Pet King

Chapter 32: A deal that didn't close


With Liu Wenying's experience in mind, Deng Jie knew that she shouldn't have preconceived notions, so she told the truth about her situation and asked Zhang Zian to help decide which one to buy.

"I want to buy a cat. I saw that your English shorts are good on the forum, and other people also said that they are good-looking, so I prefer Italian English shorts, but I would like to ask the boss for your help. I am not afraid of your jokes, my husband and I I don’t have children, I raise the cat by myself, so I don’t need to consider the influence of the children to relieve boredom. Look at this situation, how about Yingduan?”

Judging by Zhang Zian's appearance, Deng Jie was about in her late thirties. When she mentioned that she had no children, her expression was a little sad, and she must have something to hide.

"I wonder what your budget is?" he asked.

"This... five or six thousand, it's better if it's lower..." Deng Jie said vaguely.

"The British shorts in my shop cost 6,000 yuan. If you plan to buy some cat food and cat litter, the budget may be tight. You can consider other things." He suggested tactfully.

Deng Jie's clothes are relatively simple, and her bag is not a famous brand. Her family background should be quite ordinary. It is precisely because of her ordinary family background that she has to shop around.

"Six thousand?" A line of surprise and flinch flitted across Deng Jie's eyebrows, "Six thousand is too... expensive."

She saw Zhao Qi's English short on the Wanghaige forum, but she didn't know the exact price. From the conversation Liu Wenying had just bought a cat, she knew that the Siamese price was 4,000. She thought the English short was about the same, and it happened to be within the budget. Inside, I didn't expect it to cost six thousand!

It's not that she can't afford 6,000, but she can save as much as she can by adhering to the principle of thrift and housekeeping.

"Boss, to be honest, the price of 6,000 is a bit too expensive." Her tone has switched to a bargaining mode. After all, the cats in this store are really good. If she can successfully bargain, she is still willing to buy here.

She said with righteous indignation: "I read it online before I came here. You can buy two online for 6,000 yuan. Even other pet stores are not so expensive!"

Zhang Zi listened to her quietly, pointed to his shirt and said, "You see, this shirt of mine was also purchased online, and it is more or less a famous brand. The problem is that when I bought it, it was apricot yellow in the picture, and it didn't appear until it was mailed home." It was found to be khaki, and the seller refused to return it on the grounds of the color difference of the display. Well, it’s fine if you don’t give it up. It’s cheap to wear anyway. If you really don’t like it, you can just throw it away. But if it’s an expensive pet, you’re willing to throw it away?"

He continued: "Online shopping is indeed cheap, but through pictures and videos, you can't see the luster of the pet's hair, muscle elasticity and pupil clarity, whether there is a problem with the pet's ear and nose secretions, or whether the pet is healthy. I can’t tell whether the pet’s attitude is family, whether the temper is grumpy, or even the one that was shown to you may not be the one that was mailed to you.”

He pointed to the dejected Samoyed, "A new batch of pets from the farm will be screened by a nearby pet store first, and all the good ones will be selected. Do you think the farm will throw away the rest? No, how could it be willing to throw it away? Of course, it is sold at a low price on the Internet, or it is bought cheaply by some unscrupulous brick-and-mortar stores and sold at a high price. Cheap is cheap for a reason, and expensive is expensive for a reason. For living things, I personally recommend not to buy them online."

It's not that Deng Jie has never shopped online, and of course she has been tricked by online shopping to some extent. She savored Zhang Zian's words carefully, and she was indeed very pertinent. She has also heard that even clothes and footwear are divided into physical stores and online, and the quality is different.

"But I've seen other pet stores. Although they are more expensive than online, they are at least a lot cheaper than yours... Even the Fanxing pet supermarket chain, which is such a big company, is cheaper than yours!" She said stubbornly.

When she mentioned Fanxing Pet Chain, the mysterious man who had been wandering around the pet supplies area stopped and turned his ears to this side.

This is not the first time for Zhang Zian to hear the name of the Fanxing pet chain. He wondered why he had such a small store, why he had to compare it with Fanxing's giant Mac, and the business route was different.

He smiled and said: "How did Fanxing get so cheap? I don't know, and I haven't been there. It stands to reason that the daily operating costs of such a large enterprise should be much higher than mine... Let me give you an example. When buying antiques, you should ask an expert who understands antiques to help you; when you buy a building, you should ask a decoration company or someone in the industry who understands architecture to help you; if you want to buy a pet, of course, you can’t buy it blindly, so as not to regret it. I, It is to help you keep an eye, and help you filter out pets with poor health and bad temper in advance. The money that is more expensive than other stores is the cost of my eye. As for whether these extra costs are worth it, it is up to you Judgment."

He reckoned that this business could not be done because price-sensitive consumers still did not regard pets as a luxury. But even so, he doesn't intend to lower the price, does it really mean that knowledge is worthless? Willing to be contemptuous without medicine!

Deng Jie thought about it, but still couldn't make up her mind.

"Forget it first. I'll think about it when I go back." She didn't say anything dead, she was going to go back and discuss it with her husband.

"It doesn't matter, you can come again at any time, and I'm going to buy a new batch of pets recently, you can see them when you come next time."

It was the first time for Zhang Zian to run a pet shop himself, and he was afraid that his steps would be too big, but as the pets were successfully sold one by one, word of mouth gradually spread, and his confidence became more and more powerful. Next time, he planned to make more money.

After Deng Jie left, Zhang Zian was about to greet the mysterious man, but saw that he also left the store following Deng Jie, but he took a different path.

Zhang Zian scratched his head in confusion, "What is this man here for?"

"Woo..." Samoyed lay on all fours in the display cabinet, sobbing in a low voice, shaking his ears back and forth, as if begging for comfort.

Zhang Zian originally planned to release the Lucky Cat to take a look when no one was around, but seeing Samoyed being so pitiful, he opened the cover of the display cabinet, carried him out, and let him wander around the store. But he has to keep an eye on it, in case it defecates anywhere in the store. If guests step on dog shit as soon as they enter the door, it will be fatal!

It was already past four o'clock in the afternoon, and he estimated that there were no customers, so he planned to close the door early.

Just as he walked to the door, two more people came to meet him. One was about forty years old and the other was about ten years old. They seemed to be father and son.

The boy was wearing a school uniform, he was slightly fat, he looked like a fat tiger, his face was red, and he wiped his tears as he walked, his nose and eyes were red from crying. The face of the father is also quite ugly, and there is a bit of helplessness.

"Are you the boss here?" the man asked.

"That's right." Zhang Zian nodded.