Pet King

Chapter 56: grilled fish


The tilapia that Wang Gan bought had ice balls, and the head, tail, scales, bones, and viscera had been removed. It was sashimi-grade, and it could be eaten directly. It was exactly what Zhang Zian asked to buy.

The texture of the fish body is clear and delicate, fresh and odorless, and it feels elastic when pressed. This kid is pretty reliable in his work, but his brain is disabled.

Zhang Zian concealed the door of the store, so that if someone pushed the door and entered, the cat bell would jingle.

He carried the tilapia up to the second floor and came to the kitchen. Fina followed closely behind, staring at the shopping bag, as if she was drooling, but when Zhang Zian looked at it, she immediately changed back to a calm and aggressive face. Xinghai also followed, but Xinghai was purely out of curiosity.

After putting the shopping bag on the kitchen counter, Fina jumped up. Its body contains infinite explosive power, but it uses it very carefully, and refuses to waste a single bit.

The kitchen remains the same as before.

Zhang Zian didn't come to the kitchen very often, because he would always see his mother busy in an apron, hear the concerto composed of pots and pans, and smell the smell of oil, sauce and vinegar.

Food is the paramount necessity of the people. In a family, the place with the strongest breath of life is undoubtedly the kitchen.

And now, there is nothing in the kitchen.

Behind the door hung the mother's apron, which had been washed and lost its original color, and only a pattern of a bear could be vaguely seen.

Oh, yes, seeing the crooked stitches, he remembered. This apron was sewed by his teacher during his handicraft class in elementary school, and was later given to his mother as a holiday gift.

Fast forward almost 20 years and my mother still uses it.

Zhang Zian took off the apron and put it on for himself. Feeling that his mother seemed to be beside him, the palm of his hand gently covered the back of his hand.

"Okay, let's cook!" He cheered up.

Only by living happily can the souls of parents in heaven feel at ease.

Grilled fish is a relatively simple dish. Now there are many cooking apps on the Internet, just download any one.

The tilapia was a bit wide, so he sliced it from the middle, and then marinated it with scallions, minced ginger, cooking wine and soy sauce according to the tutorial on the app. No salt was added, and a small amount of soy sauce was used instead.

While waiting for marinating, just wash the rice and steam the rice with a rice cooker.

Fina was very curious about all kinds of condiments, sniffing around, her beard was almost sticking to it.

Zhang Zian suddenly had a prank idea, such as taking out some pepper and letting him smell it... But considering his own safety, he decided not to play it dead.

"Did you put any condiments on the grilled fish you used to eat?" he asked.

Fina shook her head, "Grilled fish is just grilled fish. It's grilled on a stone slab, with palm tree leaves under it, and chopped olives and Persian dates on top."

Damn! Really enjoy it!

But at least I know the general living area of Fina before. There is the sea, fresh tilapia can be eaten, there are olive trees and palm trees, and it is not far from Persia.

The rice cooker started to steam the rice, and he put the marinated tilapia on the grill of the oven, with the grill pan underneath to catch the oil.

When the oven was opened, Xinghai ran out of the kitchen with a "meow" in fright, and stuck his head out in the corridor tremblingly, "Xinghai hates black boxes..."

"It's not a black box. Look, there is a light inside." Zhang Zian turned on the oven, and the built-in light turned on, illuminating the inside of the oven clearly.

Xinghai returned to the kitchen against the wall, but he still didn't dare to approach the oven.

The oven was humming. Fina flicked her tail, leaned forward, and observed cautiously.

"Can't feel the heat," it commented.

"Of course, this thing is much better than rocks." Zhang Zian was proud of modern technology for the first time, and it would be worthwhile to pretend to be aggressive in front of this guy once.

"You didn't do it, why are you so proud!" Fina immediately put on a contemptuous face again.

Depend on! Always hit the nail on the head!

Zhang Zian felt bitter, and still insisted, "How do you know I didn't do it?"

"Do you still look at the scale like an idiot before using it?" It simply turned its head away.

He was hacked out of the sky!

Forget it, I can't compare with cats! Zhang Zian comforted his wounded heart, pretending to observe the situation inside the oven very carefully.

It's the first time to bake something with your own hands, but you must not burn it, or you will lose face in front of this pretending gold worshiping cat.

No matter what is grilled, the mastery of the heat is the most important, especially fish and meat, which have a great impact on the thickness of the slice.

After roasting for a period of time, the fish body began to change color, and the golden fat oozed from the fattest and tender part of the fish, condensed into a shape, and fell into the baking tray below.

Even through the oven, the aroma gradually overflowed, and Zhang Zian's stomach growled.

After stopping the oven, Zhang Zian put on thick gloves and warned Fina, "Don't touch it, it's very hot."

He took out the half-cooked fish, dipped it in the condiment plate and put it in the oven again.

Fina's eyes were fixed on the grilled fish, she kept sticking out her tongue to lick her lips, raising and lowering her front paws, if it wasn't reserved enough, it might have jumped on it.

At this time, it is very critical. I would rather the fire be lower than burn it.

Zhang Zian immediately turned off the oven when he saw the first scorch marks appear on the edge of the fish.

He took out the grilled fish and smelled it. There was no obvious burnt smell, and the heat should be well controlled.

For the plate, it would be even better if there are some coriander, celery, broccoli, lemon, etc. as garnishes and flavors. Unfortunately, he hasn't bought vegetables since he returned to Binhai City.

The rice is also steamed, and when the lid of the rice cooker is opened, hot white air rises into the sky.

Serve yourself a bowl, and when you look back, Nima has already buried her head in the grilled fish! What about reserved and aristocratic temperament

However, as soon as Fina licked the grilled fish, she shrank back from the heat.

A cat's tongue is extremely sensitive to temperature, so "cat's tongue" is often used in Japanese to describe people who are afraid of being hot.

"I'll cut it open for you and let it dry before eating!" He reminded too late, only getting Fina's resentful glance.

He cut Fina's grilled fish into pieces the size of a pinky fingernail to speed up the cooling and fit it into its mouth.

After putting two pieces of grilled fish and one piece of rice on the dining table, Fina jumped directly from the kitchen counter to the dining table.

Xinghai ran around in the rooms on the second floor, probably for a while to practice hide-and-seek. In fact, even if it didn't practice, it could still beat Zhang Zian.

"The temperature is almost up, please."

He picked up his chopsticks and said.