Pet King

Chapter 36: A little gamble


After cleaning, Zhang Zian opened the store door, letting the fresh and cool air flood in, and the sweat slowly subsided.

Pull out the address book and call Sun Xiaomeng.

"Come here, I'll treat you to breakfast," he said.

"Huh?" You can imagine the surprise on the other end of the phone.

"By the way, come by car." After he finished speaking, he hung up before the other party asked.

Lingyu Pet Clinic and Qiyuan Pet Shop are located at the north and south ends of Zhonghua Road, and the straight-line distance is only a few hundred meters. After a while, Sun Xiaomeng's car stopped at the door.

She got out of the car suspiciously, "Is the sun out in the west today? How could you, cheapskate, invite me to breakfast?"

Zhang Zian expressed that he was very hurt, "What's so strange about this? We are all neighbors, of course we need to maintain a good relationship with the neighbors. Treating you to a meal is nothing."

"Don't do this to me! If you have something to say, just tell me, otherwise I won't dare to eat this meal!" Sun Xiaomeng didn't listen to his rhetoric.

Zhang Zian sneered, "Since that's the case... are you going back to your mother's house today?"

"My natal family?" Sun Xiaomeng didn't remember it for a long time, and she was not married, so how could she go back to her natal family!

"Farm." He reminded.

"What are you going to do?"

"Let me borrow your car, of course I will pay for the gas."

"My dad is more stingy than you. The pets sold in his farm will not be returned or exchanged!" she said.

He asked strangely: "Why do you want to refund or exchange?"

"You don't have any customers here, I guess you're about to close the door and find another way out." She was very serious, "If you raise Xinghai to me, I can help you intercede with my father and let you sell the Xinghai to me." Pets that cannot be dropped are returned."

"... So you came up with this idea! But I'm sorry to disappoint you. Except for the little hamster that came with it, all the other pets have been sold. I'm going to buy today." He said.

"Nonsense, right? When I came the day before yesterday, I saw that both Siamese and Samoyeds were still there. Can you sell two in one day?" Sun Xiaomeng looked disbelieving.

Based on the consumption level of most parts of the country, a comprehensive pet store that is willing to advertise can sell about 200 pets a month, and a considerable part of them are cheap pets that are popular for popularity. Hamsters and rabbits that cost tens to hundreds of dollars are also included.

From the very beginning, Sun Xiaomeng thought that Zhang Zian's prices for pets were too high, and he should take the cheap route to spread word of mouth in the early stage of opening the store. Even if the pets you choose are good-looking, if you don't promote them or advertise them, who would know

In fact, every newly opened pet shop loses money, some survive and turn a profit, some quietly close their doors and change careers, and some go to crooked ways—as the daughter of a farm owner, she sees this kind of thing a lot up.

"If you don't believe me, come in and take a look." Zhang Zian didn't bother to explain, and directly invited her in to have a look.

Sun Xiaomeng was dubious, walked into the store and saw that the display cabinets were all empty.

Zhang Zian found the bookkeeping copy of the invoice from the cash register and handed it to her.

She took it and flipped through it, "Samoyed 3000... Siam 4000... Date... all yesterday..."

Zhang Zian raised his eyebrows, "I think I'm about to turn around." He counted on his fingers, "Seven thousand a day, 70,000 in ten days, 200,000 a month..."

Sun Xiaomeng was speechless, and threw the invoice bookkeeping slip back to him, "Come on, look at you, you are so beautiful, you don't even know your last name? It's just luck once in a while, stop bragging! How about it, let's make a call Bet, for seven consecutive days starting tomorrow, if you can sell a pet every day, I will treat you to lunch for a week, and if you can't do it on the other hand... "

Zhang Zian thought she was going to ask her to eat lunch for a week, or give her Xinghai to raise, but what she said was: "If you can't do it, you can clean my pet clinic for a day, I see you here The cleaning is quite clean, and she has a talent for cleaning... How about it, do you dare to bet?"

Like Zhang Zian, Sun Xiaomeng's clinic is also busy with her own work, treating patients and cleaning her shoulders. She is reluctant to ask for cleaning, which is also quite hard.

He thought about it carefully and concluded that this can be done!

If you win, you can earn seven lunches, if you lose, you can sweat a little, and you can make a profit without losing money!

"It's a bet!" he said.

Lock the store door, first go to Yonghe Soymilk to finish breakfast, and then go to the pet home breeding base.

With Sun Xiaomeng here, like last time, instead of going to the reception, they went directly to her father.

From Zhang Zian's point of view, the pet home's business conditions are not very good. He can't say anything specific, but based on what he saw and heard along the way, it is even colder than when he came last time. Many breeding boxes are empty. Yes, the staff are also tense. He, an outsider, can see it, and of course Sun Xiaomeng can also see it, so since she entered the pet house, she has been walking with her head down.

Sun Xiaomeng's willingness to drive him here was not just because of her neighbors, but to do her best for her father's career, even if it was just to sell one more pet...

The situation that bad money drives out good money not only exists in the pet retail market, but also exists at the source... In other words, the cause of the disease starts from the root. The unscrupulous pursuit of profits will ultimately harm the trust of consumers. Trust is something once lost, it never comes back.

However, Zhang Zian was powerless to change all of this, at least not now. Being poor cares themselves, being wealthy cares the world. What he has to do is to keep the pet store in business and not buy from tricky breeding bases. This is the only thing he can do now.

Sun Yinian is feeding the pets one by one, and the operators of the farms are doing the work of ordinary employees.

"Dad! There's a guest, it's him." Sun Xiaomeng pouted at Zhang Zian, "I'll drop him off."

Hearing this, Sun Yinian straightened up, and paused for a while, as if there was something wrong with his waist, and made a soft "click", but before Sun Xiaomeng went to help him, he had already straightened his back, his face was covered with cuts. There are many wrinkles, and there are many white stubbles on the extremely short-shaven hair.

"The last ones are all sold out?" Sun Yinian asked gruffly.

"It's sold out. Besides that hamster, I plan to buy a few more this time." Zhang Zian said.

Sun Yinian didn't talk nonsense, just waved his hand, "Choose it yourself."

First of all, he still chose one Samoyed and one Siamese from last time, and Yingshort chose two because of their unexpected popularity. These three pets have proved their ability to attract customers. Then he picked a American shorthair and a miniature schnauzer. After turning around, he chose another Persian cat. All the cubs were selected from three to five months old.

Reasonably speaking, he is very reluctant to choose a Persian cat, because the cat's hair is too long, it often needs to be combed, and the price is too expensive. He chose it only to make up the seven bets and to further understand the market conditions.