Pet King

Chapter 57: People are not as good as cats


Before Zhang Zian finished speaking, Fei Na had already started eating with a grunt.

There are no side dishes, and cats don't eat rice, so it's a bit shabby.

He thought about it, and there were still some eggs in the refrigerator, so he made two more egg custards, chopped one of them up while it was still hot, and placed it next to Fina.

"Don't always eat fish, there are also eggs." He said, but Fina turned a deaf ear to it, and still only cared about eating fish.

What am I talking about with cats! He smiled helplessly, then went to the refrigerator to get a small piece of natural butter, used a spoon to push aside Fina's egg custard, dug a small hole in the center, put it in, and then covered it with the egg custard.

After a while, the butter was melted by the hot egg custard, and the aroma overflowed.

Fina raised her head from the grilled fish plate, stared suspiciously at the plate of egg custard, and sniffed from time to time.

"What did you do?" it asked.

Zhang Zian smiled mysteriously, "Magic."

Fina wanted to show him a contemptuous expression, but her natural curiosity overwhelmed everything. She tried a bite of the buttered egg custard, which seemed to suit her appetite. After dropping the fish, she began to snort and eat the egg custard again. .

"Let me put it together for you." Zhang Zian asked for its consent first. He didn't want to be pawed by it. You must know that many cats are very protective of their food. Seeing that it had no objection, he poured the grilled fish pieces into the egg custard.

Fina ate so happily that she didn't even bother to raise her head. Zhang Zian also started to eat his portion of the meal.

Because the fish was marinated for a short time, he felt it was a bit bland, but it probably just fit Fina's taste.

If people eat something salty and bland, cats will find it salty; if people eat something bland, cats will eat it just right.

Cats have a greater demand for fat than humans, so butter, a food that is almost pure fat, is very attractive to them, and it is the only way to deal with partial eclipse cats. But the premise is natural butter, the kind made of cream, not margarine, which is vegetable hydrogenated oil, which is harmful to humans, let alone cats. Even if it is natural butter, you can't eat too much, or you will have diarrhea.

No matter how domineering, cool and handsome Fei Na is, she is still a cat after all.

Since the death of his parents, this is the first time he has returned to the dining table to eat, usually in small restaurants or takeaways. He knew it wasn't good, but was never motivated to try to cook for himself.

Thank you Xinghai, you cheer me up.

Thank you Fina, you put my life back on track.

After lunch, Fei Na wiped her mouth and beard and ran to Zhang Zian's bedroom, jumped on the window sill to bask in the sun to digest her food, and soon fell asleep, Zhang Zian didn't expect it to help wash the dishes anyway.

After clearing away the tableware, he played a few rounds of hide-and-seek with Xinghai, and of course the result was a complete defeat.

One or two customers came here, but they didn't have any desire to buy. They just looked around and left. Zhang Zian rested on the recliner, took a nap for a while, woke up to drink some water, went to the bathroom, played with his mobile phone, and took a nap again. Apart from calling the courier to pick up the package, he didn't do anything meaningful.

Stealing Fusheng for half a day, the afternoon passed quickly.

This is how life should be. It is certainly envied by everyone to be rich in the world. Picking chrysanthemums and seeing Nanshan leisurely under the eastern fence is also a way of life. Who can say that the former must be better than the latter

When it was dark, Zhang Zian guessed that there would be no customers, so he locked the door of the shop early.

Dinner was still fish, and there was nothing else to eat.

While Zhang Zian was cooking, he turned on the TV to watch the local news.

Fina, who had slept all afternoon, keenly caught the stranger's voice, opened her eyes as soon as her ears moved, and two green gemstones lit up in the dimly lit bedroom.

Opening the bedroom door, it followed the sound to the kitchen, and immediately focused on the 24-inch small LCD TV.

There is a big TV in the living room. This small TV was installed so that my mother would not be bored while cooking. In the kitchen, the TV screen is too big to get in the way.

Like many young people, Zhang Zian rarely watches TV.

"How did that guy get in?" Fina stared at the announcer of the local evening news on TV.

It circled around the thin TV a few times, and fiddled with it with its cat's paw. Fortunately, the TV was fixed on the wall, otherwise it might knock it over.

"This is a TV, and it's also a product of modern technology—of course I didn't make it. It can transmit distant images to every household in real time. The person you see is actually on a TV station several kilometers away. A television station is an institution that produces television programs."

Fina hummed a few times, wondering if it understood.

The announcer said: "The next piece of news. This is a video that was circulated on the Internet today. Someone tried to steal a kitten in a local pet store, but was caught by the 'cat' instead. It happened that someone was in the pet store. Live broadcast, enthusiastic netizens recorded the video and put it on the Internet, viewers please watch—"

The screen switched to a video uploaded by a netizen. Since it was compressed when uploaded to a video website, the picture quality is not particularly clear, but it is enough to see the process and some details of the incident clearly.

The TV station also included wonderful replies from some netizens on Weibo in the video screen.

"Awesome ord cat!"

"Pretty and capable, please give me the address of the pet store, please give me a dozen of these cats!"

"It's said that a dog looks after the house, but I think this cat can do better than a dog!"

"My cat must be a fake cat..."

Zhang Zian was very depressed to find that the focus of the video was entirely on Fina, and his calm posture on the recliner was simply cut out.

The screen switched back to the live broadcast room of the TV station, and the announcer smiled all over his face: "When I saw this video, my colleagues were also amazed. Maybe this is the legendary 'other people's cat'."

The announcer quickly lowered his head and changed the manuscript, and continued: "About the cat-stealing suspect in the video, enthusiastic netizens have identified him as the owner of a local auto repair shop. It is reported that this person owes The debt of hundreds of thousands of yuan has been maintained by borrowing money from the east wall to pay the west wall. At present, many creditors have blocked the door of the auto repair city. After the video was exposed, this person disappeared. It is rumored that he has abandoned his home and run away. .”

"A straw can crush a camel, and a cat can crush a boss. If this hadn't happened, maybe the boss' true colors would have been revealed for a long time, and he would borrow more loans and cheat More people’s money. Some creditors saw this video and reported it to the police. The police have already intervened. I believe this person will be arrested and brought to justice in the near future.”

"Next news—"

Zhang Zian silently turned off the TV.

Fina's pretentious face is even more arrogant, and she has evolved to the point where she can act pretentious without speaking!

In this world, people are not as good as cats!