Pet King

Chapter 27: diamond ring


Elegance and luxury often give people the impression of being lazy and fat. This cat is different. It is slim and fit, and it can even be said to have a strong wild beauty. If it is actually a wild cat, it is also possible. But it is definitely not a wild cat. Those almond-shaped green eyes are like a pair of priceless cat's-eye emeralds, shining with reason and wisdom.

This cat has a small face, big eyes, and a slender and graceful figure with the legendary proportion of nine heads and body. If there are models among cats, it will definitely do its part.

Viewed from the side, the head should be wedge-shaped, with high nasal bones, an inverted triangular rosy nose, a small mouth with a smooth outline, large ears with pointed ears, slightly hanging corners of the eyes, majestic yet charming.

Its limbs are well-proportioned, its toes are strong and powerful, and its light body makes its every move extremely flexible, just like a well-trained ballet dancer.

As far as the length of the hair is concerned, its hair is slightly longer than that of Yingshao, but it should also belong to the short haired cat.

It has various markings and spots on its body. There are lighter wavy stripes on the cheeks and neck, thicker random stripes on the limbs, circular stripes on the tail, and tabby spots all over the body. All markings and spots are dark gold.

Except for the dark golden stripes, spots, and white beard, the rest of its fur is bright gold that can dazzle the eyes of hanging silk, and the gold-style jewelry store of the local tyrant has become its natural protective color.

It was squatting on the glass of the counter, so close to the couple of college students, neither the couple nor the clerk turned a blind eye to it.

There seemed to be some small disputes between the college couples, and the voices gradually became louder. The focus of the dispute seemed to be a diamond ring in the girl's hand.

Zhang Zian stood and listened for a while, and probably heard the reason. The girl wanted this diamond ring, but the boy didn't want to buy it for her. The girl deduced from this that the boy had empathized with her and didn't like her anymore. Otherwise, why didn't he give it to her? purchase

Zhang Zian didn't have any sympathy for this boy, he sneered and thought to himself: Sure enough, show affection and die quickly! The ancients do not deceive me!

Next to the couple was a shopping guide, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, and said, "Would you like to try it on?"

The girl opened her eyes wide in surprise, "Oh? Is it okay?"

A senior smiled and said, "Of course. How do you know if it fits if you don't try it on?"

The boy next to him whispered and quickly dissuaded: "An'an, don't wear it, you have to buy it if you wear it, don't trust them..."

A senior handed over a pair of thin gloves. The girl took the boy's words as deaf ears. She put on the thin gloves first, then put the ring on the middle finger of her left hand, raised her left hand intoxicated, and faced the sun, letting a ray of light shine through the diamond. Reflects colorful textures.

"So beautiful..." She seemed drunk.

Zhang Zian stared at the cat. It seems to have a lot of interest in this diamond ring, and it stares at it without blinking. Whether it is held in the girl's hand or worn on the finger, the eyes are like iron meeting a magnet, and it is locked in place. Firmly attracted, the shadow of the diamond ring is reflected in the emerald green eyes, and occasionally sticks out a small pink tongue to lick his mouth, looking salivating.

Can a high-definition uncensored photo of the front be enough? This cat is quite peaceful, it shouldn't be difficult to take a picture, just find a suitable angle...

"Sorry, sir, we can't take pictures here." Su Min took a step sideways, blocking his camera.

"Why?" Zhang Zian wondered.

"Because the jewelry in our store is full of outstanding masterpieces designed by famous designers, in order to prevent competitors from stealing, please forgive me." Su Min recited the contents of the staff handbook fluently.

Zhang Zian scratched his head, this was a bit difficult. In fact, he and these shopping guides can be regarded as colleagues. Everyone is out to sell, one sells pets, the other sells jewelry. But since he had already found a rare pet, it was obviously not in his style to leave empty-handed.

As the saying goes, a man in haste makes a man wise, a (single) dog jumps over a wall in his haste. Zhang Zian quickly thought of a clever plan.

He went through this strategy silently in his mind, and felt that it was feasible.

"I want to buy something." He said to Su Min.

Su Min didn't believe it, but still asked with a smile, "Which one do you like?"

"That one." Zhang Zian raised his hand and pointed to the diamond ring on the girl's finger.

"Um, please wait a moment." Su Min walked over and looked at the counter.

Seeing her approaching, a certain senior was very unhappy, and gave her a hard look, telling her not to make trouble.

Su Min bowed his head to apologize, and returned to Zhang Zian. He said embarrassingly: "There is only that one diamond ring left, why don't you wait for a while? Wait until these two customers have finished watching."

Zhang Zian didn't want to embarrass these shopping guides, but he was not so polite to couples who showed affection, and he couldn't wait. Who knows when this cat will disappear from here

"You misunderstood, I don't want to 'watch'." He emphasized, "I want to 'buy', buy now!"

He opened the Alipay interface on his mobile phone, "Can I transfer money? If not, I will go to the ATM of the Bank of China next door to withdraw cash."

Su Min opened her mouth half-open in astonishment, is this person here to find fault

She looked back at the foreman in bewilderment. There was nothing in the staff manual about how to deal with this situation.

The foreman is in his forties and has rich experience. The only dogma he believes in is: the customer who pays is God, and the customer who does not pay is garbage, and the garbage should be swept out.

Although she was also a little surprised, she didn't hesitate, and immediately walked to the side of a senior and a college student couple, knocked on the counter glass with her knuckles, and said in a business-like tone: "I'm sorry, this ring has just been bought by that gentleman. I bought it, please take it off."

She gestured to Zhang Zian behind her, then stretched out her palm towards the girl with a straight face.

The girl who was intoxicated by the light of the diamond ring seemed to have suddenly turned from a dream to a nightmare, her face turned pale and her lips kept trembling, while the boy regained his vitality immediately, beating his chest and saying, "Hey, I was just talking about buying it for you, look at this mess, tsk tsk tsk tsk..."

A senior opened her mouth so wide that she could swallow a mouse, but seeing the cooked duck fly away, how could she not be angry? She didn't dare to vent her anger on the customer, so she widened her eyes and glared at Su Min. Su Min lowered her head, not daring to meet her eyes.

The girl's movements were like a slow-motion replay on TV. She slowly took off the diamond ring unwillingly and put it in the palm of the foreman. The foreman said to Su Min, "Pack it for the customer."

The girl stepped on the boy's foot fiercely, and left angrily. The boy was grinning, sucking in the cool air, but his face looked as if he had come out of a desperate situation, and he followed the girl and walked out. When passing by Zhang Zian, he whispered to Zhang Zian: "Man, thank you for your rescue! If we meet again next time, I will treat you to dinner..."

After speaking, the boy also left the jewelry store.