Pet King

Chapter 42: Advanced Beastmastery


Wang Gan was in charge of posting, and Li Kun was in charge of following up the posts and stirring up the atmosphere. In fact, during the peak popularity period of the forum on weekends, the atmosphere is hot without speculation.

Some melon-eating people in the irrigation area who don’t know the truth replied and asked:

"What's the situation? I'm out after I haven't come to the forum for two days? What happened to Qiyuan Pet Shop?"

Enthusiastic people who eat melons responded:

"Go to the pet area and browse the tallest building on the homepage to find out."

In the past few days, the pet area has been occupied by various denunciation posts, not only targeting Fanxing, but also large and small pet shops dotted all over Binhai City. Where can I buy safe pets in the future

In the midst of the uproar, someone also mentioned Qiyuan Pet Store, saying that the store seemed to have no blemishes.

However, some people refuted that the owner of this store seems to have changed. When passing by on Zhonghua Road, the people who came out and went in were all young people, not the middle-aged couple from before. Maybe the store has been transferred and just kept the previous name, so no stain in the past doesn't mean it's clean now.

At this moment, the moderator of the pet area, who had been disappearing all this time, suddenly introduced a mirrored post and highlighted it, which was the post that Wang Gan posted in the irrigation area.

Now, all the melon-eating people in the irrigation area and the pet area poured into Wang Gan's post, and hundreds of floors have been built in the blink of an eye!

Wang Gan has been in the forum for so many years, and this is the first time he has seen such a grand occasion in his post, so he can't help but gear up, ready to make a big news!

Wang Gan: "Come on, take a group photo for me first."

Li Kun: "Wipe! Are you showing your face?"

Wang Gan: "Nonsense! What if it catches fire?"

Wang Gan was standing on the sidewalk, and Li Kun took a few steps back with his mobile phone and took a photo of Wang Gan with Qiyuan Pet Shop as the background.

Wang Qian first posted the photo, along with a line of text: "We have now arrived at the entrance of Qiyuan Pet Store. There is no car parked at the entrance, and it seems that there are no customers for the time being."

The people below replied one after another: "Fuck! Is this the true face of Wanghai Pavilion Water King?"

"The face is too big, it's all blocked, and I can't see anything!"

"Get a video live broadcast, the text live broadcast is not enough!"

“The store is very ordinary...”

Wang Qian hurriedly typed, "I'm sorry everyone, we usually only watch live broadcasts, we are not anchors, and we are not professional. We can't even speak well in front of the camera. Everyone, please work hard to read the text."

Being an anchor is not that simple, otherwise the money will be too easy to earn. It requires both talent and strength, as well as a certain amount of luck. How to create topics, how to amuse the audience, how to chatter without annoying the audience, and how to respond skillfully when the audience makes things difficult are all great knowledge.

Wang Qian and Li Kun don't have much talent in singing and dancing, and they don't have a talent for being funny. They love to play games, but they play garbage and are always abused. They talk eloquently when typing and chatting on forums, but they are nervous when facing girls or teachers in life. , stuttering when speaking, it must be timid to be an anchor.

The exterior of Qiyuan Pet Store is really ordinary. It is a typical two-story building facing the street for commercial and residential purposes. There are blue signboards hanging on the first floor. Sheer curtains.

Wang Gan typed: "Okay, we are going in. All the young and old in the forum, if we don't come out in thirty minutes, please remember to call the police."

"Don't worry, we will call the crematorium, you can go there with peace of mind."

"Leave the bank card number and password first!"

"Your wife, I will support her!"

FK! Wang Gan raised his middle finger to the ID of the latest reply, then winked at Li Kun, and the two entered the pet shop one after the other.

Growing up together, Wang Qian and Li Kun's action patterns have long been fixed. Generally, Wang Qian decides the general direction and takes the lead, and Li Kun follows closely behind to cover the flanks and make suggestions.

This time was no exception, Wang Gan entered the pet shop first, followed by Li Kun, who would have expected that Wang Qian would stop after walking a few steps into the shop, Li Kun was brushing the reply with his head down and didn't pay attention, bumping into it all at once.

"Damn! Why didn't you leave suddenly? Where's the eye contact?" Li Kun's phone was almost knocked off, and he complained from behind. He just bought his mobile phone after working for a summer vacation, and he feels distressed.

Wang Qian seemed to have seen something terrible, he didn't turn around, but said in a trembling voice: "Brother, pinch... pinch me..."

Li Kun has always played the role of the second criminal at critical moments. What kind of medicine did Wang Gan take to steal his business

He didn't pinch Wang Gan, but walked around, wanting to know what Wang Gan saw so frightened him.

After just one glance, he was also dumbfounded.

There is a recliner in the store. A young man who looks like a store manager is sitting on a reclining chair. There is a four-legged folding chair next to the young man. On the chair sits a golden cat. Judging from the size of the cat, it should be just an adult, squinting half-closed. Green eyes like green, a calm demeanor.

On the other side of the store manager, there is a black and white cat, which should be between an adult cat and a kitten in terms of size. At this time, it is staring at the second child who just entered the store with curiosity, fear and vigilance. people.

