Pet King

Chapter 16: broadcast gymnastics


Once again ushered in the refreshing morning light.

"Start doing it now, the ninth set of radio gymnastics! Stand still... go!"

"Stretching—Get ready... UP!"

In front of Qiyuan Pet Shop, Zhang Zian used his mobile phone to connect to the Bluetooth speaker, followed the beat of the music and the password, and seriously did radio gymnastics.

Next to the floor-to-ceiling glass door at the entrance of the store, there is a black and white kitten squatting, watching him curiously stretching his arms, kicking his legs, bending over, jumping...

Pedestrians passing by in the morning also paid attention to him.

"Chest expansion exercise... one, two, three, four..."

Zhang Zian didn't come on a whim, but the experience of chasing stray cats that day made him realize that his physical strength was too weak. If he didn't exercise, he might not be as good as the old man who exercises every morning.

He became more interested in the game "Pet Hunter". In that huge database, are there any poor and cute little animals like Xinghai who are suffering unimaginable ordeals, accompanied by loneliness in endless reincarnation? ? He wanted to free them all if possible.

This game mainly tests intelligence and knowledge, but basic physical strength is also essential.

He asked the navigating elf, and the navigating elf said that the location of the pet's appearance is unpredictable. Some pets will stay near the position when it became an elf, and some pets will wander around the world aimlessly, depending on the pet's characteristics and what happened to them.

Schrödinger’s quantum cat—the sea of stars, is in the state of probability cloud when there is no observer, it can appear here, it can also appear at the other end of the earth, and it can also appear at the end of the universe, so it is listed as “impossible One of the "captured pets", there is only a very small chance of being drawn in the lottery of the novice tutorial.

Lottery drawing is also a process of observation, and the wave function collapses into "drawn" or "not drawn".

Zhang Zian felt that it was great to be able to draw Xinghai, even if it was good luck that only happened once in a lifetime, it didn't matter.

He doesn't expect Xinghai to bring him luck, as long as it stays by his side safely all the time.

"Kicks... one, two, three, four..."

"Brother store manager, what are you doing?"

The sound of running rattled came from behind, and he didn't need to turn his head to know that it was the elementary school girl who came to visit the little hamster again.

Today is Monday, and she was on vacation two days ago, so she didn't come over.

"Just look at it. I'm doing radio gymnastics. Do you want to do it together?"

"Hmm..." The girl looked at the pet store and then at Zhang Zian, a little hesitant. Time is tight every morning, and she doesn't want to waste time playing with the hamsters.

Zhang Zian said: "Do you know why there is a running wheel in the hamster cage? Because life lies in exercise! Little hamster, but he is working hard every day!"

"Then, I want to exercise too!" The girl put down her schoolbag, stood beside him, and began to do exercises seriously like him.

"Side movement... one, two, three, four..."

Hehe, Zhang Zian was secretly proud of himself. In this way, the sight of passers-by was shared by two people. He should really praise his wit!

"Clean up exercise... one, two, three, four, five, six, seven... STOP!"

Zhang Zian was angry with his dantian, "It's done, call it a day! Come on, give me a high five! Yay!"

Unconsciously, the little girl gave him a "yeah" and high-fived him, then picked up her schoolbag and ran into the store to play with the hamster.

When he was packing up the bluetooth speaker, he realized that there was a person standing behind him watching with cold eyes.

Sun Xiaomeng held the phone, "Hello? Is it a demon spirit? Someone here is trying to trick elementary school girls..."

Zhang Zian rushed over and snatched the mobile phone. After a look, it turned out that she had just pressed the number and hadn't dialed it yet.

"My aunt! You are going to have a heart attack early in the morning! Do you know that you will be punished for false alarms?" He said with a heartbroken look.

"Oh, my store manager Zhang, are you doing anything to increase customer traffic? You even started performing monkey tricks at the entrance of the store... But it's fine for you to perform by yourself, why do you want to trick children into making fools of yourself with you?" Sun Xiaomeng's mouth was sharper than a scalpel, and the knife saw blood.

It's a pity that Zhang Zian's face is thicker than the corner of the city wall.

"What is monkey playing? The great leader said that civilization is its spirit, and savagery is its body! For the sake of our neighbors, if you want to be savage, I can give you a 20% discount."

"Go to hell!" Sun Xiaomeng rolled his eyes.

"Xinghai! Come here, sister brought you delicious food?" She waved at Xinghai, opened the can of cat food she carried with her and put it on the ground, trying to attract Xinghai to come.

Zhang Zian sneered in his heart, based on your little favorability, it's still far away.

Sure enough, Xinghai was so frightened that he ran to hide behind the wall, only showing one eye to spy.

"Hmm..." Sun Xiaomeng gritted her teeth at Zhang Zian angrily, "Are you talking bad things about me behind his back all day?"

Zhang Zian was helpless, people were always obsessed with things they couldn't get. You said Sun Xiaomeng, she has so many cats in her family's farm, she is interested in Xinghai, but Xinghai doesn't like her at all, and always makes her return home.

"Let's go, Xinghai, go into the house and rest."

Zhang Zian walked into the store, and Xinghai followed behind. Although there was still a distance of two or three meters, at least it was much better than when they first met.

"Zhang Zian! Are you angry with me on purpose?" Sun Xiaomeng stamped her feet angrily, turned her head and left.

Zhang Zi'an calmly made a cup of tea, "As the saying goes, those who are blessed don't need to be busy, and those who are unlucky are heartbroken. Do you think this makes sense?"

"Meow?" Xinghai tilted his head suspiciously.

The little girl fed a few peeled pistachios to the little hamster today, which made Zhang Zian very envious and jealous. Being a pet is really a blessing, no need to work, no need to labor, as long as you are cute, you can make a living.

"Nuts don't need to be shelled, just feed them with the shells. Or feed them some raw soybeans and black beans." He said.

"Huh? Will it hurt your teeth?" The little girl turned her head and asked worriedly.

"A hamster's front teeth grow throughout its life, and it needs hard things to grind them. If it always eats soft food, its upper and lower front teeth will resist, and it will never be able to open its mouth again." He explained while knocking on his front teeth, and by the way popularized Learn about eating soft rice.

"Oh." The little girl was stunned.

"You don't allow pets at home, do you?"

The little girl nodded sadly.

"I agree. Even though I own a pet store, I didn't have a pet when I was your age, or even twice your age," he said.


"Of course it is true. You are still young, and students should focus on learning. Your parents don't let you keep pets because they are worried that you will not have enough self-control. Keeping pets will distract you, and they are afraid that it will affect your study."

He is serious and speaks earnestly. At this moment, he felt the painstaking efforts of his parents back then.