Pet King

Chapter 25: Find a target


The bus drove into the commercial district in the city center, and the speed gradually slowed down.

A map of the urban area of Binhai City was displayed on the mobile phone, a light circle was constantly flashing at a certain location in the city center, and a light spot marking Zhang Zian's location was getting closer and closer to the former.

[Navigation Wizard]: Rare pets are nearby, please leave the vehicle and search on foot.

Zhang Zian frowned, "Isn't it? This area is too big, and can't you zoom in on this map? How can I find it?"

[Navigation Wizard]: Unfortunately, the game settings are like this, players are requested to work hard on their own.

Zhang Zian said, "At least tell me what kind of pet it is? A cat or a dog, or something else?"

[Navigation Wizard]: No comment.

[Game Tips]: Uncaptured virtual pets can only be observed through the camera in the game, and cannot be seen with the naked eye, which means that ordinary people except players cannot see the existence of virtual pets.

[Game Tips]: Please raise your phone and observe through the camera.

Zhang Zian had no choice but to get off the bus at the next stop, and observed the surrounding buildings.

The commercial street runs north-south, and the station is located on the east side of the street. On the right hand side of Zhang Zian, the closest shops are KFC, China Telecom Business Hall, Apple Experience Store, Jiuai Wedding Photography, Kangyuan Pharmacy; across the road, on the left hand side of Zhang Zian, are Longfeng Jewelry, China Banks, Uniqlo, Lenovo stores.

Judging by the flashing light circle on the phone, the pet to be captured is located nearby.

Since the virtual pet can only be seen through the mobile phone... Zhang Zian first carefully observed the street with his naked eyes. Within the range of his eyesight, he saw a total of two dogs, Teddy and Shih Tzu, and a stray cat. He raised his mobile phone and observed it again through the mobile phone camera. It was still the same three.

This means that the pet to be captured is not on the street, but must be located in a store.

Pick the soft persimmons first, Zhang Zian walked into KFC first, and sincerely hoped that the unknown pet was not a chicken, let alone a chicken that was about to be fried...

Just after breakfast time, there are not many people in KFC.

Pretending to look for a location, he held up his mobile phone and walked around the store, but found nothing.

"A medium cup of Coke." He came to the service counter to order, and when the clerk turned to pour the Coke, he poked his phone into the service desk to make sure that the pet was not hidden behind the service desk.

After paying for the Coke, he left KFC. If the pet is hidden in the back kitchen of KFC, he can only admit it. However, will an epic/legendary rare pet lower itself to stay in the busy and fume-filled back kitchen? He was skeptical.

Go out and turn right, the telecom business hall is next door.

"Sir, do you want to do business or buy a mobile phone?" Seeing him coming in with his mobile phone in hand, the salesperson showed a calm expression.

"Hmm... let me think about it," he said.

The salesperson's face was full of black lines, and he thought to himself, why didn't you think about it before you came in

The telecom business hall is small and the layout is simple. There are a row of mobile phone booths on the left and right, and there are people queuing up for business in the front. There are many people on weekends, and there are many people queuing up. He was greeted by a salesperson at the mobile phone booth.

He ran to the counter where the business was done first, and the customers in line stared at him vigilantly, thinking that he wanted to rush.

Glanced, no.

"There are so many people, forget it, come back later." He seemed to be talking to himself, and the expressions of the customers relaxed.

Walking to the mobile phone booth on the left, without waiting for the salesperson to speak, he held up the mobile phone and leaned over to take a look, "It's so expensive, let's take a look over there."

Walked to the right side again, took a look, "Forget it, let's go home and save money."

After leaving the telecommunications business hall, he walked into the high-end Apple experience store, followed the same pattern, but still couldn't find it.

Walking into Jiuai Wedding Photography, the female salesperson greeted her, "Sir, how can I help you?"

People who walk into wedding photography shops are usually in pairs. According to experience, it is difficult for men who come alone to make business, so the female shop assistants are very cold from expression to prestige.

"I'll take a look at the wedding dress." Zhang Zian boasted boldly. Obviously single...

The female clerk forced a smile and asked, "Is your wife not here?"

"Can't I wear it?" Zhang Zian asked back, choking back the female shop assistant's next sentence.

Bypassing the female shop assistant who was astonished like a wooden sculpture from the side, Zhang Zian walked around the wedding photography shop, pretending to be shooting a wedding dress, and had a friendly chat with the photographer, and visited the studio, After searching everywhere, he left, leaving an inscrutable back view of the female shop assistant.

The female clerk watched him walk into the Kangyuan Pharmacy next door, nodded silently, and said, "It's time to take the medicine."

No target was found in the Kangyuan Pharmacy either. Seeing that he had reached the edge of the pet's aperture on the game map, Zhang Zian crossed the road and came to the other side of the street.

Entering the Lenovo store and looking for it, Zhang Zian said that he had just been baptized by Apple, and Lenovo's compulsion was too low.

He has always yearned for the legend of Uniqlo's fitting room, but unfortunately it's a bit early and the fitting room is empty.

"Sir, please take the number and line up." As soon as he entered the door, the security guard of the Bank of China pointed to the number machine and said.

Zhang Zian chooses personal business, and the queue is 085.

The security guard has been staring at him since he came in, because he thinks this person is a little strange. Although there are many people who are obsessed with mobile phones, people who have to watch the road through the camera of their mobile phones are too weird. Or... Maybe this person is actually a robber, who is videotaping the location, planning to plan a shocking robbery

In an instant, all kinds of domestic and imported police and gangster movies he had watched flooded into his mind.

The security guard fell into deep thought: If I guessed right, if he is brought to justice now, will he be interviewed on TV and praised by his superiors? Could it be that a customer just took a picture of my heroic deed and uploaded it to a video site, making me an Internet celebrity overnight, and then embarked on the road of counterattacking rich and handsome and marrying Bai Fumei, becoming the protagonist of the story

When the security guard made up his mind to take action, only to find that the suspicious person had left the bank lobby, he couldn't help but beat his chest, secretly regretting his indecision...

Although Zhang Zian doubted that the pet might be hidden in the vault at the back of the bank, he weighed his head and decided to forget it.

Like the security guard, he also regretted it, because as soon as he stepped into the Longfeng jewelry store, he found his target through his mobile phone: a golden cat was squatting on the counter of the jewelry store.

If he had chosen to come here first from the beginning, how much time and integrity would have been saved!

If Sun Xiaomeng was here, he would definitely point out that his time was worthless at all, and there was no integrity from the beginning!

Just as the phone was pointed at the golden cat, a prompt popped up in the game.

[Game Tips]: Target Confirmation - Lucky Cat.