What shocked Wang Qian and Li Kun the most was that several four- to five-month-old kittens lined up in a neat row, sitting on the ground in the same posture, facing the golden cat, like a guard of honor undergoing inspection.

Not only that, the young store manager raised his left hand, and the kittens also raised their left front paws; the store manager raised his right hand, and the kittens also raised their right hands; the store manager scratched his head, and the kittens followed suit...

"Damn it!" Li Kun patted Wang Gan on the shoulder, "Advanced animal control! This buddy is very successful in cultivating immortals!"

The two of them have cats and dogs at home. After watching some animal movies when they were young, they wanted to train their garden cats and Pekingese to be as good as in the movies on a whim, but of course they failed.

Fortunately, Jingba is not easy to train, but at least some results can be seen after daily training. The garden cat is very troublesome. It comes over during feeding and slips away after eating. If you force it Stay and move its paws when it gets bored. After a few days of failure, Wang Qian and Li Kun felt that they could not train blindly, so they checked the information online.

After checking the information, they realized that training cats has a certain level of attention. Not all cats can be trained, just like not any dog can be a police dog. Otherwise, why are almost all police dogs German blackbacks? Because this dog is highly obedient.

Similarly, only cats with a gentle and stable personality can be trained, such as Persian, Maine Coon, British Shorttail, Fuso Bobtail, Russian Blue, Bombay, etc., and they must be trained from an early age, one-on-one. Even so, the hard work is not directly proportional to the harvest, it is purely thankless, and it is better to spend the same time on training dogs, unless you are running a circus.

Seeing the interaction between the store manager and the kittens, Wang Qian and Li Kun felt that the information they checked before was all nonsense!

Among those kittens, there is a well-known lively and active Siamese, and the training method is still one-to-many.

The most important thing is that the movements of these cats are not just as simple as lying down, lying down, and pretending to be dead. They raise their paws, turn around, scratch their heads...the movements are uniform, comparable to marionettes!

These kittens are only four or five months old, counting from the time they leave the lactation period, how long can they be trained? It completely subverts common sense!

Wang Qian and Li Kun came to a conclusion, either the owner of the shop is a hidden master with high-level animal control skills, or the cats in this shop have become fine...

However, the young man who looked like the store manager did not look like a person who had cultivated the Tao, and his clothes were also very ordinary, without the slightest bit of Taoism.

Li Kun poked Wang Gan with his elbow, "Didn't it mean that animals after the founding of the People's Republic of China are not allowed to become sperm?"

Wang Gan was thoughtful, "Maybe it was made before the founding of the People's Republic of China?"

At the same time that the two of them were shocked to the point of being devoured, the melon-eating crowd on the forum exploded.

"Where did the person go? Why is there no follow-up report?"

"Damn it! Water King and Water Saint are gone forever, what should we do?"

"The two spiritual leaders of the forum and the lord of water elements, I can't sleep without seeing them pouring water all day!"

"Upstairs, you are sick and need to be cured!"

"Maybe they've found a corner to play with, so why worry! Wait patiently!"

"I'm new here, I heard that there are live broadcasts here?"

In terms of shock, no one was more shocked than Zhang Zian, who witnessed the incident. After he took the kittens out of the display cabinet, he immediately walked around to the side near the door to prevent them from escaping, but unexpectedly Surprisingly, they all stayed in place obediently, motionless.

Fina meowed, and the kittens all lined up in a straight row, arranged according to size!

It meowed again, but this time the kittens didn't move.

Fei Na said to Zhang Zian: "Okay, I have passed down a command, and they will imitate your actions now until I tell you to stop. If you still have doubts, you might as well give it a try."

Zhang Zian tried it, he raised his left hand, and the kittens raised their left paws, and when he raised his right hand, the kittens followed suit...

What the hell! It's really evil!

Just as Zhang Zian was amazed, Wang Qian and Li Kun also walked into the store, and happened to witness the scene just now.

Seeing guests, Zhang Zian stood up and asked, "What do you two want to order, or do you want to just take a look?"

He usually doesn't take the initiative to greet customers. He always asks customers to look around in the store first. If the customer has any questions, he will go up and explain, but these two customers are really strange... How should I put it, they don't look like customers. Those four eyes stared straight at Zhang Zian, as if they were going to strip him naked, it made him feel hairy...

Finding fault? Or did I not pay back the money I owed them? No, I don't know them at all, Zhang Zian thought.

Wang Qian and Li Kun shared the same mind, they winked at each other, they stepped forward together, bowed their heads to Zhang Zianna!

"Master! Disciple Wang Gan—"

"Disciple Li Kun—"

"—I beg Master to close the gate wall!"

"Coach—no, Master, we also want to learn advanced animal control!" Li Kun said.

Wang Gan slapped Li Kun on the back of the head, "Shut up! What nonsense are you talking about!"

Are these two sick

What the hell is the advanced animal control technique

Zhang Zian couldn't help but took two steps back, and after a long pause, he said:

"Um... which mental hospital did you two escape from? Do you want me to call a taxi to take you back?"

After thinking for a while, he made another difficult decision: "I will pay the fare."