Pet King

Chapter 2: pet hunter


Zhang Zian decided to continue the business until the day he couldn't keep going. After all, his parents loved pets so much. If they had a soul in heaven, they would be reluctant to sell this pet shop.

Having said that, he knows nothing about how to run a pet shop, but the road is made by people, who said that it must be run in a conventional way? Take one step at a time.

First set a small goal for yourself - gain a firm foothold in the city's pet market.

After filling his stomach at the breakfast stall and gaining strength, he returned to the store, first moved the cages and display cabinets outside the store, cleaned up the dust accumulated in the store for many days with a broom, and then soaked it in disinfectant The mop wiped the floor so that people could be seen. After the ground was dry, the cage and display case were moved back.

In fact, he wanted to redecorate the store, but considering the funding problem, he decided to clean it temporarily.

While he was working, the passing neighbors who knew him greeted him and asked him to express their condolences, while those who did not know him looked curiously at the cages and display cabinets.

The sun had fully risen, and he had finished cleaning. The dust and odors in the room were swept away, leaving only the fresh smell of disinfectant, just like the smell he used to smell in the store every day.

Do things cleanly and be a clean person. His parents always taught him this way.

Sweating on his body, he moved a recliner and placed it at the door to rest for a while.

Now that you have decided to inherit the pet shop, you need to go through some relevant procedures to change the business license from your parents' name to your own. Because he was not clear about the procedures, he took his mobile phone and began to search for information online.

"Going to the notary office, it's really troublesome."

To inherit a store, you need to take your own ID card, the store's real estate certificate, and the death certificate of your parents to apply for a notarization of inheritance before the transfer of ownership.

Zhang Zian is actually a person who is very afraid of trouble. He usually hides troubles whenever he can. I really don't know why I made the decision to inherit the pet shop on the spur of the moment.

He wanted to change his mood and cheer up again. No matter how sad he was, he couldn't face the customers with a sad face.

Opening the software market on his phone, he searched for the word "pet" to see if there was any software that taught people how to run a pet shop, although he also felt that such software was unlikely to exist.

um, what is this

A game with a "Limited Time Download" logo appears in the search results.

Some software and games are free for a limited time, but this is the first time he has seen a "limited download" thing.

""Pet Hunter"?"

[Game Introduction]: This is a very magical game! Through this game, you can capture real or virtual pets, even elves from heaven and earth, and become your loyal partners! Download this game now and run towards the sunset, boy!


The purpose of changing his mood was achieved, and he laughed.

How bragging! The cowhide is about to be blown apart!

Virtual pets are fine, how can real pets be captured through a mere mobile game? What about the elves between heaven and earth... not afraid of the wind flashing their tongues!

There is a countdown next to the game, showing that the game will stop downloading in 00 hours, 00 minutes and 49 seconds.

"I want to see if you are really a 'limited download'!"

He clicked the "Download" button, and the download quickly reached full speed.

This game is quite big, can't it be a virus

He hesitated, and just when he was about to cancel the download, the phone displayed: "Download completed!"

Almost at the same time, the game download page disappeared, and the software market automatically returned to the home page.

He typed the word "pet" again to search.

"Damn it! Is it really gone?"

The software marketplace shows empty search results.

Not reconciled, he added the word "hunter" after "pet" and continued searching, but the result was still empty.

"It's really a time-limited download... What is the creator of this game planning?" He wondered to himself.

Anyone who makes games is for promotion. The more people play, the greater the influence, and the greater the influence, the more money they make. Even if it is a free game, at least it can help the creator win a good reputation. Downloading games for a limited time is equivalent to artificially limiting the number of customers. Who would do such a thankless thing

The phone automatically pops up a prompt: Do you want to install

He chose "yes".


The installation is complete, "OK" or "Open"

He selects "Open".

game start...

The game LOGO of "Pet Hunter" appears on the screen.

[Game tips]: This game is an AR real-scene game, you need to turn on your mobile phone camera and obtain your location information.

[Game Tips]: If this is your first time entering the game, please register an account for free.

[Game Tips]: "Register for free" or "Already have an account, log in now".

He selects "Free Registration".

[Game Tips]: In order to confirm the uniqueness of the user and login security, we need you to register your fingerprint. Please place your finger on the fingerprint recognition area of your phone and follow the prompts to register from multiple angles.

"Fingerprints need to be registered, it can't be some fraudulent software..." He frowned.

The fingerprints of his right hand are bound to various online payment software. Just in case, the fingerprints of his left hand were entered this time.

[Game Tips]: Fingerprint entry is successful, and automatic login is in progress...

In the black background as deep as the night sky, a bright white light group danced lightly.

[Navigation Wizard]: Hello! Welcome to the world of pet hunters! I am your navigation wizard!

[Navigation Wizard]: During the whole game, I will do my best to help you as much as I can! May we experience a magnificent adventure together!

The sudden voice startled him, and he almost threw the phone out.

[Navigation Wizard]: If you encounter any problems in the game, you can contact me at any time!

"Uh, this is probably something like game customer service, but how do I get in touch... I don't see where I can enter text..." Zhang Zian murmured to himself in confusion.

[Navigation Wizard]: You only need to explain in words!

"Really, can you hear me?" He was surprised again and asked tentatively.

[Navigation Wizard]: Yes! Hear it very clearly!

"My God! It turned out to be a 24-hour one-on-one customer service. No wonder the number of downloads is limited..." He shrank his neck. This game has cost a lot of money, but it seems that he didn't see the name of the production company... What is this? ? Deep hiding and name

[Navigation Wizard]: Since you are logging into the game for the first time, do you want to experience the novice tutorial before the official game? Or you can choose to skip the tutorial and start the game directly.

"What's your suggestion? Is this game difficult?" he asked.

[Navigation Wizard]: This game cannot be archived during missions, so in order to enjoy the best gaming experience, it is recommended that you start with the novice tutorial!

"Okay, listen to you, let's start with the novice tutorial." He said.

[Navigation Wizard]: Beginner tutorial, reading data...