said happily: "Zian is amazing!"

Zhang Zian burst into tears! As expected, Xinghai is still cute!

Blonde saw the wind and begged for mercy: "Brother, I also run errands for others. Seeing that it is not easy for everyone to come out and mess around, why don't you spare me this time? Ah, yes, your money..."

He took out his left pocket, right pocket, and inner pocket for a long time, and took out a pile of crumpled banknotes, ranging from one yuan to one hundred, all piled up on the ground, and said with a smile: "Sorry, money I spent some of it, but don’t worry, my buddy will definitely make it up for you, and you won’t miss a penny!”

Old Cha opened his mouth and said, "Capture the thief and capture the king. Ask him who is in charge?"

Zhang Zian paused the bgm, and asked, "Who told you to do this? Tell me, and I promise not to kill you."

Blonde looked at him in embarrassment, then at Old Cha, "This... there are rules... buddy, don't..."

Old Cha flicked the hem of his jacket, and the blonde immediately changed his tune: "It's a young man!"

Zhang Zian was taken aback, what kind of strange name is this

He asked: "What young people are popular?"

Now that the blond had let his breath out, he simply said it all, "It's the young man from Qingren Lane... We don't know the real name of that man, everyone calls him Qingren."

Zhang Zian glanced at the old tea, and saw that it didn't express anything, so he continued to ask on his own initiative, "Who is the young man? What are you doing?"

The blond begged: "It's not that I don't tell, it's that I really don't know! The young man opened a young man's consulting firm in Qingren Lane. He picked up business from outside, and then handed over the business to us..."

Depend on! The young man opened a young man's consulting firm in Qingren Lane... Is this a tongue twister

Zhang Zian pointed to his nose, "I'm just a business?"

The blond coughed dryly, "Well..."

Old Cha nodded slightly, "That's fine, he's useless."

Zhang Zian pointed to the outside of the shop and said, "Go away."

The blond was overjoyed, he didn't expect to be able to leave standing up, and ran away immediately.

Unfortunately, just as he ran to the door, Lao Cha flew up from behind and kicked his knees.


The blond immediately knelt on the flagstones of the sidewalk, his knees quickly turning black.

Before he could scream, Lao Cha slashed the back of his neck with a knife.

Another hit!

The seven Rainbow Warriors were destroyed here!

Old Tea leisurely returned to the shop, sat back on its electric blanket, lowered his head and took a sip of tea.

"Good tea! The temperature is just right!"

Unexpectedly, Blonde's ability to resist blows is quite strong, and after being hit by Lao Cha with a knife, he was only in a state of dizziness and did not pass out.

When Zhang Zian saw the opportunity to beat the dog in the water, he couldn't let it go. He jolted over and squatted down, put the middle finger of his right hand into his mouth, and then flicked his head on the blond forehead.

The blond rolled his eyes and literally passed out.

Zhang Zian shook his hand, "What a hard head."

He stood up, glanced casually, and immediately gasped in fright.

Mr. Cha, did you agree not to pretend? Why do you install a big one as soon as you install it!

The bodies of the seven rainbow warriors were limp on the ground, and they just placed the words "benevolence" and "righteousness" at the door of the store.